February 24, 2009

hari menjadi yang

esok 25feb birthday en zul haniff (suamikoo) yg terchenta. thn ni sama mcm thn lepas tada hadiah hehe thn ni sbb tak keje..tada gaji. thn lepas sbb tak cukup gaji...hadiah yg dia nak tu terlalu mahal...aku kena buat loan la kut br leh beli hadiah yg dia nak. semlm plan nak p genting bwk ummar (plan sorang2)..lepas ditanya, yang tolak mentah2...huk3 dan siang td da mintak duit yang utk beli hadiah...sekali lg request denied..huhu nasib la. wpon adiah tada, kek mesti ada...kali ni beli blueberry cheese cake kat king's TESCO.
agenda super duper mini surprise birthday party:

2pm - harini ponteng kelas Math&Stat sbb nak spend masa ngan yang (konon). Memula yang tak bg ponteng...tp aku takmo p jgak..mls & tada mood. sebenarnya byk M.A.L.A.S la..hehehe yang ckp 'OK, tp kalo dpt result teruk utk subjek tu..bkn salah dia'..konon hehehe

5:30pm - petang lg sekali konon la p amik ummar kat nursery sendirik..alasan..nak hujan..takleh tunggu..sbb dia tak asar lg..sebenarnya aku p King's TESCO..beli kek..sampai umah dia tanya nape lambat..emm alasan...bwk ummar ronda2..yela tu.

8pm - p mkn kfc kat pkns bangi, ummar mengamuk nak tido...blk la. boring tol bdk ummar ni..sigh!

10pm - sampai umah, belakon ngan ummar p bukak peti es (belakon sorang je..ummar tu watak pembantu je) bg ummar calciyum, dlm ms sama aku bukak bekas kek tu (kek msh dlm peti es) yang tgh test power joystick yg dia br beli utk men game (boring!)

10:10pm - sambil dokong ummar, bwk kek & p duk sebelah yang...selepas setengah minit br dia perasan ada kek...huh

10:30pm - acara mkn kek selesai..ummar sambg mengamuk nak tido. tak leh tunggu kul 12mlm surprise ni sbb ummar konpem tido ms tu..nak la amik gamba 1 family..cehh hehhe

apa2 pon...selamat hari jadi yang..semoga panjang umo..murah rezeki.

mato bekok nak tido doh ni mom weiii..

happy 28th beday

sambung men game..sigh

February 10, 2009



1. Drink plenty of water.

2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.

3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.

4. Live with the 3 E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy.

5. Make more time to practice prayer (both wajib & sunat)

6. Play more games.

7. Read more books than you did in 2008.

8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.

9. Sleep for 7 hours.

10. Take a 10-30 minutes walk every day. And while you walk, smile.


11. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

12. Don't have negative thoughts or things you cannot control.

Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.

13. Don't over do. Keep your limits.

14. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

15. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip.

16. Dream more while you are awake.

17. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

18. Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner with

his/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.

19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.

20. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.

21. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.

22. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn.

Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away

like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.

23. Smile and laugh more.

24. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.


25. Call your family often.

26. Each day give something good to others.

27. Forgive everyone for everything.

28. Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6.

29. Try to make at least three people smile each day.

30. What other people think of you is none of your business.

31. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.


32. Do the right thing!

33. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.

34. GOD heals everything.

35. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

36. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

37. The best is yet to come.

38. When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it.

39. Your Inner most is always happy. So, be happy.

Last but not the least:

40. Share this to everyone you care about.

We may have welcomed this year on a bit of a rough patch,

But things will go back up and everything will hopefully be alright.

L I V E L I F E T O T H E F U L L E S T !

February 09, 2009

counting the day

sesungguhnya hari ini sgt membohsankan....zzzz