Sunday, March 23, 2008

We hope every one had a HAPPY EASTER. Ours was a little crazy. Unfortunately both Mike and I had to work this Easter Sunday. Mike pulled the 12 hour shift Saturday night and got off at 7am Sunday morning. I had to work at the airport the 10:00-3:30 shift. Our church starts at 1:00. So we had to go to the 9:00 church, take the sacrament from the hallway (b/c of the fact I was dressed in my work uniform and Mike was in his hospital scrubs b/c he came straight from work), and then Mike went back home to bed, and I was off to the new job.

So I have now started my job at the airport for US Airways and I love it! Things have been going really well. My 5 hour shift FLIES BY so fast considering I used to pull the 12 hour shifts at the hospital. I love it. Whats not to love, part time job, full benefits, and FREE cant beat that! But yes, things are going really well. The only unfortunate part is my schedule is unpredictable, but so far it has worked out very well between both Mike and I's shifts, and THANK GOODNESS we have family here in town who have been willing to take care of Addison when needed.

Mike is doing well also. He has now landed an interview with Wolford College down in Naples, Florida for his acceptance process into school for Nursing Anesthesia. YAY!!! Way to go Mike!! He has made the first cut that the school has made and now he just has to make it through the interview part. His interview is in May the day we get back from our cruise! WHEW!!!

Addison is now 6 months! And her personality is starting to shine through. She can now roll all the way over..YAY! Is very playful, and her first tooth is just starting to come in. Oh how they grow!! She definitely keeps Mike and I going.

We hope everyone is doing well. We now have our house OFFICIALLY on the market. Sign is up in the yard and we are ready to sale!! If you are interested, or know someone who is...PLEASE give us a call. And until next time....see-ya!

Monday, March 17, 2008


Monday, March 10, 2008

Going Out on the Town

So funny story...Mike and I were getting ready to go outside to do some yard work. Addie was also going to come outside and help us so I put her hat on and got her ready to go... well as I was gathering everything I needed, I put Addie in her little seat on the table and left her for just a moment to go into the other room to get some things. Well my make-up bag just happened to also be on the table. When I came back to get her...this is what I saw! HAHA it was so cute...she hooked her arm up under my make-up back as if it was a purse, she looked like she was "going out on the town" . Cutest thing ever. She is growing up ever so fast!! I just wanted to share this with all y'all and hope you enjoy the picture just as much as we do.

Okay..time for an UPDATE. Well as most of you have already heard..I landed the job with US Airways, I will be working in the Charleston Int'l Aiport as a Customer Service Agent...NOT a flight attendant. My first day of work will be Thursday, March 21st. I am very excited!

Mike is still pulling his 4 shifts a week at the hospital...he only has 3 weeks left of the 4 shifters and then he gets to go back down to 3 b/c I am beginning my new job. He is very happy about that. Still waiting on hearing back from schools...hopefully by next month we will hear something.

Addison is growing ever so fast. She will be 6 MONTHS this coming Friday on the 14th. We can hardly believe it..oh how time has gone by. She now is starting to hold her own bottle (she can do it...she just knows that mom and dad will do it for her so she has gotten a little bit lazy about it). She also can roll-over if she really wanted too. She also has been talking a herself of course b/c mom and dad cant understand a word she says...but it is still fun and cute to listen to her. She has also develop a new skill....SCREAMING!! She loves to scream, mom and dad on the other hand dont like the screaming one bit..but she tends to do it when she wants attention, and also to tease her mom and dad...she will look straight at us and start her little screams and smiles at the same gotta love it.

Other than that everything is going quite well. We will hopefully be putting our house on the market to sale by next week. So if any of you know someone who is moving to the Charleston area....send them our way, PLEASE! Addie and I will be heading up to Charlotte this week to play the role of "Sally" again. Mike is staying behind b/c of work. We enjoy the trips up to Charlotte...we enjoy the time we get to spend with the Russians. Hope everyone is doing well...until next time!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Well it is official..I landed the job with US Airways as a Customer Service Agent here at the Charleston International Airport. I am way EXCITED about it!! FREE FLIGHTS for the Turok family! So look out, b/c we may be visiting some of you real soon. Mom and dad also get the benefits so they may be taking some more trips themselves. I go in this coming Thursday to find out when I will officially start. Sometime in the next few weeks is what they told me. Need a flight you know who to call!!