Saturday, April 20, 2013

Fancy Foot Work - Upward Crazy Hair Day

      Loving the Upwards Sports program. Basketball was amazing and soccer is proving to be even better. Tristan is loving sports, which of course I love!  Today was crazy hair day and Tristan was all about crazy hair! They play 3 on 3 on small fields so it is not that chaotic. Tex has been a super soccer Dad as I have been getting into heavy training days and playing softball. He is such a great man!


Friday, April 19, 2013

4 am with my besty

Do you have one of those friends that you have not spoken to in months or even years but when the two of you get together it is like you have not even skipped a beat? Well, that is what it is like with Selena and I.

 Selena and I have been playing phone tag since November. I would call her and miss her, then she would call me and miss me. Well, there would be no missing each other this time. Selena called me and said she was coming to town with her mom. I was so excited!

Selena and her mom got in about 8pm. I headed to there hotel, but not before picking up some good ole Selena goodies. I new it was going to be a long night :)

I was so excited to see Rig. I had a very emotional day as well and emotional few months. When I got there I just gave her a hug and yes I cried. I missed her. Needless to say after 8 hours of catching up on each others lives it was time to call it a night. What a great night. Thanks Rig! I Love You!


Cycle to break the cycle - Mix 103.3 Live for 175

If you are from Boise then you are sure to know about KeKe Luv from Mix 103.3. Every year her does a broadcast for 175 hour strait to bring awareness about child abuse. If you are not aware of his story, here it is from the Mix 103.3 website:

The Story Behind Live for 175

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month.  You might have heard of this or maybe you just see it in the fine print of a yearly calendar.  Abuse is something that isn’t really talked about.  It’s only whispered about after reading tragic articles or watching a heart breaking news story.
It was in 2007, when Keke Luv and Lucky Tha DJ were living in Spokane, a horrific story came across the news.  Four year old (Summer Phelps) was tortured by her dad and step mother.  If you can think of all the things your kids have done, imagine what they did at age four.  This child was treated like an animal and just couldn’t survive anymore.

This struck the guys' most inner heart string along with the rest of the city.  Since then, Kekeluv has made it his mission to help fight abuse and spread the word of awareness.

In 2008, he brought his passion to 103.3 KISS-FM in Boise and created Live for 175.  Keke took his message to the radio and stayed up for 7 days to break a Guinness world record.  It wasn’t just another radio stunt.  This was the most non-traditional radio event ever done in Boise.  KISS-FM didn’t raise any money or take credit in the record books.  The only goal was to call attention to Child Abuse Prevention.  It’s only mission was dialogue - to get people talking about something so secret.  It worked!
Keke Luv and the KISS-FM staff created a national spotlight appearing live on Fox National News, major New York radio shows syndicated across the country, and were included in local news media daily.
In 2009, KISS-FM used Keke Luv as a voice from doorstep to doorstep.  Keke and his staff hit the streets running 7 marathons in 7 days.  He ran over 182 miles shaking hands and spreading the message, “It shouldn’t hurt to be a child.” 

Keke Luv was given full support from the community and was assisted by local police officials with escorts throughout the city.  You couldn’t go one block without seeing a blue ribbon on a street sign, a car or a house.  KISS-FM not only got the word out once again, but accomplished the 7 marathons on only 6 weeks of training.

Less than 4 months later, the Treasure Valley took a blow in the fight against Child Abuse.  8-year-old Robert Manwill went missing.  It took the city by storm as family members pleaded in daily news conferences to find their little boy.  Thousands of local volunteers joined neighbors and the police department on search teams to find Robert.  It wasn’t until later in the week when the news hit.  A boy’s body had been pulled from a canal in Southwestern Idaho that matched the age and description of an 8-year-old little boy.  The city held their breath and awaited the news. 

The police chief took the podium with a tearful and tired eye to announce the tragic news, “Robert Manwill has been found and the search is over.” It was what we had all feared.  This little boy didn’t just go missing, he was murdered. 

In 2010, Keke took the 7-day challenge to another level, adding an 8th day without sleep in honor of Robert Manwill and all kids abused during the year.  Hundreds of supporters followed along as the hours ticked by and the stories came to light from tons of Treasure Valley girls, boys, children and adults who have been affected by abuse.  In support of the cause and in an additional effort to raise awareness, our community came together and organized a candlelight vigil on the evening of day 7.  Hundreds of people poured out to light a candle and share their stories in hopes of bringing the subject of abuse out of the closet and into the light. 

In 2011, Keke Luv took his message to new heights...literally. Keke broadcast live for 7 days, this time from the top of a billboard in downtown Boise at Front & 9th Streets. He also did something he had never done before...he fasted for 175 hours with just water in an attempt to bring the discussion of child abuse even more to the forefront of everyone's mind.

You can do your part by wearing a blue ribbon, put up a sign in your window, stick a pinwheel in the yard, or just open your eyes and be aware. The decisions we make today, will affect the outcome…today.  There might not be a tomorrow for these kids.

 This year Keke brought an entire new challenge that was right up my alley. Cycle to break the Cycle.

 2013 Live for 175

It's April which means 103.3 KISS FM will once again pause to call awareness to Child Abuse and help spread the message it shouldn't hurt to be a child.  In the past Kekeluv's done everything from staying awake for over a week, running seven (7) marathons in seven days and living on a billboard while fasting to help spread the message "It shouldn't hurt to be a child."  What's this year's plan?

To power our child abuse prevention campaign completely by "human power," ie the people of the Treasure Valley pedaling bikes around the clock for 175 hours.

103.3 KISS-FM and Keke Luv will be located at The Village at Meridian located at 3600 East Fairview Ave, Meridian broadcasting LIVE (with your help)  for seven (7) days, April 19-26th!

Day 1/3 hours: 

Meet "IKE"

Thanks KeKe and Mix 103 for spreading the word
It Should Not Hurt To Be A Child

Sunday, April 14, 2013

2013 Polar Bear - Project Filter

2013 brought a new beginning in the softball world. This is the first year in 20 years that I have not run the team I am on. With all of the triathlon's this year I thought it would be good to just play rather than have all of the organization. Last fall I played on a team with a number of girls from St Anthony, Brandalyn Crapo, Terra Koon - Farmer, Jodi Blanchard, Amy Davenport. I decided to play with these girls again this spring picking up Sheree, and Kimmie and F, some of my closest friends I have made here over the years.

After a long cold weekend and a lot of softball (7games) we ended up in third place. Not too bad for the first time hitting the field together.





Sheree... getting tagged out : )


Team Project Filter

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Best Soccer Dad Ever

As basketball came to an end, soccer was soon to begin. Tristan has been practicing every Monday night. His first game was last Saturday during my Spring Sprint. This weeks game was during my softball tournament but since we lost the first game I was able to make it to watch.

Tex has been super during soccer, taking Tristan every week to practice and then to games. It has given me a nice little break. This week was also treat week for us. Tex did awesome getting treats for the kids. The cutest thing ever was when we left the field and Tristan says, "My Daddy got the best treats ever". Love the days they connect like that! Great Job Daddy!


Great job soccer Dad!

Friday, April 12, 2013

He is registered

     How time flies. It seems like yesterday that I was so excited to have a baby. Now he is beginning kindergarten. Tristan will attend Gateway Elementary School. He was selected in the lottery for the Mandarin Chinese Immersion Program. He will spend 1/2 day in English and 1/2 day in Mandarin Chinese! We are so excited! The program is now offered k-4 but will eventually be k - 6.

     As we were walking to the office from the sign we saw Angee, Flower, and River pull up. I was able to get a picture of Flower and Tristan, then Angee and River came inside to see us. Super fun day!


Saturday, April 6, 2013

Boise Spring Spirnt / March Maddness & Mom's Birthday Dinner

This is it, the first race of the "big" season.The Boise Spring Sprint is the first race that gets things going in the valley. Hairy Cow and Po Po Bear are here to hold my hand!

Camel's Back Park


I had a killer bike this year. Headed out to Seaman's Gulch I crushed it! Felt so strong! As I headed back to the park I was sucking a bit of air. My run, well, it rocked! Averaged 10 minute mile. Ya me, 10 minute mile. Crazy considering my normal is 13 to 14. Super great day.

I was greeted at T2 by two of my supporters. Austin, my trainer, and Christy one of my great friends, neither of which I expected to see. Which is super nice when you are out there by yourself and you don't know any body. Thanks guys for getting some pictures and video and mostly your support!

The afternoon was caped off by a wonderful lunch with my family, a nice hot shower, some March Madness (final four), and a birthday dinner with Mom! What a wonderful day!

On the menu, beef patties in gravy, carrot, and mashed potatoes. Tristan loves to help cook. I loved this because I love to cook because Mom began cooking with me at the age. To share time with Mom cooking with Tristan and I was priceless.