

Get ready for a crazy summer update!!
(Sorry I missed a few months, but yeah. We're a family of four now...)

All the fun things we did in July-

We played outside a lot, did cool science experiences and tested out our new bike!

Cow Appreciation Day! 

Visiting Riverton, WY

We drove up to see Kyle in his new (ish) home in Riverton Wyoming this summer. We got to see some awesome hot air balloons, see some of the sights in Lander, and hang out with our cool uncle. Even though Ethan was sick and we had to cut the trip short, and miss out on some fun stuff, he still had a blast and talks about all the adventures we had with Kyle all the time. 

On our last morning there they finally were able to launch the balloons, and because we were up with a sick kid, we got to see them!

Pioneer Day 

We pulled taffy with Eric and Maddi this year, because that's what you do when it's Pioneer Day. 

Both Troy and our friends Ezra and Jade's dad had to work on Pioneer day, so Lucie and I decided we would celebrate by going to two parades with all our kids. It was crazy, but it was a lot of fun and by the end of the second, both our boys were beat with bag fulls of candy. 


The fund didn't end there, because my parents and Courtney and Ryan drove up to watch Fireworks with us! 
(I didn't get any pictures. :( but here is Ethan showing us how to be Grandpa. Lounging and golfing.)


Fire Station

I got all the moms in our neighborhood/old Ward together and we took our boys to one of the fire stations in town. Even though it was crazy with all our little boys running around, they absolutely loved it and it was a cool experience for the moms too!

All the babes after our fire station adventure.

Bear Lake 
We made it up to Bear Lake with Eric and Maddi and had a blast playing in the water and the sand all day. It was a little windy, but the water wasn't too cold, and Hudson and Ethan had a great time. 
Because, Eric and Maddi, duh. 

Then we spoke in Church. 

We decided to go up Providence Canyon one night for FHE (by we I mean mom) because we heard there was a waterfall we could see. After driving through a really rough dirt road in our Camry, we didn't find the waterfall. Rumor has it we were close though. But, the trip was still successful because mom made us get out of the car and go exploring.

Four Months

Hudson turned 4 months old in July! Because he is so skinny, we started him on solid foods a little early, to help him gain some weight. :] 

Because Hudson had cereal, Ethan naturally had to eat cereal for dinner too. 

Butterfield Reunion 

We ended our crazy month celebrating with the Butterfield's in Manti. We had a blast hanging out with cousins, uncles, and aunts. Going on hikes, playing in the lake and making cool crafts and eating way too much good food. 

Babywearing's finest.