I had the awful realization today that summer is more than half over, with less than four weeks left. I'll admit that I was a little worried about our summer, without our usual three-week vacation out west. What were we going to do all summer?! But, for not having very much on our agenda (I didn't even make our usual summer bucket list, for crying out loud), we've had a pretty great one. And the only way I can possibly document it without feeling overwhelmed, is by pumping it all out at once.
The month of July brought:
A high-adventure with the young men. They went to Ohiopyle, went caving, rapelling, white-water rafting, did a high ropes course, and camped for a week. They also threw in a day trip to Kirtland, which was a spiritual high adventure of sorts. It was a week with the guys, and a week without work and technology. It was so, so good for Kevin, and definitely a highlight of his summer.
My good friend Amanda turned the big 3-0 and her husband went all out and threw her a surprise party, with a limo and everything. She was pretty bummed over the fact that Brad hadn't planned anything, and all of her friends were unavailable even for dinner out. So, the look on her face as we all piled out of the car and the limo drove up the street was pretty priceless. I think Brad was redeemed, and we had such a fun night out! Love that Amanda.
Some of our VERY favorite cousins (who am I kidding, they all are!) just moved to Viginia, and we went and visited. We went to Rebounderz for Dallin's birthday and the kids had a blast. So, so happy to have these guys living relatively nearby.
While Kevin was with the YM, the kids and I spent the 4th of July with my parents and Scott. More to come, but we started the morning off with a ward dutch oven breakfast.
The next stop on our 4th of July weekend was a trip to the temple. We met Kevin and the youth there, and he took the kids to Cafe Rio while I did a session. This was a highlight of my summer. I won't admit how long it had been, but I was so happy to be back. Now, to make sure I don't get lazy and go through a drought like that again... :)
And the weekend was capped off by our first-ever 4th of July celebration at Long's Park. So many reasons for not going until now, but this was definitely the beginning of a new tradition. We had a blast. More to come on this, too.
Marie's been doing a field hockey camp this summer, and she's loved it! Girls soccer plays on Sundays here, so we've had to look for other options. I wasn't sure about field hockey, but she's loved it so much that we've signed her up for fall. This was tie-dye day. They had a different theme each day, and would hand out prizes for the best costume/outfit. She finally won a prize on CR@zY day, so her life was complete!
We've had what seems like a million birthday parties this summer. I guess all the cool kids are born in the summer?! :) Summer birthdays are the best! Am I right? This was Abby's party, and that was a pretty killer waterslide. Those kids FLEW! I'm surprised there weren't any injuries. They had a blast. Love those McElroys!
We have the BEST sister missionaries in all the land. I'm sorry for all of you that don't get to know and love these awesome sisters. They are so, so great. We see them all the time, and they've had such a profound impact on our kids. I will love them forever. On this night, Sis. Lamphier and Sis. Chavez came over to make s'mores with us, and managed to come up with an analogy relating s'mores and prayer to boot!
My cousin Misty and her family live in Hershey, about 30 miles away. We've lived here three years and have only seen them 2 or 3 times. There's no excuse for that. We finally got together for dinner and had a blast. Why don't we make this happen more often??
We took a trip to Indian River beach with friends and cousins. It was one of the best beach days to date. It makes for a long day trip, but we just can't get enough of it. Even Kyle said, "I think we should spend every weekend at the beach."
We took a trip to the Herr's Snack Factory. They have an awesome tour, complete with hot potato chips off the line. We bought bags of seconds, in awesome flavors like dill pickle and BBQ chicken, and got to try cotton candy flavored cheese balls (hence, the thumbs down). It was a great little trip, and FREE!
We went to the North Museum, which was meh. But must be documented! However, Kyle DID really like the Sea Monster movie in the planetarium.
This summer has been pretty major for Marie in that she's FINALLY an expert bike rider. She's had a blast, and sweet talks us into bike rides nearly every evening. This day, she thought her bike needed a good washing.
We met our good friends, The Horsts, in the city for market and donuts.
We've played a little disc golf. This was a particularly off day for me - I managed to peg Kevin in the ear (he went down) and almost took my kids down, too. Be glad you weren't there.
We took advantage of Marie's new-found bike skills, and made our annual trek to Mt. Gretna. We started off much closer than our typical 9-mile mark, and it's a good thing we did. They way there is SLIGHTLY uphill (ever so slight), and was filled with many stops. But the ice cream stop must have given Marie a boost of energy because we cruised on the way back. We love this tradition so much that we're going to fit it in again before summer's over.
Marie and her friend Mia found this sweet (and wild, maybe rabid?) kitty one day after field hockey and were dying to take it home. I heard them whispering and making plans. "Let's go home and get a cage, and sneak back here to take it home!"
Kyle went fly-fishing with the cub scouts. No fish caught, but still fun.
Kyle did a Challenger British soccer camp last week and LOVED it. It was probably the best camp he's ever done. He was only signed up for the half-day, and came home asking to do full-day. On Friday, I relented and was going to pay extra to let him stay the whole day. They ended up letting him stay for free! He had a blast - this was cR@zY day. Marie thought the tutu was a special touch.
Another beach day with lots of friends from the ward. This one was a doozy. A thunderstorm rolled in, and threw a wrench in our plans. More to come on this, but it ended up being a gorgeous, perfect evening.
My kids have an obsession with wild berries. We found some on our Mt. Gretna bike ride, and we happened upon some over at the school after field hockey one day. We filled an entire baggie. And no, we haven't died. :) Actually, I'm convinced my kids would happily eat a whole lot more fruits and veggies if they grew and harvested them themselves. Yet another reason for a garden...
And finally, we ended up at the swimming pool, where we seem to spend about half of our summer days. I'm pretty jealous of my daughter's tanned little legs.