Friday, July 16, 2010


We lOvE to visit San Diego! It's like a little piece of heaven. :) This past weekend we took an extended weekend trip to meet up with Tristan's brother Nathan and his family, who came over from Arizona. We had a great time visiting the beach, going out to eat, and staying in a hotel. We also met up with our good friend Dave, who brought his surf board and taught the guys how to surf. I finally have a hot surfer of my own! :)
The kids really had a fun time playing in the sand especially with cousin Natalie.

I did not do any bribing or coaxing before this picture was taken! This really did happen all by itself!

This is a beautiful family picture. I can't believe how our little family has grown.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


We've been having so much fun since everyone came to visit for the blessing I haven't been able to keep up! Here are some of my favorites from June.

Here are the cute matching shirts Aunt Teri made for the kids!