

Ethan on his cool bike. 
This season we got football tickets, and we are loving it. Both boys do great and love going to the games. It has really been a total blast! This was the first game.

Labor Day. Labor day weekend we hung out with family, ate scones, played outside and went bowling.

Hanging out at the park.

Fell asleep with a book over his head.

We didn't do a whole lot in September, but we did do a lot of playing with toys and learning how to share. :]

Hudson is 6 months old! 

Our Bishop of our Married Student Ward (which we sadly left. :[ ) invited us to her house for a pool party. Ethan has been known in the past to not really want anything to do with actually swimming, so I didn't pack a swim suit for either Hudson or myself. Well, he decided that today on the very last day of the swimming season, that he would get over it and go swimming. Go figure. But he had a blast and I was super proud. :]


Splashing in some puddles with our friends. 

We last minute decided (like legit at the very last moment Troy said "Hey let's do this!" stressing me out major.) to go to the Cache Valley rodeo. It was so much fun! Both kids really liked it.

This is Avery and Ethan playing Barbies after Corbin's Baptism. We had fun hanging out with family for a couple of hours after!

Hadco Aquarium Night
My dad's work sponsored a night at the aquarium and Ethan was in love. He loved the Sharks and petting the Sting Rays the most.

One Monday night for FHE we hiked up the Spring Hollow trail in Logan canyon. It was so pretty!

Ethan learning about snails. 

We love the zoo and love going around Courtney's birthday every year.

This time around we went to the Bird show and everyone loved it. Ethan included. He got to dance at the beginning and won a free ride on the Merry Go Round! Bryce also got to participate by pretending to be engaged to one of the worker chicks who then got pushed into a pool later. It was awesome.

Every 5 years Conservice takes a trip to Lagoon, and that was this year! Ethan loved all of the little kid rides, tolerated some of the scarier ones we made him go on and loved hanging out with our neighbors. They loved having us around too, because I spent most of the day watching all 5 kids while they rode all the scary things I didn't want to do. (I did do some adult things, but not many.) We all had a blast.

Hudson turned 5 Months old in August. Poor kid, he doesn't get personalized blog posts like Ethan. But at least I remember to take pictures! :]

Ethan's little friend Ezra's birthday party!

The biggest thing we did in August was add to our family! We bought a new car!! It's a Toyota Highlander Hybrid and we really love it. Ethan really loves it.

Hudson started eating more and more solid foods because he's so skinny, the doctor wants him to get as much in him as he can. He loves food. So much more than a bottle.

Summer was a crazy whirlwind of fun for us, but we had a blast hanging out as a family and getting to do lots of really awesome adventures.