

We love Bike Riding!! 

 The first trip to the Willow Park Zoo for the season.

Watching dad fly. :]

First hike of the year! (There was still a TON of snow! But we had a blast.)

Troy did a family home evening where we had Ethan hold onto to the Iron Rod. He cried forever when we said we had to blind fold him but then wanted to do it again and again and again.

 Ethan started his first year of indoor soccer!! (I'm super glad we took a million great photos this first game, because after this one he was OVER soccer and pretty much just ran around looking at his shoes every other game.)

This was Ethan's first real drawing of things that actually looked like beings. I was so proud I could have cried. It's mom, dad, Ethan, Hudson and Grandma and Grandpa
 Baby Animal Days! (Actually, it wasn't officially baby animal days because we weren't in town. But they still had all the animals you could see later in the week. :] )

We were able to go down and celebrate Jeff's birthday with Troy's family and visit the cemetery. We wrote messages on balloons and then ate at Noodles for his favorite meal. We also took Ethan to Quinn's grave, and explained to him a little about how they have the same name and how special he is. He didn't understand all the way, but he was very excited about being Ethan Quinn!

Helping Grandma make rolls
 Hudson's crazy ab muscles. He can hold a plank like this for almost a full minute. He is crazy.

 Playing at the park in a hipster beanie. :]

More hiking! We hiked about 7 miles and we loved it! It was somewhere we hadn't been before and we both just kept saying how pretty it was and how much fun it was to explore somewhere new, even though we have done this trail a million times, we had never done the second half.


March was so long ago I don't even remember what happened! Here are some photos. :] 

 I made Troy help the boys make a Leprechaun trap this year on St. Patrick's Day. Then Ethan hunted for treats the next morning. It was a total hit. I tried really hard to just let the day go by, because Ethan really would have had no idea. But I just couldn't

 Sword Fighting.
 Hudson's awesome football birthday party! My mom made his awesome smash cake (with a toy football inside!) and I made the football one. It was a lot of fun and we were so grateful so many awesome friends and family came and helped us celebrate our awesome Hudson.

 Hudson's first official Easter Egg Hunt! He was like a week old last year, so this was the first year he really got to hunt. He loved it! Especially when the candy was thrown from the top deck, he thought that was pretty AMAZING.

 My mom did sugar eggs this year, and it was so perfect. We hadn't done them in so many years, and Ethan absolutely loved it. He got very into what went in his little egg, and my aunt even dug out one she had saved that Great Grandma Hartmann had made. It was so cool. And also covered with ants.

 Easter Egg Dying!

 Eagle Mountain Easter Egg Hunt. I kind of always have a pit in my stomach about this, because it's always a little crazy. But it always turns out to actually be fun! Ethan did a lot better at actually putting eggs in his basket this time around.

Easter morning! 

 My parents got all of us balloon kits for Easter. It was awesome. We all tried to make balloon animals for a few hours. Caitlyn was the only one who was any good at it. Troy just kept making dogs.

 Easter Egg Hunting at Grandma and Grandpa Butterfield's.
I love this picture because Teeka has a love hate relationship with Hudson. Both my kids totally love her, but Hudson is just fascinated by her. They were buddies trying to figure out why all the stuff was on the lawn.

 Ethan was very upset when the Easter Bunny didn't bring him this little car he saw at TJ Maxx one day. So, I told him if he looked in his piggy bank and had enough money I would take him back so he could buy it. He did, and he was so proud of himself. The Easter Bunny was a little annoyed. :]

 At the Treehouse Children's Museum in Ogden with all of our favorite friends.