Sunday, September 19, 2010


Hailey started preschool this week through the Henderson recreation center. She's been very excited to start since most schools started a couple of weeks earlier. She goes on Mon., Wed., and Fri. Her first day was exciting and she wasn't sad at all. The second time she was a little apprehensive and said she had a tummy ache. I think it was nerves. She is doing much better now that she has met a few friends and is getting more comfortable with her teachers.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Blake eats cereal!

This evening is the first time Blake has eaten rice cereal. I know he's ready for it, but I've been dragging my feet getting him started on it. He's not too sure about it at first. :)

He gets about 50% of it down.
And he's still smiling in the end! It's rare to find him not smiling! :)