Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A note from Sue...

Thank you again for all the Birthday wishes. You may be wondering how Len handled my Birthday this year. Well, all day on June 12th he kept reminding me of what we were going to do the next day. Come June 13 not a peep out of him. Finally about 2 pm I said "Are you going to wish me a Happy Birthday"? He just said we were going to celebrate at Patti's and that he didn't know where to go to get my card and ask if I would drive him to the store before we went to Patti's house. So, here he is shopping for my card. I told him he had no more excuses. Now he knows where the cards are(Hallmark of course)

Another funny incident. Last night I was having dinner with some girlfriends and made Len a Lasagna before I left. I went in to change and when I came back there was Len sitting in front of the TV with the entire casserole in front of him laying very neatly on a towel. He had cut a precise piece from the lasagna and was eating. He told me he didn't have anyone else to worry about so why not eat from the dish as he gave me that crooked smile. He was absolutely right.


Monday, June 15, 2009

Look Sue... I Made it!

And It was really good too! So my step mom always makes me a wonderful shrimp dish when we are together and I always metions that I never make it. I think I have been to scared that it would not be as good. Well, I decided to buck up and make it and it was great! Don't worry Sue I would still love for you to make it when we are together!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Sue

Today is Sue's birthday! We all wanted to wish her a great day! Can't wait for you to get here so we can do some celebrating!

Hannah's Tournament

This year we chose to cut back on the number of Boise Co-Ed Tournaments that we played. We did this for many reason's, 1- we play the same teams over and over again, 2- the politics have gotten ridiculous. Hannah's is always a great tournament and usually a lot of teams.

Watching the weather forecast this week we new there might be a chance that we would get rained out but Saturday was pretty optimistic, at least to start.

Our first game was great! We hit awesome! We won that game and we were playing Turner's when the storm hit. It was a barn burner the score was 1 to 1 for many innings and then they scored two more runs. When the rain began it was 3 - 1 going into the top of the 7th. The tournament was suspended do to rain. They were going to try to resume the tournament Sunday to no avail, it rained all night. No Hannah's Tournament will be completed this year.

The boys are building a levy...

Friday, June 12, 2009

The Niederer's

After much deliberation over the weather, Suzette and the kids decided to head over to try to get some swimming in. Good thing they came early because Saturday & Sunday were very soggy but that did not matter because Friday was beautiful.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Julie's Line Drive...


We had a co-ed game Wednesday and we batted first. I was at the top of the order and Julie followed behind me. I was on third and Jules was up to bat. I know that Julie hits the third base line. I was standing on third thinking about what I was going to do when she hit this way, when
BAM! I didn't even have time to think. Good thing is, it doesn't hurt much!