Saturday, October 30, 2010

6 Months and Counting

Today marks 6 MONTHS for Zoey. 6 MONTHS OLD!!!??!!!! Seriously, the whole 2nd child thing goes by WAY too fast. Much faster than the first. Oh well, here is our little beauty in all her 6 Month Glory:

She is in her Halloween Costume b/c our town declared tonight as Trick-O-Treating Night. We Love You, Zoey!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pumpkin Time

Like everyone else, we too, got us some pumpkins and carved them. I thought they turned out pretty good, although mine is an unfinished product. We did them outside so we didnt have to clean up the mess in our house. But it started to get dark on us so we headed inside. I still need to finish, but most of it got done. Addison really didnt show a whole lot of interest in it...she looked at the pumpkin guts inside and said "ewwwwwwwww SICK!" (something she can actually say). She helped Mike for a little bit and then proceeded to her sandbox to play. Zoey as always, just laid back and watched. It was another nice evening outside to carve pumpkins. Afterwards, we brought them inside and lit them up, we thought they look pretty cool.

Mike cleaning out the guts

Trying to draw my design

The girls with one of the pumpkins finished

Lit up inside....mine is on the Left, NOT finished, the one eye is supposed to be a pirate patch and still need to carve out the string of it....Mike's is on the Right

the (almost) finished pumpkins....pretty good, eh??

Friday Night Fire

This past Friday night, we decided to light up the ole' Fire Pit and have a family cookout. We just made some hot dogs with Chili and enjoyed some of the awesome weather we have been having here in Tennessee. Nothing beats a Hot Dog roasted over the fire, they are the BEST! This was Addison and Zoey's first time roasting over a fire. It was a fun filled evening for the Turok Family. Hopefully we can have many more nights like this now that the weather is cooperating.

Monday, October 18, 2010

A Nashville Kind of Weekend...

This past weekend, Mike had to attend the TANA Conference just outside of Nashville. (TANA = Tennessee Association of Nurse Anesthetists). Every year they put on this huge conference, we also got to go last year. Myself and the girls get the pleasure of tagging along with Mike, which I am most happy about b/c all I get to do is SHOP, SHOP, and more SHOP!

We got back late last night and I wish I could go back for more. The weekend definitely was not long enough, but I wont complain b/c we did get a weekend out of Jackson. The hotel was nice...I am sold on those new Embassy Suites by Hilton. Excellent accommodations and even a MORE excellent FREE breakfast. Really, it was that awesome! I think Addison enjoyed the pool and the "elebators" (elevators) the most. We had an awesome time and wish we could've stayed longer.

Addison went down with Mike to get the bell boy cart...when they got back, this is what I caught her doing...

Being a surfer girl...

She found it fun to swing on the different bars

her favorite thing...the "elebators"

Zoey chillin' out on the bed.

Addie was laying on the couch reading the TV guide book

Addison ready for bed.

Addison other favorite thing -- the swimming pool

The views from the Hotel Room

After checking out of the hotel on Sunday...I asked Mike to drive me through Vanderbilt University's campus. Mike is doing Clinical at Vanderbilt, and since we were right there, I wanted to see the campus and to say that I have been there. As expected, it was a very nice campus and a HUGE hospital. It reminded me a lot like MUSC (Medical University of South Carolina) where Mike and I used to work.

After driving around campus, we found this HUGE park near Vanderbilt. It had this big ole' train that the kids could climb on and a huge pond full of ducks and geese. So we decided to stop and let Addison climb the train and feed the ducks. Luckily we had some crackers in the car to feed them with.

You can see how big this locomotive was, Mike literally had to hoist Addison up onto it.

Mike posing with can tell Zoey was so interested...

Addie hanging off the front of the train, Zoey looking thrilled to be there.

The Girls

Duck feeding time

Thats part of Vanderbilt behind there.

The park was awesome and gorgeous! I hope we can find somewhere to live with a park like that. Thanks Nashville for an awesome time, now hurry up and open my Opry Mills Mall so I can come back and visit soon!

A Pumpkin Playgroup

Here in Jackson, the University of Tennessee has this huge Agriculture Farm. Every October they put on this huge pumpkin display that you can go and see. So for Playgroup we decided to check the display out. I thought they did an AWESOME job on the display this year. The kids had a blast running around and through the display. I only got a total of TWO pictures b/c my camera was totally dead. But hey, at least I got 2 for how dead the camera was.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Saturday, October 9, 2010

KidsFest 2010

So Jackson had a big ole' KidsFest today at the Fairgrounds. With Mike being oncall this weekend at Vanderbilt, me and the girls thought we would check it out. It was actually pretty fun and cheap. Addison had a blast and we got a lot FREE stuff. Cant beat that!!

They had some characters going around taking pictures with the kiddos. Clifford the Big Red Dog, Scooby Doo, Dora the Explorer and some of the Disney Princesses...Addison was SO EXCITED when she saw the different princess...

I thought Snow White did a marvelous job on her attire...cute make-up and hair...she went all out and it paid off (I thought)

Next is Belle...she could have done a little more to play her part..but at least she had the long brown hair like Belle does.

And finally...
Cinderella...I was quite annoyed with her really. I mean COME ON, first of all, you are wearing Glasses....really?? Glasses?? You couldnt for ONE day put your contacts in for the kiddos?? And second of all, I am sure you have seen the Movie before, and everybody knows that Cinderella wears her hair UP....she obviously didnt do her homework on Cinderella...oh well, Addison still thought she was neat, so she got away with it, but I am sure there were some other little girls out there who had to be a little disapointed.

Dora and Boots...she, by far had the best costume as you can tell.

Next came the petting zoo. Addison was having so much fun here. They were all in this cage together and we were able to go into the cage with all different animals scattering around you. Addie was having a blast! She showed no fear, she was going over and trying to pick the chickens up, petting the goats, llamas, and chasing the ducks around. It was great that they actually let you go into the cage to pet them, and not pet them through a fence.

This was Zoey at the KidsFest, thankfully she was a such a good baby the whole time...considering it was ONE of me, against TWO of them.

The last part was the BEST of all. I wish yall were there to share this moment with us, especially Mike. I have never seen Addison's face light up so bright before. They had pony rides...Addison probably went on it 3 - 4 times. She was having the TIME of her LIFE!! Addie has always had this fascination with this made her year I think....

I told her to say "yee-haw" and this is what she did while saying it.

This made me want to buy her, her very own pony.........not really. Okay, for a moment I did, but it will NEVER happen b/c there is NO way I am putting in the time, money, and effort of taking care of a horse...sorry sweetie, we will just have to stick with petting zoos and farms to ride "horseys". It made my day to see this little girl's face light up the way it did, though. We are glad we was worth that 5 bucks admission to get into. Thanks Jackson's KidFest, we had fun!