Thursday, March 31, 2011

11 Months! YIKES!!

11 Months!! I just wanna cry knowing that she will be ONE in a month. I have no other words for this moment except that Zoey has reached 11 Months!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Playing Outside

With the gorgeous weather we've gotten the past couple of days, we have been able to take advantage of it by playing outside in the backyard. Zoey is finally getting big enough to start going down the slide that we have by herself. She LOVES it! And of course she got the help of her Big Sister a few times. We live to be outside in weather like this. The girls are getting to be so much more fun since they are now starting to interact with one another. I love it!! I have said this before, and I will say it again, I seriously have the cutest girls! They are so full of life and for the most part, HAPPY all the time!!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Our Lil Shopper....

How cute is she??? I mean really....I am not even being Biased...nobody can deny how adorable this little girl is. Zebra Sunglasses and all!! She is quite the little shopper, she is learning early which means trouble for Mom and Dad later in life. We love our Addie!! And a stylin' she is!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011 update

I know, I know...I have been a huge slacker when it comes to blogging. But to tell you the truth, my time has just gotten the best of me, and we really havent had anything too exciting to blog about. And I still dont have anything real exciting to blog about, except the fact that the weather here in Tennessee and turned to an AMAZING above 70 degree weather....

A little update on us....(again, nothing too exciting)

Mike: Finished out his Clinical Rotation at St. Jude's in Memphis, and is currently doing a 2 month rotation at Baptist Hospital, also in Memphis. So far, he is surviving the 150 mile ROUND TRIP drive there, and so far we are surviving the ridiculous Gas Prices (not for too much longer, though...they are KILLING our budget). Lucky for us, Mike will be back doing his LAST Clincial Rotation EVER here in Jackson...which will really be a big money saver on the gas money since the hospital is all but 10 minutes away. We officially have 4 1/2 months left of school and are SO READY to be done. Mike is in the process of getting some interviews lined up for possible jobs..we will let you know where those are later.

Lynsee: staying busy raising 2 adorable girls, fulfilling a very needy church calling, and trying to make it to the end of Mike's schooling. If you dont already know, she is more than ready to move on...although she wont miss the town of Jackson, she will definitely miss the people here. Her biggest challenge right now is trying to keep a house clean from 2 terrors living here...make that 3 (lets include the dog here and all his stupid-nasty dog hair shedding that is going on from the weather turning warm)

Addison: LOVES going to Preschool and Dance. She is constantly dancing around the house and refuses to wear any other shoes except for her Ballet Shoes. Her speech is coming right along and is actually speaking full sentences now (YAY!!!) She is addicted again, to her ballet shoes, and Netflix, constantly watching Wonder Pets, Barney, and Angelina Ballerina. She is still attached to her Purple Blankie that she has had forever. She is a good helper around the house...she loves helping mom with the laundry, dusting, and unloading the dishwasher. She is a great Big Sister, always wanting to help change Zoey's diapers (I wonder how long that'll last) and giving her, her bottles. She definitely has a 3 year old's attitude, but continues to make us laugh everyday....she will always be our "cajun on the chicken" in this family.

Zoey: Officially is crawling, and has already tried to take some steps. She is eager to walk but cant quite get her balance down. She is almost 11 months!! YIKES!! She is always wanting to be in on the action and does not like to be left alone. She loves her big sister and is always following her around everywhere. She continues to be the Happiest of babies. Always smiling and laughing....this little gal lights up the room wherever she goes. For the most part, is FINALLY sleeping the whole night through. She is not liking sippy cups and is having a rough transition over from bottles to her sippy cups. We love our Zoey!

And that about sums up our lives and whats going with us.... We are hoping to travel down to Texas to visit my sister Emily and her family in April...welp, until next time!!

Our Happy Girl

My Personal Chef

When Mike gets the time, he enjoys cooking...and some mighty fine cooking he does. It has been awhile since Mike has been able to use his Smoker, so about a week ago, we decided to put it to some good use and smoke some chicken. It was awesome in fact that it was definitely Blog Worthy. Here some pictures to help your mouth salivate a little...or a lot...

My handsome Chef....thanks for the awesome chicken, babe!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

10 Months for Zoey

Since February doesnt have a "30th" day in it, I am now declaring that Zoey has reached 10 months. Whoooo-Wheeeee time sure does fly! She continues to be the Happiest of babies. She is VERY laid back which is total OPPOSITE from her older Sister. Our little Chunk-A-Roo weighs 20 lbs and is 28 inches is length. She can officially crawl now, and has already tried to take her first step. It wont be long before she is walking. She goes on streaks with her sleeping habits from sleeping the whole night through, to waking up once at night---which I wont complain since, at most, is only waking up ONCE. She is having a hard time transitioning from her bottles to sippy cups....she loves her bottles, but luckily we will not have the pacifier fight.

Some of her favorite things to do is getting into Mommy's Magazine Basket and ripping them up, taking baths with Sissy. She LOVES bath time and cries if she sees Addison in the tub and she is not in there with her. She is happiest when she is eating and being a part of anything that is going on. She is a healthy, happy baby and we continue to love her more and more everyday!