Monday, October 17, 2011

Carter turns 4!

Carter just 10 min. before party time...
Our own Spidermen shooting the bad guys with their web.
Carter's best buds... Carter, Nate, Wade, and Miles
Carter's birthday part 2. His gifts from Family.
A whole brand new church outfit from Grandma and Grandpa! Included was a new tie and a church belt like Dad!
Carter gets his own guitar from Mom and Dad.
Blake is getting the idea of getting his picture taken... this is his picture face...
He was so excited Grandma and Grandma were coming for his "second birthday!"
Handsome Carter in his new church duds! :)
Carter hasn't ever really had friends who lived by us to have a birthday party with, so big birthday #4 it was! Nate, his best buddy, and one other boy are in his church class. The other boy lives a couple of houses down. One other friend wasn't able to come. Carter wanted to have a Spiderman party, so this is the second year with a Spiderman cake. I think it turned out pretty well. :) Carter had a great time Friday for his party and then Saturday as well with Grandma and Grandpa coming to celebrate. Hailey had a soccer game and then he got to pick the lunch location... McDonald's. Ronald showed up for prizes and face painting, so it was a fun time. It was so crazy and loud with kids, however, that he and Hailey weren't even interested in playing in the play place! He also got to go swimming in the motel pool and open more presents the next morning! I think it was a good birthday weekend for him. He calls them his "first birthday," and "second birthday." Happy 4th Birthday Carter! :)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Nursery, here Blake comes!

Blake is 18 months old now and able to go into the nursery at church. It doesn't seem like it should be time for that already. Many other children are running around and the parents can't wait to take them in there to let them play... I, on the other hand, am not sure if I'm ready for this or not! He still seems like such a little guy! He is saying quite a few things now though like: Mama, Dada, no, yeah, more, go, Spiderman, Nana, Papa, cracker, and cheese (not quite cheese, but I know what it is) I still love this little guy so much! He's just as sweet as ever.
The rest of the crew is very supportive!
Blake loves to play outside! He especially likes to rake his fingers back and forth in the dirt. Go figure.