Friday, February 27, 2009

It might be a bag of POOP...

Be one of the first 3 people to leave a comment on this post and I will send you a handmade gift sometime in the next 3 months.You get to pay it forward as well by doing the same thing for 3 people on your blog.Once you leave a comment telling me that you want to participate, you need to make a pay it forward post on your blog within one day.So, anyone game? You can be a friend, family member, or even a random visitor to this blog. Just as long as you’re willing to pay it forward, you are eligible to participate!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The long and short of it all...

We had our ultrasound Monday but it didn't turn out how we hoped. The cheeky little booger wouldn't uncross his/her legs so we didn't find out. Goes to show we will have one more stubborn person to join our house. The ultrasound took forever and they had to do additional tests and didn't tell us why. By the end I was so exhausted and George had actually fallen asleep and was snoring to my dismay. Turns out the next morning they called and told me I have what is called Placenta Previa. When I asked the nurse what that was her reply was that she didn't know how to explain it to me.?!? I asked if it was serious and she said yes it was pretty serious. So I freaked out and stressed myself completely out until I called back today and asked to speak to a different nurse and she explained it to me. My placenta, instead of being at the top where it is suppose to be is at the bottom covering my cervix. Hopefully, by the end of my pregnancy it will have moved up and everything will be alright. If not, I will have a preterm baby and quite possibly a hysterectomy. I could also puncture the placenta and bleed out and die. NOT GONNA HAPPEN. So I am put on pelvic rest which means to sit/lay as much as possible, no housework(bummer), no sex(even bigger bummer;), no lifting anything(especially monstrous 35lbs daughters) and to take it easy as much as possible. The lifting thing is getting a little difficult but the rest is like a nice vacation to myself. I go back to the doctor March 9th and I will have another ultrasound within a month. They also pushed back my due date to Aug. 2 which is very sucky! I guess that bloody baby monitor to the right is actually correct. Go figure! All in all, the baby is healthy and I am grateful for it. Girl or Boy

Thursday, February 19, 2009

You asked...all the jobs I've ever had

Rite Aid Cosmetic worker
Blockbuster worker
White Water rafter in Yosemite (very briefly)
Waitress (Red fox, Red Robin)
Pest Control Jack of all trades (couple different cities)(Office, technician, door to door sells)
Cash Verifier for Polynesian Cultural Center
Burger flipper/ Cashier at PCC (most fun job EVER)
Tanning Salon Manager at Waikiki Beach Provo and Suncenter Orem
Money in Training...(Hard to describe what my title was...assistant to boss...real estate/ asset protection investment advisor....ebay advisor)
Marketing Director for Assisted Living
Telemarketor for Convergys
Assisted Living worker (wiping butts..helping shower...feeding food)
Budget Blind Office manager
Bath and Body works manager
Crossing Guard
Clinique counter worker at Dillards
Private make up artist
Hertz car rental Agent

These are not in order and to be honest this pregnancy makes poo for brains so I more than likely forgot a few..but still kinda of interesting if you figure all these were in only 11 years!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Some Randomness...

1.Frequent urination. FREQUENT
2. They started building the In and Out in Draper a couple of days ago. WAHOO
4.Laundry doesn't fold itself. WHAT?
5.It is too hard to apply self tanner to my feet. FAT BELLY
6.My facial moisturizer give me a headache but takes away my wrinkles. URG
7.The baby thing to the right says 16 weeks when really I am 17. IRRITATING
8.Potato and cheese dumplings. HMMM
9.Tati likes to dance and shake her bum for an audience. SHOW PONY
10.Girl's night this Friday and babysitter on Saturday. HAPPY MARRIAGE

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Show me the money...

Alright, here is the truth. I use to hate coupons. Actually ,I detested them. I was so embarrassed if I was with someone and they whipped out their coupons at the register. I would shoot apologetic looks to the people in line behind them and pretend I wasn't really with that person. But times are 'a changin my friend. The economy has been on the down hill slide and it is now personally effecting everyone. Friends who had stable, providing jobs are being let go with nothing to pay their mortgages and bills. I have decided that I need to start making a conscious effort to save more money. If we want to buy a house by December I need to save every penny I can. So I have given the whole gungho effort to coupons. In fact, tonight was the very first time I used a coupon(s). I felt very proud of myself. I organized them and made my grocery list around them so when I got to the register I could hand them to the cashier in a very quick, efficient way. I will be doing that all the time now. Why not? It is free money basically getting handed back to you. What isn't cool about that? So if you want some places to find coupons here is what I know: Sunday paper, Couponcabin, and mailers. If you know some more let me know. I'm cool I save money.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Could this be me?

Alright the clouds are fading and I am feeling a little better. Basically I was just tired of feeling sick! I was asking my friend JOJO the other day if she had a hobby. We both kind of agreed we didn't have one. I really need a hobby! I have tried scrapbooking, making girls hair stuff and some of the odd crafty thing. I do like those but I want to find something I love. I am considering Roller derby. Of course I would have to wait till after I have this baby. I think I might just be a natural at it. It is a feisty contact sport and I think those two words definitely fit me. Could I have some suggestions on finding a new hobby? What are your hobbies? What could I be good at?