Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

We are excited to be in St. George again this weekend to spend Easter with Grandma and Grandpa. It is such a blessing to be just an hour and a half away. Unfortunately the weather wasn't very nice, but we'll have other nice weekends. On Saturday we went to the St. George Art Festival in the rain, but it was still a lot of fun and Carter got a darling print for his room. :) Hailey and I also colored eggs! Grandma helped too...with Carter. He wanted to help with the eggs, but in all of the wrong ways.

Well, Sunday has been beautiful! The Easter Bunny came through for us. (it was iffy for Hailey) They both really had fun finding eggs that the Easter Bunny hid outside. Church was good and the children both went to nursery together! That was even better! Carter is official now. We had a yummy hamburger dinner and another very fun egg hunt for the big people. :) Thanks again Mom and Dad!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Jumpin Jacks

This is Hailey when we first started playing at Jumpin Jacks. :) She was a little shy at first. Those slides looked pretty big! She warmed up quickly. After a few minutes she was running and climbing up all of the bouncy things. Including going down the big slides all by herself!