Finally we have gotten a couple of days of beautiful spring weather! Hailey and I have been waiting a very long time for it to be warm enough to play outside and to wear short-sleeves! Only one of our tulips has actually bloomed, but our tree is full of white blossoms. It's amazing what just one warm day with sunshine will do for the vegetation and the soul.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Posted by Christine at 5:29 PM 5 comments
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Ladies Man
Here is a picture of Carter with one of his girlfriends. Mia is just a few weeks younger than Carter. He's such a ladies man!
Posted by Christine at 5:14 PM 0 comments
What a week
We made it through yet another week. I love this picture of the kiddos in their pjs after both having had baths. I especially love Carter's tummy bulging in his skinny jammies!
Carter got a new high chair this week. Now he has some place to sit up and play with toys. He can't quite sit up on his own yet. Hopefully we get a bigger kitchen when we move because that is what I'm counting on with this new ginormous high chair! It sure is nice though. Now he can be a part of what we're doing in the kitchen.
Here is my cutie Hailey. I can't believe she held still long enough for me to snap this picture!
Here is my best attempt at taking a picture of her sad bruised cheek after slipping on our kitchen tile this week and smacking her face. If you look at the corner of her eye you can follow it down her cheek. It looks like the outline of the tile. :(
Posted by Christine at 4:40 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Carter's half-birthday!
Today wasn't exactly a party for Carter, although he is six months old today!
All three of us woke up this morning with colds and runny noses plus Carter got 3 shots at his doctors appointment. I was feeling too crappy to take pictures today, but I did manage to snap a few of him before bed in his jammies. He is such a trooper. What a cute little guy. I love his contagious smile, adorable laugh, gorgeous skin, pretty blue eyes, his dark hair that's just barely hanging in there, and his ability to continue to adore his overbearing, ever so helpful, two year old sister.
We miss you Daddy!
Posted by Christine at 9:54 PM 6 comments