Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Again, I Hate West Tennessee

High Risk Wednesday forecast

And just so you know--where we live is sitting in the WHITE PART....yep. Prayers will most definitely be accepted. This storm has me very nervous seeing what has been happening with this storm system in other states. It sucks. Looks like another Family Party in the bath tub tonight, accompanied by Tornado Sirens. Bring It On!!

PS: that means HIGH RISK of Severe Weather and Tornados

Monday, May 23, 2011

Addison's Dance Recital 2011


Addison has been taking dance for the past 8 1/2 months. She has been taking a combination class of Tap and Ballet and she absolutely LOVES it. Yesterday was her recital and I think I was more excited for it than she was!! Addison did awesome and we are so proud of her! I think she was the cutest one up there----no really, she was!!! Anyways, here are some pictures and a video of her dance of her Big Day!!

Watching the other dances during the Dress Rehearsal (which was the day before)

Addison and all her dance friends waiting to go on stage----apologies for the bad picture quality, my camera really does suck. (Addie is on the far right)

The finale

After the show....she was so excited to get her flowers....we had to take a picture on the Big Stage

Isnt she Oh-So-Adorable!!!??!!!

Walking with her roses

I just cant get over how cute she is in her little dance costume!!!

I tried uploading the video of her dance...but its being retarded and taking I will have to get it uploaded another day...but for now, you will have to make do without it and just enjoy the pictures......

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Here She Comes...

This little turkey is officially WALKING NOW!! She has been walking since last week really. I am just a little late getting it posted. She has been walking everywhere and getting into most things. This was a very happy day for mommy, b/c I was more than ready for her to start walking. She beat her sister out (age wise) by walking a little bit sooner. Good Job, Zoey, another milestone to check off.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Strawberry Festival


Every year in Humboldt, Tennessee (about 15 minutes from where we live).....they have the West Tennessee Strawberry Festival. Humboldt is a tiny town, so for how big this festival is---its quite impressive. That Friday we were able to head on up to Humboldt and watch their parade. There was a group of us here that all went up together. It was a perfect day with perfect weather. The kids had a good time, as did the parents.....except for the fact that the "candy throwing" was a little disappointing....of course that seems to be the case these days. Anyways, this will be our last year of going since we will be moving out of state before next year rolls around, so we were glad that we were able to go.

I didnt get many pictures, b/c there are so many pictures you can take of floats before it gets too boring, and I didnt want to bore any of yall. (you can thank me later).

Waiting for the parade to start...

All the kids in the group

The start of the parade with the giant Strawberry leading it...

Addison showing off her sunglasses

In this parade, there was probably over 20 different Royalty Type Princess from all over Tennessee....Addie was in heaven with all the princesses!! She thought they were so neat...everyone that came by, she would yell out "Its Snow White! It's Sleeping Beauty! It's Cinderella! And of course the one or two African American Princesses were Princess Tianna!" It was pretty funny and adorable at the same time. Addison has yet to forget seeing the princesses in the parade. (as you can see in the picture, Addison is waving back at the princess)

The kids seemed to really enjoy the marching bands

Zoey looking all excited with her Free Fly Swatter she got from the parade

And of course it wouldnt be a parade without the historic John Deere Tractors....

Thanks Strawberry Festival...we had fun!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Last Day of Preschool

So yesterday was Addison's last day of preschool (sad day). I dont know who is more sad, Addison or Mommy??? I am gonna say, Mommy!! Addison has LOVED going to preschool and wishes she could go everyday. She has learned so much and has come a long ways with her speech, listening skills, and taking direction. And I really do believe preschool has been a BIG factor with all 3 of those things.

Yesterday, her preschool put on their "end of the year" program and it was adorable! Addison did awesome...she sang and danced along with every song they did. I was one proud Mom. I didnt get too many pictures with my camera since I was video taping the thing...and it was just ME vs 2 cameras vs Zoey. Unfortunately, Mike was unable to come due to Clinical (flippin' schooling RUNS our lives!!--its annoying) Can you tell I am little bitter towards school??? Yep, I am. Anyways, sorry for the lack of pictures, I would try to figure out how to load the video on here, but that requires too much effort of me right now, so you will just have to go by the few pictures that I have. Enjoy! Congrats, Addie! We are proud of you!!

Its kind of blurry, but Addison is on the far left

Addison with her Preschool Certificate

Addison with her friend, Lydia.

Addison pictured with all her teachers who were so patient with her this year.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Turok Clan

The week of Easter, Mike's brother Kim, and our nephew Jordan, drove up from Charleston to stay with Mike's grand-dad who lives in Paducah, KY for a few we drove the 2 hours to Paducah to see them. We were able to stay for a few hours. We got to hang out at grand-dad's house and eat dinner before heading back home to Jackson. We had a good time, as we always do with the Turok's. It was good to see Mike's brother, Kim; Jordan, Grand-dad and Grandma Mary. Hopefully it wont be too long before we see them again.

Addison was loving up on her cousin Jordan

Grand-dad with the Turok grandkids....not sure what Addie and Jordan were doing.

Grand-dad and Zoey

Kim, Grand-dad, Mike

Zoey with her Uncle Kim

The Turok Men
Jordan, Kim, Grand-dad, Mike

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Belated Easter Post

So I know Easter was like 2 weeks ago....but with all the Birthday Celebrations going priority was to get those posts up first. And now I am finally getting to my Easter Post. Our Easter morning started out good with the girls waking up to find what the Easter Bunny had left them. After seeing what was in our baskets and shoving a few candies down our throats for breakfast, we got dressed and headed for church......I wish I could say that church on this very special day was GREAT--but it wasnt. Besides attending church to celebrate the resurrection of our Savior, our girls were having a rough day. I guess thats what we get for letting them eat sugar for breakfast. We ended up in the hallway during the first hour of church. Finally, the second hour came around and it was time for Addison to head to Sunbeams (thank goodness!!) Well that lasted all but 30 minutes when the Primary President was bringing Addison back to us b/c she was being so naughty. I then tried to force Addison to come to Relief Society with me as punishment, but that just made matters worse. She was so naughty that Mike and I ended up hauling both Addison and Zoey home because Zoey wasnt having it at church either. Lets just say that it wasnt our best Easter Sunday. After we got them home, I luckily got the both of them to take naps and I was able to read some Easter thoughts on and people's facebook statuses on Easter to lift my spirit a little bit since I didnt get much out of church which was unfortunate on such a special Sunday. OH well, we will shoot for a better Easter next year. Here are some pictures of our morning---sadly I didnt even get pictures of them in their Easter dresses b/c they were so of these days I will get them in their adorable dresses, even though it wont officially be Easter Sunday.

What the Easter bunny left----except the adorable dresses were from Nana Sally

Zoey and showing her excitement

Zoey checking out her Easter Bucket

Addison happily chewing her candy

After the girl's naps, and after they got to be a bit happier, we got to dye Easter Eggs. It was much more fun this year with Addison since she was able to pretty much do it on her own. She thought it was the coolest thing which made it so much fun to watch and do it with her.

Mike and Addie hard at work dying their eggs

Hope everyone had a good Easter!!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Post Dedicated To The Birthday Boy!!

Yesterday was my dear Michael's Birthday. Sorry I am a day late, hon. Luckily Mike was able to have the day OFF since he was going in between Clinical Rotations. It was a very laid back day for all of us, which is what he wanted...ending with dinner at Olive Garden (we had a giftcard!) Anyways, Happy Birthday, baby!! Here's to another year older!!

Things About My Dear Michael....

-He NEVER loses anything, the man is SO good about putting things away that he always knows where things are
-He works hard...with this vigorous schooling he is going through right now, the man is no where NEAR lazy. He is the first person in his family to get a college degree---and he is onto Degree #3
-He is very protective of his girls and his time with us
-He isnt afraid to tell the absolute truth, he will tell you how it is and isnt afraid to do so
-He usually takes my side on things--except if the fight is between him and I, but usually I am always right :)
-He is GREAT dad to his 2 girls....he loves them to death and they have him wrapped around their little fingers
-He is very supportive of anything I (the wife) wants to do
-He very rarely whines about things---if he is asked to do something, he just does it
-The man can cook!!! (and we all know thats Hot!) He can make some mean pizza and knows how to use the Smoker
-With all the estrogen floating around our house, and having grown up with only 1 older brother, he handles all of his girls VERY well and is very patient with us (most of the time)

I love you, baby! Happy (belated) Birthday!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Birthday Festivities...

Zoey had quite the busy day on her Birthday---she woke up to her Mom and Dad's beautiful singing voices singing "Happy Birthday" to her. She got to start off the morning by opening her gifts. The first thing she got was a Happy Birthday Balloon from Addison....I dont know who was more excited about it being Zoey's Birthday--- Addison or Zoey?? Anyways, Zoey was very fascinated with the balloon:

Here are her gifts before they got opened (by Addison):

We first gave Zoey her presents but she just sat and stared at them not knowing what to Addison took over with the gift opening to help her little sister out:

Pretty much all her gifts consisted of Lights and Music---cant go wrong with that for a 1 year old!!

That afternoon we had our friends, the Begnaud's, over for some homemade pizza and of course the fabulous cake I made! I hate to brag, but the cake I made for Zoey turned out AWESOME!! I was quite proud of my work. YES, I did use a Mickey Mouse Pan, but I transformed Mickey into Minnie Mouse all on my own, made all the frosting colors myself, and piped the entire thing! Lets just say that I really do have a whole new respect for cake decorators. I was very proud of the way my Minnie Mouse cake turned out and learned that I apparently have a new talent and maybe a future hobby??!! I dont know, but here is proof of my awesome work:

And I saved the BEST pictures for last---the eating of the cake!! Doesnt that black frosting look delicious!!! MmmmMMmm it really was good and NO, it did not stain our teeth or anything else, thank goodness!!

As you can tell, she really enjoyed eating her cake...Glad you had a good Birthday, Zoey!! We love you!! Until next year!!.....