Saturday, December 26, 2009

And the Verdict Is.....

Yep, Baby Girl Turok will be making her debut in early May 2010. I cant say how we really felt at the moment the ultrasound tech told us it was another girl. We had a lot of mixed emotions. We were really hoping for a Boy, but I must say, I am pretty excited for Addison to have a little sister. There was no dissapointment, but "hope" that it was a boy. But we are more than thrilled to be adding some more estrogen to the family...not to mention that having another girl is a HUGE blessing to us, b/c it will lift a huge financial burden off of us, since we have most everything we need for a little girl. We cant wait to meet her and now all we need to do is find a name for the little Miss.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Whats Been Going On...

So I thought i would give an update, though I really dont have any pictures to post which means this will be a boring post (Sorry). I noticed its been over a week since I last posted and I really do try to update at least once a week...

Lately the same ole' same ole' has been going on. Mike has this week and next week of Clinicals and then he is DONE for the year! Literally....the YEAR! His last Clinical in Memphis is next Friday and then he gets about 3 weeks off which is so NICE! Then he returns back to Clinicals the first week of January where he gets to return BACK to Memphis. Yay for him :/ He gets to go to a different hospital, and one that is a little closer to home, but he still gets to make the 80 mile trek 4 times a week instead of the usual 3 he has been doing. Yes, starting in January they go to 4 Clinicals a it should be good times. The good news is that the school has decided to put him doing Clinicals right here in Jackson for 4 MONTHS! I am pretty happy about that. He will be right here in the home town from March until June b/c of the Baby coming. So happy about that....b/c the hospital is only 10 minutes away. (SIGH)

As for me and Addie...we are still truckin' along here at home. Trying to find stuff to do that is FREE and to keep ourselves busy. I am getting bigger and bigger every week it feels like. I am almost half-way through this pregnancy, (thank goodness). I will hit 20 weeks next week and on the 21st we find out what this baby is...CANT WAIT!! Everything is looking fine and problems thus far and I have plans to keep it that way.

Addison stays busy watching Super Readers, Dinosaur Train, and Little Einsteins which are her favorites right now...oh and we cant forget about The Backyardigans (which she LOVES) I think she has all their songs just about memorized....she tries to sing with them and its hilarious b/c lets face it...the kid cant carry a tune worth the life of her, but she tries so I must give her credit and it is great entertainment for me and Mike to watch her try to sing. She never fails to make us laugh every single day. Right now she has a fascination with the Christmas Tree...every morning and every night...and perhaps a few times throughout the day she has to turn ON and OFF the Christmas Tree lights...if one of us does it, she gets mad...she is the one who has to do it.

We are so excited about Christmas with Addison this year...b/c the older she gets, the more fun it gets for us. Again, we are heading down to Charleston this year...we are leaving the 21st after the BIG Ultrasound. We probably will be gone for about a week and then come back home to just chill at the house....which is all Mike wants to do..but I guess I cant blame him...he is gone every day, all this "break" he just wants to sit home and play th Wii.

Well thats really all that has been going on the Turok household...hopefully next time I can get some new pictures posted....Until then...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Turkey Week

So from a previous post, you already know that we went to Charlotte this year for Thanksgiving. After finally making it there, we started off the week by shopping (of course!) But in case you are wondering, it wasnt very "fun" shopping. We got to go to Sam's Club our first day there to buy all the groceries for the know...not really.

Wednesday morning the rest of my siblings came in from Utah, we all just kind of laid around the house that day, up until that afternoon when we got to go to my brothers' wrestling tournament. We went for a couple of hours and it was fun to get to see them wrestle and WIN. Then late Wednesday night is when Mike flew into Charlotte to spend the Holiday with us.

Thursday morning we all got ready and we headed out to "The Farm" which is my dad's land he owns in South Carolina. Its a place where all of us like to hang out, we have 4-wheelers out there, lots of land to run around on, and the boys get to hunt out there. There is also a house/cabin where us, girls, like to hang out and watch movies and play games. And this year we got to spend Turkey Day out there..paper plates and all...clean up was amazing. It was fun to have the whole gang there. Late that night all of us gals headed home and left the boys there to stay the night b/c they were getting up bright and early to go hunting while us girls were getting up bright and early to hit the Black Friday Sales.

After our early morning Shopping, we got back to the house and just chilled the rest of the day. The boys got back later that was a nice to be able to lay around and do absolutely nothing.

Saturday most of us got up and went shopping at the amazing South Park Mall (a huge, nice mall in Charlotte where all the "richies" shop) I LOVE this mall...we spent the whole morning and into the afternoon there. Had some lunch and Cheesecake Factory and life was good. That night we decided to do the Hall Family Christmas while we were all together....we all got to open up our gifts that we got for each other and our gifts from Mom and Dad. Lets just say Addison got very spoiled that evening from Grandpa Ladd and Nana Sally.

Sunday was just a normal day for the most part, got up, went to church, came home, ate dinner, and we were lazy the rest of the day...which leads us up to Monday when Mike, Addison, and I left for our long journey home. But we made it, life is good, and glad to say that we had a good time being home with the whole fam back in Charlotte.

**pictures made be out of order, but I am not going to take the time to try to arrange them in order....sorry you will just have to deal with it...enjoy**

Addison opening up a Barbie she got from Cousin Macey

Dad and his excitement

Mike got a Meat Grinder from my parents that he was pretty excited about..

Alex opening up his gift from us......

Sportin' the rebel hat

Addison opening up her "Fancy Nancy" doll from Grandpa and Nana

Opening more presents

Christmas dress from Nana

Macey, Sunny, Addison at the Farm

Macey and Addison on the tire swing at the Farm

They loved this thing


So the weekeend before Turkey Day, we made a trip up to Paducah, Kentucky where Mike's granddad lives. Every year on this same weekend, Mike's uncles and his dad all go hunting in Illinois on his Great Aunt's land. Mike has never really been and decided to go this year since we really have no excuse not to since we live pretty close to Paducah.

So late Friday night after Mike got home from Clinicals we made the 2 hour drive up to Paducah where we met up with his dad and stepmom, his Uncle who lives in Michigan and his granddad. That next morning, early, Mike and his dad and unlce got up and took off to go hunting. Later that day, Linda (Mike's stepmom), Addison, and I drove up into Illinois to go visit with his great-aunt...the land they own and live on is gorgeous. It was perfect weather and Addison had a blast playing in all the leaves.....she could have stayed out there all day if she could have.

After spending some time there, Linda, Addie, and I left to go shopping...then later that night we had a "Pre-Thanksgiving" dinner with some of Mike's relatives before we headed back home that night. We had a good time and it was fun to meet some of Mike's relatives whom I have never met before.