Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Finally Made It!!

WHEW!! So we finally made it to Charlotte yesterday after a LONG 10 hour drive. It usually only takes us about 8...but as I have metioned in previous posts, there was a lovely rock slide along the Interstate we usually take and so we had to take a lovely detour around it....
So Addison and I got up bright and early yesterday morning and went from Tennessee, down to Mississippi, all the way through Alabama, Georgia, and some of South Carolina when we finally made it into Charlotte! And yes, I drove the entire thing by myself...pregnant and all, with Addison in the back of course. But I have to say...I am a very blessed mother, that little girl did not make ONE peep the entire trip....no lie, not one peep! THANK YOU Mr. Sir out there who invented the Car DVD player, so 4 Disney Movies and a Backyardigans Video later, we made it into Charlotte.
Unfortanately we had to leave Mike behind in Tennessee...but fortuanately for him he gets to FLY his way here on Wednesday night...but he does get to make the lovely trek with us back home to Tennessee. But we are excited to be here to spend Turkey day with the fam. I promise to post picture of our lovely trip when we get back home.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy 3 Years to Us!!

Today is Mike and I's Annivesary. Yep, we have officially made it for 3 years now. And an awesome 3 years its been. We have accomplished many things and there will many more things to accomlish. Some of the highlights for us these past 3 years have been:

-Got married in the temple
-Had our baby girl, Addison
-Are now pregnant with our second child (Due May 7th)
-Been on 2 cruises
-Sold our house
-Got accepted into 2 Nursing Anesthia schools
-Moved from South Carolina to Tennessee
-Survived living in an apartment for 6 months with Smokers downstairs, no microwave, and no washer or dryer (whew... that was a real test of our patience)
-Have been called to serve in the Primary, Young Women, and now the Relief Society presidencies (Lynz)
-Been called to serve in Stake Young Men's presidency and now the Ward Clerk (Mike)

**Again...many more to come**

Ok, so now I need the whole "sappy" moment to tell my husband how much I love and appreciate him. He is such a wonderful husband and dad...he just doesnt give himself enough credit. He works so hard in school so our family can have a better life when he is done. He rarely complains about school as hard as it may be. I am so proud of him and love him with all my heart......I am so grateful to have him in my life each and everday. I love you, Michael, and Happy Anniversary!!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Boring Boring Boring....

So I noticed that I havent posted something in almost 2 weeks....I try to make it a goal to post at least once a week since this is our Family Journal..but honestly, nothing too exciting has been going on in our lives. Mike started his clinicals in Memphis this past week....so far so good. Halloween was a pretty good hit this year, Addison LOVED the trick-o-treating....she got the concept of it pretty quick after knocking on a few doors and figuring out that if she knocked, she got candy...she was liking that game pretty quick. She got to the point that she wouldnt quit knocking on the door until the person answered...it was pretty funny to watch.

Still pregnant and truckin' along. I hit 14 weeks this week and look like I am 25 weeks along.....definitely wasnt this big with Addison, but they say the second time around you get bigger quicker....well for me, that is the case. We find out what the little booger is on December 21st...which we are pretty excited about with it being the week of Christmas.

Found out that there was a HUGE rock slide along Interstate 40 on the North Carolina/Tennessee border...well for those of you who dont know, that part of the Interstate is through the Smoky Mountains, and that part of the Interstate is also our way back home to the Carolinas....I am not too happy about this since Addison and I will be driving by ourselves home for Turkey Day and b/c the Rock Slide has closed the whole Interstate down, we get to take a 140 mile detour around to get home to Charlotte.....yeah not too happy about this one, and we get to do the same thing for Christmas b/c apparently that part of the Interstate will be closed off for a few months...perfect timing for the Holiday travelers like ourselves.....lets just say I have been looking long and hard for decent airline tickets, so far no luck :(

And that just about sums up our week......nothing too hot going on around here. We looking forward for the Holidays where we will be goign to Charlotte for Turkey Day and Charleston for Christmas. Hopefully I can have something more exciting the next time I post....