To all of our loved ones, family and friends, here is wishing you a season full of love and happiness as we celebrate the birth of our Savior. Merry Christmas!
We finally made it home to Idaho despite all of the snow and delays on the roadways, and are together as a family for the week. It was wonderful seeing many of you while we were away on our month long vacation. :) Thank you for your continued support and love. We miss all of you.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Posted by Christine at 11:25 AM 4 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
San Diego
Sea World
Posted by Christine at 3:51 PM 14 comments
Sunday, November 23, 2008
First Stop
Posted by Christine at 10:57 PM 7 comments
Monday, November 3, 2008
Carter's Party!

Posted by Christine at 2:58 PM 7 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Carter gets a hair cut!
Carter got his first hair cut by Dad (mostly) and Mom before his big party debut. He was so cute sitting still up on the bathroom counter while dad cut his hair. He didn't seem to mind the clippers at all! What a tough little guy, and so handsome!
Posted by Christine at 4:25 PM 2 comments
Saturday, November 1, 2008
It was very fun to help Hailey pick out a costume this year and get her excited for the big day. The biggest excitement was that she knew Daddy was coming for Halloween, so that was really the best part of our weekend, although getting all of this free candy was probably a pretty close second for Hailey! She was really good at walking up to the doors and knocking, saying "trick or treat" and holding her bag open with two hands. She mostly always remembered "thank you" too. :) It was nice that it wasn't snowing or freezing cold this year for Halloween night. We had a fun time together.
Posted by Christine at 2:33 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
pUmPkIn PaTcH visit #2
So, last Saturday the weather was sunny and gorgeous, so I thought it would be fun to take the kiddies to the Pumpkin Patch for round two. I don't know what I was thinking there. I sure didn't think that EVERYONE else in the whole valley might be thinking the same thing before I left the house. When we pulled up toward the farm I could see that cars were even parked on the main road! To give you an idea, when Tristan and I took the kids the first time, we were one of like 5 cars in the parking lot. I guess because it was only the second week in October. So, I thought "well, at least we don't have to hurry to be anywhere!" I found a spot and we enjoyed riding on the hay again, seeing and petting some animals again, and this time jumping in the huge blow-up jumping thing! :) Hailey always thinks she wants to jump in these, but when we get up to it she will never get in and jump. This time she was so brave and she jumped, and jumped, and jumped, got out, got back in and jumped, and jumped some more! I'm not sure how to do video yet, but I took a video on my camera that will hopefully work. Right now it is having problems, so I'll try to add it later. It was a lot of fun though and I was really proud of her.
Posted by Christine at 9:37 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Carter's First Birthday!
He totally did look older today!

We treated Carter to Cold Stone for his birthday this evening. Our friend, Katauna, came with us to help celebrate. He liked it! Ok, so that's really the only fun thing we did for his birthday, we are going to have a little birthday party when Daddy is here for Halloween.

If you look closely, his top front teeth are bulging and the two teeth on either side of those have already broken through! Finally, some teeth!

It was so cute tonight when Carter and I tucked Hailey in bed, Carter blew her kisses for the first time ever! :) Good night my sweet baby Carter!

Here are some other big-boy pictures I've taken of Carter in the past few days.
Carter loves the bath! It is so cute how he stands at the side of the tub now while I undress him and he lifts his legs and arms to help get out of his clothing.

Carter is sitting in his new big-boy car seat, although as you can tell it's not actually in the car yet. No, that is not because I was purposely waiting until he was a year. :)

Posted by Christine at 3:46 PM 10 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sunday update :)
I realize it's been a while since I posted new pictures of the children, so here are our usual Sunday update pictures. They look so sweet in their pretty Sunday clothes. :) I can't believe how grown up Carter looked in his cute sweater vest. What a little man. Hailey got a new nursery teacher and has been going back to nursery by herself for the past two weeks! Needless to say I am overjoyed and forever indebted to Rosie Kessinger! Now I just have to try to wrangle Carter.
Posted by Christine at 4:42 PM 2 comments