Sep 20, 2011

Go Vikings!

Sep 20, 2011
We are very proud of Carter playing golf for Grand View University this fall. They had a home meet so we were able to watch him play some this week. His mom even felt well enough to come out and watch him card a couple of birdies.
This was a par 3 where Carter had a GREAT shot!


Charlie is 6 months old!

The 6 month report
17 lb 5 oz and 26 3/4 inches

Moving: Charlie loves to sit up and play or roll around. He loves watching his sister (or any kids) and also enjoys playing in his exersaucer. He is always jumping or moving his legs but doesn't always like to be "stuck" in the Johnny Jump Up.

Talking: We love our "Chuckles!" He is easy to make laugh and very ticklish under his chin and his inner thighs. He is quite chatty and has started to say "da, da, da, da." He often has a lengthy oratory or song to put himself to sleep.

Eating: No teeth yet. Lots of drool. Charlie is really not into baby food but loves eating rolls and Ritz crackers.

Sleeping: Charlie is sleeping well, going to bed between 7:30 and 8 and waking up to snuggle with his dad for a bit until his Mom gets back from her run and through the shower around 6 am. He LOVES to snuggle with a blanket and sleeps on his belly.

Nicknames: "Chip" Take your pick--Carter and Matt like this because of golf. Cate likes this because she currently LOVES Beauty and the Beast and the little cup that turns into a little boy is named Chip.
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