Thursday, February 26, 2009


Just want to wish my twin brothers, Christian and Cameron, a HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes...these are pictures of the twins riding the mechanical horse at the Sonic in Chester, South Carolina this past weekend. They are such crazy kids! I just cant believe that they actually spent a whole quarter on that stupid thing.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

More Random Moments by Addison

So today at Sams Club, they had a bunch of BIG, HUGE Easter animals on sale. Addison LOVES stuffed animals, especially big ones. So as we are passing by these animals, Addie reaches out and grabs the Aligator. B/c they were so cheap, we decided to get Addie the big aligator. Well all night tonight she has been dragging this big ole' aligator ALL over the house! And she has been Roaring at it. It has been so funny to watch. I try to get her roaring on camera, but of course she stopped as soon as I pulled out the camera. She does it a couple of times....she also really shows her true personality in this video which is SILLY SILLY SILLY. She is so funny, and now y'all can get a taste of what I get every single day and this is one of the biggest reasons I fall in love with this little girl more and more every day. She is always making her mother laugh!

**Please forgive her NO pants...she spilled water all over the floor and decided to go swimming in her "man-made pool".

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Random Trip To Charlotte

So this past Thursday, we decided to make a random trip to Charlotte to pay the parentals, Ashley, and the Russians a visit. We left on Thursday and came back yesterday (Monday). We made the 8 hour drive there and back. On Friday, we all went shopping of course! What else is there to do in Charlotte!! We were successful on our hunt for Addison a new bedspread. Yes, its true folks, we bought Addie a BIG GIRL BED last week. She has not been sleeping very well on the crib mattress, she is either on the floor or in bed with mom and dad. And it has to STOP! So we broke down and bought her a big girl bed in HOPE that she will sleep in it. Therefore we found the cutest bedspread for her. Pictures will be coming soon...

Saturday we made it out to the SmootHall Farm. We spent the whole day out there, 4-wheeling and shooting guns. Mike got to shoot his new gun, the Russian M44 (or something like that). And of course he made me shoot it...and I did NOT want to shoot it! But I did for him, and can I say OUCH! That stupid thing is LOUD and has the hardest Kick Back ever!! I have to was fun to shoot but have no desire to do it again. That night we got to have dutch oven dinner and play games. We had an awesome time as always. Mike's dad and stepmom were able to make the 2 hour trip up from Charleston to the farm to see us and Addison. We were so glad they were able to make it up and see us.

Sunday we went to church and just chilled at home. Then on Monday, Mike, me, Addie, and mom all went to IHOP for breakfast and then it was on our way back home to Jackson. We were so glad we were able to make this trip and are grateful once again, for our parents wonderful hospitality. We are so fortuanate to live close enough to drive home whenever we can.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009


So this past Sunday Addison went to nursery ALL BY HERSELF!. YAY!!!!!!!!!! I have been waiting for this day for such a long time!! She technically does not turn 18 months until next month, but in our ward they let you bring them in a month early if you sit in there with them the whole time so that they can adapt to Nursery. Well, it has been only 2 weeks of sitting in with her, and Addie doesnt even realize I am in there. She is such a social bug...I knew we wouldnt have too much of a problem because she is so social and friendly. So this past Sunday, the Nursery Leader just told me to go and not worry about it b/c Addison is just fine. And she was, she didnt even make a peep when I left the room, she just went about her own little way playing with the toys and kids. She loves it! As do I!! Can we say FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

hApPy VaLeNtInE's DaY!!

Valentine's Day has never really been a big or exciting holiday for us. Honestly, we have never really cared or made a big deal out of it. We always avoided going out on this day b/c we hate waiting an hour and a half just to be seated to eat and fighting the crowds.

But this year Mike was way super thoughtful and sweet! I have always wanted a full length mirror...I have always had to go in our bathroom and stand on the toilet or bathtub so that I could get high enough to see my whole body to see what I looked like with whatever outfit on...ghetto, I know. So Mike went out and bought me this big ole' full length mirror. I love it!! YAY!! No more almost falling over and busting my head open from balancing on the toilet or bath tub!! He also got me 2 dozen tulips with it! Mike has never really gotten me roses and I have never cared that much for roses b/c I like stuff that is a little different, and tulips are some of my favorite flowers, b/c when I see tulips, it means SPRING TIME and my BIRTHDAY (which is in April for those of you who are thinking of getting me something...haha). But HAPPY VALENTINE's DAY to all! And thank you, sweetie! I love you so much...thanks for all you do!!!

Everyone Wish Mike GOOD LUCK on his NASTY Organic Chemistry test coming up on Tuesday! Haha you will be fine, babe! You always ace them!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Addie's New Bath Toy

So Addison has now figured out how to get in and out of the tub. Well today, I stepped out into the other room and when I came back, this is what I saw!! She decided to giver her Blanket a bath along with her. Oh the things kids do....I just had to sit back and laugh and then grab the camera to snap a shot. Oh dear Addie...

My Masterpiece

So Addison has never really had a book shelf...well we finally got her one and I put it together ALL BY MYSELF. I am pretty proud of my work. Please see the picture below to see how AWESOME I am at putting shelves together...

The color things are little baskets to put toys in and then I am putting books on the other shelves..I thought it turned out cute and colorful. Go me!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

What's Your Opinion???

So this Friday is the deadline for the "Live with Regis and Kelly" Beautiful Baby Contest. Which picture should I send in?? I need to get it in at least by Thursday...let me know what all y'all think!! Please Vote on the best picture and just leave it in the comment box. I am curious to see what other peoples opinions are and it is fun for DO IT!!




Thursday, February 5, 2009

She Love It + I Love It = I CAN GET THINGS DONE!!

This was the cheapest, best purchase we have ever gotten Addison!! We bought Addie this $6.00 broom and she LOVES it. Before our life without the broom, every time I tried to sweep or even clean the kitchen, Addie always wanted to help..which is great, but kind of a pain for mom. So we went to Big Lots and found this broom and she loves it! No more getting into Mommy's way, and she drags this thing into every room and sweeps the floor. She loves it, so mom loves it and we can all get things done. YAY!

Quick Update: Mike started back to school yesterday after having a week off. It was so great to have him home with me and Addie just hanging out. We really didnt do anything exciting, but it was nice to lay around and not worry about anything.

The ward here is keeping us busy as well. Mike has been called into the Elders Quorum as their secretary. I dont have an official calling yet, but I have been assigned to 3 different things in the Relief Society. Once a month they do a Girl's Night, and so they put me in charge of that, I am also in charge of the decorating the bulletin board for Relief Society, and now I am helping out with the Enrichment Committee. So they are definitely keeping me busy, but its a good thing. This ward does a lot of things for the moms of the ward, once a month we do a Book Club, once a month we do a Playgroup, and then every Friday we all go down to the Public Library for story time. They do an awesome job there, they lock the kids in this room and play music and dance, they read a couple of stories to the kids, and then they always do a craft of some type. It is a lot of fun and Addie absolutely loves it. She is such a little social butterfly.

And thats really all that is happening in the Turok household right now. Until next time....