Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Happy Three years Babe!


Happy three year anniversary! Since the day I met you, you swept me off my feet. Now, two kids later I still adore and love you to pieces. Thank you for always doing whatever it takes to support our family. You are my hero!

35lbs lost!!

Well I am officially the same weight as when I got pregnant with Alilia! I can actually put my pants on now and just last week they didn't fit. The funny thing, which you moms know, is I didn't loose it in the same place I gained it. So my pants fit..tightly:). I am really pleased with Weight Watchers. I think it is actually pretty easy and I never feel deprived. I really owe my success to George. He has done it 100 % with me and even counts his points. I couldn't do it if I had to make two different meals or saw him eating things that would tempt me. This has been the jump start that I needed to get into shape. Now as of today I am cleared to exercise so I am going to get it going!! Hopefully I keep loosing weight like I have been....

Monday, August 17, 2009

The weekend review in pictures...

This weekend flew by! Our neice, Ilana got married and so her mom, George's sister came and stayed with us along with her boyfriend Shane and our nephew Philli. We had a lot of fun at the wedding and it was nice to have family come stay with us. Tati had the most fun running around the wedding and making all sorts of friends with young and old. There was a TV playing pictures of Ilana and her husband, Bryson, when they were little and I just sat there for awhile crying. Call it after birth hormones...but she and Tati look so much alike I kept thinking of Tati growing up and getting married and I was so sad!!! Don't worry I pulled it together though. :) We love Ilana and Bryson and hope to see lots of them from now on. We also got our first picture with all of us since Lili was born. Good times all around....

Friday, August 14, 2009

Love Bug Alilia

Five weeks and my little baby has already changed so much. Her little face is filling out as you can tell by her double chin and her eyes have become this shiny black blue color. My sister thinks she looks more "white" than Tati does, but I tend to think she looks more Tongan. She is such a good baby and I am so lucky. She slept through the whole night last night without waking up once. YIPEE!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Hello Moped

The most awesome moped ever....

George loves it!

I know, he looks sexy...

watch out people!

The view from behind!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Bye Bye Camry

We decided we were going to junk our camry which has many problems and needs so much work put into it. Work we didn't want to invest in. This was our first car as a married couple and the first car George had in America. I was thrilled to get rid of it since I refuse to drive it. It leaks oil on the engine which makes it smoke and so many times I would pull up and some frantic person would yell, "Get out of the car! It is might blow!" And I would have to explain no it just does that. I also hated all the dirty looks I got from fellow drivers on the road because the smoke stunk so bad. I pretty much hated this car. George on the other hand loved it for some reason. It has taken me months to convince him we should put more money into it and keep it. So I called the junk yard and got a quote for how much they would give us. I thought just for kicks I would put it up on KSL classifieds for double what they said and see if I got any calls. Well before I even finished the add our phone was ringing off the hook. People called and said they were coming right now to look at it. I hadn't even gotten out of my PJ's yet. Then a guy called and said he was going to buy it and please take down the add right now and don't sell it to anyone. I said I would call him if someone was going to buy it before he could get here. Someone did. Well long story short... people were fighting over our car and we ended up selling it within an hour of puting the add up. We also got an extra hundred more than we asked. So we are taking that money and getting something really fun.......which might be my next post....

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

1 pound

That is how much I lost after a week of doing weight watchers. Discouraging! I am still gonna stick with it and pray more starts coming off. I thought it would be 5 at least but OH WELL. Of course George lost 10 POUNDS. I am still motivated and I am still doing this. We may go to Australia in November (fingers double crossed!) and I would love to have lost a gang of weight by then. So I will soldier on......