1x1 Raised Wild: Perhaps you were abandoned in the woods as a child and were nursed by wolves (or a bear, or an ape, or whatever). Maybe primitives who have no real language of their own raised you. Whatever it was, you're used to living on the edge.
Endurance 2
Hearing 3
Language 3
Language (Native) 0
Sight 2
Throwing 2
2x2 Petty Thief
Coordination 1
Dodge 1
Run 1
Stealth 3
1x3 Love Triangle: At some point, you were in love with her and she was in love with him. Or maybe she was in love with him and he was in love with you. Or maybe they were both in love with you and you didn't want either. Whatever happened, there were lots of hurt feelings and regrets and probably at least one really embarrassing public scene.
Lie 1
Plead 1
Advantage: Beauty 3
Mission: Find True Love
3x5 Weathered Tar
Coordination 1
Athletics 1
Climb 2
Endurance 2
Fight 1
Student of Sailing 2
Vigor 2
1x6 Vengeance Quest: They murdered your father! (Or maybe it was your husband, or sister, or child.) You've spent years honing yourself into an engine of vengeance. Now they must pay!
Sword 2
2 Levels of a Martial Path relating to Sword, Dodge or Parry
2x8 Squad Leader
Command 1
Fight 1
Inspire 2
Ride 1
Tactics 1
1x10 His Majesty's Personal Cobbler: You made the most beautiful, most comfortable, most durable shoes in the entire kingdom, and as a result you are one of the relatively few people to have seen the monarch barefoot. Do you still have this exalted position? If not, what happened? If so, where'd all your money get to?
Expert Cobbler 4+Master
Character Sheet
Body 2
Charm 2
Command 3
Coordination 4
Knowledge 2
Sense 2
Athletics 1
Climb 2
Dodge 1
Endurance 4
Expert Cobbler 4+Master
Fight 2
Hearing 3
Inspire 2
Language 3
Language (Native) 0
Lie 1
Plead 1
Ride 1
Run 1
Sight 2
Stealth 3
Student of Sailing 2
Sword 2
Tactics 1
Throwing 2
Vigor 2
2 Levels of a Martial Path relating to Sword, Dodge or Parry
Advantage: Beauty 3
Mission: Find True Love
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