2.again and again
3.drawing board
4.next door
5.eyes of the people
6.settled true
7.far from my hands
8.spelling words
9.maybe not
10.fr i fl
11.what you bring
These guys were from California, and started off doing the straightedge thing in 1987. The band quickly progressed, playing melodic hardcore with a singer who could actually sing. For some truers this might be to melodic, and "wimpy". I don't know... to me it has so much spirit and power that it has always made me feel really fucking good when I listened to it. This record always puts me in a great mood. My favorite song on here is fr i fl...such great guitar playing. The band only put out two records, the 7" ep (which is also up on this blog), and this LP. Think Minor Threat meets "trial" era Verbal Assault.
This one goes out to my good buddy Kurt Dittmer from back in the day, with whom I used to hang with in San Ramon California. I recently got back in touch with Kurt after prolly 15 years. He was always a great friend. One of the first things he asked me when we first chatted again was about this LP, if I still had it, and if there was a way he could hear it again. Here you go buddy!
Back in the late 80's We would chill at his Moms place smoking buds, and listening to all these straightedge bands that his buddies from Unit Pride were recommending to him. They turned us onto the Reason To Believe 7"... By the time this LP came out I had moved back to Albany, but we had both kept up with the band and were listening to it on different coasts, and talking about how great it was on the phone. A true classic, and another record that I own multiple copies of for some weird reason.