Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Tristan is 30....again!

Happy Birthday big guy! The kids had so much fun helping to pick out a birthday card, decorating the kitchen with streamers, watching Mommy blow up balloons, and helping to make your cake!
We are getting better every year....old man! hehehehe

Monday, July 6, 2009

Our 7th Anniversary!

Wow, I can't believe it has been 7 years since Tristan and I were married. I wish I could scan a wedding photo in, but they are all packed somewhere and there aren't many pictures of just Tristan and I since we started having children! We've made SO many wonderful memories in just seven years, yet seven also seems like it's been forever! I can't imagine being with anyone else or being in any other place than in our home together with our two children. It's been a rough go this past year and some, but we have grown stronger for it and support each other 100%. We count our blessings often and try not to think negatively about the trials we face or dwell on the opportunities that may have surpassed us.
I love you Tristan! You make my life complete and my heart full. I don't know what I would do without you by my side in this journey we call life. :)

We were lucky enough to spend a night away to celebrate! Here are some pictures of our beautiful room!The view from our window down to the gorgeous pool area! I've never seen one like it!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July!

I talked Tristan into going to the 4th of July parade in Summerlin. Although very hot, it was fun for the kids (and me). Alice in Wonderland was our favorite float and the others pictures are of other favorites. Carter talked about seeing Elmo the entire parade! We also went to a bbq in the evening and they set off a ton of fireworks, but I guess I was too busy chasing kids to think about pictures!