Monday, July 2, 2012

June & school

I wanted to write sooner, but the blog stopped working on Internet Explorer for the writing portion. That meant I was pushed to my backup browser, or get the Google browser. I also had the monitor go white on me.

Here is how school & my birthday went in the last little while.

I met a new friend at school, & his name is Jared. He got a job about 3 weeks ago, so I am happy for him. We had been working together on some of my assignments. Thanks Jared for all your help & being a good friend. We plan to keep our friendship going, so we can keep helping each other out.

I had a B on my first test and I will have my next test next week if I keep up my hours.

My birthday was 4 weeks ago. It is hard to celebrate a birthday that lands on a Sunday. On Monday I went with my friend Nicolle to a yogurt place. Then I went to dinner with my family at Shari's. We had a cake on Tuesday, & I got jellybeans from the Relief Society Presidency. I thought my birthday party was over last Friday the 15th, but I got anther gift.

Here is some pictures of some of the gifts.This what we had before I could buy a cake. Then I didn't take a picture of it after all.

I gave my husband a $ amount so he could buy me a gift. He found this Josh Groban CD. He don't like Josh, so I was thinking he would get something else. Now I am only missing one CD & movie soundtracks like the Polar Express.

My visiting teachers came by with a candle & a box that had candy. There was also a jar of strawberry jam.
Here are the jellybeans.

Has anyone let someone barrow their girls camp sweatshirt? I am so nervous. I don't normally let people barrow my cloths. They are doing something at camp to celebrate the decades. I hope the girls liked to see all the different sweatshirts that were made so far.

Happy 4th of July this week.