Saturday, June 25, 2011

Picture Randomness

I was taking some random pictures of the girls the other day, and some of them turned out pretty funny. Just wanted to share a day in the lives of Addison and Zoey............

Both of them really into a game on Mommy's Ipad----I think Addison knows how to use the thing better than I do.

And lets not forget about Cooper--our loyal dog. This is Cooper in his "everyday" spot.

I love my little family!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Gotta See the Humor In It.....

I thought this was pretty funny and pretty good of Target. See the humor in it and enjoy!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Star Child


This past Sunday, Addison was chosen in Primary to be the "Star Child". She was very proud of her title. She has worn her "special star" necklace every single day since receiving it. Its kind of cute really....she is so proud of it, as are we!

Sunday, June 19, 2011


While being in Charlotte, we had an extra day to just hang out before heading back home to with that extra day, Us, the Russians, my dad, and my sister Heather with her little boy, Will all headed to Carowinds. Carowinds is the local theme park there that sits right on the South Carolina/North Carolina border. Its a pretty awesome theme park with awesome rides and a pretty decent waterpark. The pictures will tell how our day went.....

These arent the best pictures b/c 1) I took them with my cell phone and 2) our camera totally sucks which is why I didnt even bother bringing it on this trip, the thing has issues..anyways, here is how our day went...............

Most of the gang pictured on the South Carolina/North Carolina State Line inside the park

Addison not to sure about one of the Peanuts Characters

Addison on the Swings...probably her favorite ride of the day...she was so cute, she kept waving to everyone as the ride kept going around

One thing I LOVE about Carowinds, is that a lot of the kids rides were made so that adults could go on the ride as well....this particular ride Nicholas happily volunteered to go with Addison on it... both Nic and Addie are pictured in the back with both of them putting their hands in the air. According to Nic "you arent cool unless you keep your hands up the whole time"...oh Nic, we love you.

Mommy and Addison on one of the rides....

Zoey was worn out!

Another cute little ride that Addison enjoyed going on, the boats.

It was probably the most obnoxious ride of them all, since the boats come equipped with bells and all the kids would be ringing them NON STOP! I would hate to be the worker for that ride.

Addison and Daddy driving the cars.....look out b/c here they come!!

To end our day at Carowinds, we decided to end it at the Waterpark. Both Addison and Zoey were in Water Heaven!! Both my girls LOVE being in the water....

We had a BLAST going....Thanks to Nucor and my dad, we had a pretty awesome day!

FINALY an Update!!

Yes yes, believe it! I am FINALLY updating the blog. I have been so slack lately, but with good reason. We have been BUSY BUSY BUSY! Between a trip home to Charlotte to the parents and Mike and I going up to New York, we have not had too much time to spare.

So New York, you are probably wondering why Mike an I traveled on up to New York.....Mike graduates from the Nursing Anesthia Program on July 30th (YAY!). So right now we are in the "trying to find a job" period. There have been quite a few possibilities of work in the Upstate New York area, so that is where we are looking. We have really been captured by Upstate New York by its beauty, friendliness, money, schools, and overall Good Living. Mike has had 2 interviews in Upstate New York---one being in Rochester, New York and one in Watertown, New York. I can happily say that we have accepted a job, but I am not officially announcing the job yet until papers are SIGNED. Some of you already know, other dont. So for those of you who dont, you are just gonna have to wait.

Moving on! So this Watertown, NY job paid Mike and I's way up to New York this past weekend, so we drove to Charlotte, dropped our girls off at my parents and heading to the Upstate. We were able to spend the whole weekend up there and really got to enjoy ourselves with no kids, and a PAID getaway. We drove all around Watertown, and decided to head on up into Canada b/c we could! We got to see the 1000 Islands area which is an absolute gorgeous area! We traveled into Ontario, Canada where we went
to a town called Kingston, which really is a fun little town. We thoroughly enjoyed it. One of the days we traveled down to Palmyra, New York to visit the Smith Farm and the Sacred Grove (a BIG part of our church history for some of you who might be wondering). It was awesome to see and such a neat experience to walk through the Sacred Grove where Joseph Smith had the First Vision.

So that about sums up our weekend in New York. We are excited to FINALLY be done with school and move on with our lives. We are so excited to see what the next few months has to bring for us! Bring on graduation, the move, and our new life!!!