Sunday, June 19, 2016

My work

I have been working with kids after their school day for 4 years now. The kids are currently in 3rd grade up to 11th grade.

I started getting referred to more people that needed help after a year or so. My dad and Mom didn't want to help me that much anymore. They felt that there was something I could do for a job that was safer. Nothing was working out, so I kept my job tell they could find something else.The people I hired in my parents place didn't have room for me to grow my job if I wanted to. I have had some drivers who had to leave.

After 2 years I still didn't have a job to replace this one and my parents were still scared for me.  I even started getting a raise from the moms. 

In December 2014 my husband and I chose to make my job into a business. I also kept letting the moms have a say in how I should grow safely. I started shopping online for vans and was prompted to inform our bishop of my search. I went to our bishop and asked if there was someone who had a van I could use. The Bishop called a guy from another ward and told me I can buy one from his businesses. He was out of vans at the time, so he went shopping at car shows for me.

In February 2015 the guy got me a 2005 van. I saved half of what I needed to buy the van, so my parents chose to let me have a loan with them instead. 

Here is what I put on eatch side of the van.

In March of 2015 I started a new job with one of my driver's sisters. I work my hours with her around my other job. I have been helping Jodi with cooking and we play games together. Sometimes we go to a movie with her sister or my dad. There have been some obstacles at times, but their mom is glad I didn't give up. We have now chosen to "adopt" each other. Here are some pictures of Jodi ad her family. 

Jodi making some cookies with her mom in October.

Jodi's dogs

I am now trying to expand my hours of operation. After Christmas break 2015 I am going to try a morning school run for some moms. The new run has gone well. 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Thank You

It's been over a year since I have had the time or strength for writing anything. I am so thankful for all the friends that I have.

After Christmas I got sick again with intense spasms, but this time I was out of luck.The doctors couldn't see anything in my test results. They gave me some stuff anyway. I wasn't getting better, so I thought what did I do this time? My husband had to drop out of  class again for this too. They gave me meds when I went back and they didn't work well. Lovely right? We still don't really know what went wrong, so what a shame. They said I needed to go back to my specialist, and see what he could come up with. He told me it was all in my brain. I thought to myself. " I've had this 3 times in the last 2 years and I haven't been banging my head or anything. what is my brain doing? He gave me meds that were generic for Keppra, so I just called it Keppra. I was on Keppra for about 7 months which brought me to July. After July, I decided to cut it off and see what it does. The first day was the worst, so my mom kept asking me if I was going to go back on Keppra. I said," This is the only day so far. I need to go for at least another few days or a week, because every time I change the dosage, they said to do that." I keep asking myself :"Now, what did I do right, or what did I do that made it better?" The family and I, still don't know unfortunately. I don't think the doctors would know either if I went to them and asked. I think we all would wish we could figure out what we did wrong sooner or even what we did right in other situations, but that's not how it goes. Only God knows when we'll figure it out, or if we wont. 

It is now about a week and a half before summer is over, which is crazy to think about. The spasms are even less intense than the last time I went off the meds. Which were a different kind, so it reminds me of when I was a teenager or even younger then that. 

My mom's condition has improve some since we are now into the second year of the ulcer. There are still some things she doesn't want to do like drive a car, won't go out to things more than an hour or so. She went to a church activity for women over 50 here and she goes out with a couple of friends sometimes. At home she will do a couple of meals and help out with cleanup, but most of the time she keeps herself busy with logic puzzles or a computer thing, movie, etc. unfortunately, we still don't know why she is experiencing some pain in other areas, but we are hoping it will go away too. My dad thinks it is something to do with stress also, not sure. The doctors don't want to diagnose her when they don't know, but my dad calls it bowel disease, but I would call it something else but, that's okay.

My mom worries about my future some, and also regrets some of my younger years, which we can't do much about now. We need to just keep moving forward and improve ourselves and take everything we have and do better if we can. Then there is my older brother David, who still hasn't found a woman to share his life with. He still worries about things that scare my mom so much that she can't talk to him on the phone much. My parents have been trying to tell him to leave his work and come here but he just won't do it. My other brother Mike and I have been trying to do the same also. He then tries to tell him me that Mike feels the same way about me as he does and so I had to call Mike and tell him what David says. We concluded that sometimes  David is trying to fill my brain with junk and that's sad to me. I know I probably have made plenty of mistakes, but I'm not responsible for what my parents decide to do about some situations. I definitely don't blame them for the body I have. God gave it to me the way it is and if it has problems, that's what I was supposed to teach other people about. Not all his issues are about me, but there also scary even if they're not about me.

My friend Jessica and I have been working on my baby scrapbook and I have picked up some family history, things for my brother Mike, so he can do things easier. I'm straightening out duplicates and adding information for him now that we have the ability to do photos and memories. There is even for us now that it's free. I would love to do indexing, but that would be just too hard for me due to my vision issues as what my husband and dad said. Of course you know me I would love to try it, but I'm not going to. My husband is a family history consultant, so I just go in with him and help other people with the computer or work on mine while I'm there too. I'm only working on my dad'Sa side right now, but my mom side has been done quite a bit. Growing up I was told that we didn't have any real Mormons in our family on either side, but I think that generations back they kept it hush-hush, or something. So it's kind of cool to see that some of it has been done. My husband said I can't add to my tree had because they have a rule about how many generations you can see if some people are certainly still alive. Of course, you can add them, but then you have duplicates which makes it harder to get rid of later.

I did a party with my husband on my dad's 70th birthday weekend. It was fun, but a lot of work to clean up. I tried to surprise him, but my parents had figured it out anyway, and I had root beer floats and other things for people to eat when they came to share their dish or snack. He has been working on things here with the missionaries so that they can learn new skills too. We have our own missionaries for our ward and they are sister missionaries.

Mike and his wife Jeanette are expecting their fourth child, very soon. He was able to advance in the company that he works for, and I'm happy for them. Of course I wish they would come this way, but they are now in South Carolina. By explaining to him about my issues and challenges here. I have learned a lot about his job and I think it's a blessing he relates to my government issues. I wonder sometimes if that's why God put them there.

I'm heading back to work with my kids that are now in high school, but now I have a little one who is a brother to one of them, and he is in second grade. I finally got a new voc. rehab counselor to really want to work with me after having one who retired and then going to one who had 400 clients to one that was working only once a week or on medical leave. When I went to the counselor who was filling in for my new one. I told her I was concerned about her only working once a week and she said we'll see what happens and the last time I saw her she told me she wanted to keep me instead of putting me back with that other women. Of course I was thankful and all that but, one of the other people I work with was like he didn't how events and I said well I just found out right now, so how could I tell you? They said okay, and left it at that. I think this woman may have been able to see my potential which most people can't it seems like. She gave me a job coach and we have been meeting for approximately 2 months now. She reminds me of my big sister I never had in my home. We were going to go out today so she could see where I am comfortable going on my own or know the area and then she gave me a call this morning and said that she had already found a guy who wanted to meet me. I thought this has to be ridiculously crazy. Unfortunately, she said he was sick, today so we couldn't continue our plans. In most situations when I interview by myself for a position outside of child care it's harder to get the job, so I'm hoping that she can help in a bigger way.

Hopefully my health will continue this way so I can continue my journal and show pictures of things that I've been wanting to post about, and maybe even things people have been asking about.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Summer events

I know I need to write but, it's very hard these days. I have had the summer off from my job since they didn't need anything tell September. Since I have been home more now, I have had to deal with my mom being very ill since January. This is the second time we've been through this type of illness. The first time was when I graduated from high school and my dad retired from work due to layoffs at the same time. This time it's worse. I don't know that this will improve or not. Most of you know her and want to ask questions which is fine, and it seems like some people want to tell me how she should fix it etc. The doctors have done a lot of testing and haven't found anything pertaining to the things that she says are hurting or giving her pain, so we are still in a long-haul. I have asked people to put her on the prayer role in the Temple, or come by and say hi. She won't answer the phone or call you back usually, so please call me or just come to the door I will let you in. I also have started asking for help to do certain things like the yard which is complete now. I have some other projects, but we will do one at a time. Hopefully my mom will be will to eventually do work again, but who knows.
I finished my computer class in April and got a job coach from the state services. I told my job coach that my resume would probably be not good enough for them, so we would need to improve it. They decided after about a month that they didn't want to help me and complained about the things that we talked about being a problem in the first place. Now I will half to ask for another one or go on my own to get help. The church employment center helped me some, so I've been working on their suggestions.

Friday, March 22, 2013

How are we doing?

2013 has been very busy so far. I started a job January 7th that I didn't even apply for. The parent found my profile on and sent me a message to see if I would do her job. They even told their friends my phone number. That gave me another kid to my job, and a second job that I am on call for.

My husband and I are both going to school. I have been working on the Quickbooks software. I have made it through about 2 chapters so far. They don't think I need to do all the chapters in the book so school is coming to an end for me. My husband finished calculus one and signed up for calculus 2 that starts in April.

We still have are church callings and I am helping people on the side with their projects.

The library I help at is getting the second floor finished so they can have more books. The other library in the area is getting some improvements as well. The whole job should be done sometime next year.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

My PowerPoint Presentation

Some of you have been asking for my PowerPoint presentation. I hope you all like it. They gave me A on this.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


I have been going pretty fast through the easy sections of my school books. I am now in PowerPoint. I need to make a presentation of my own for one of my tests. What topic do you think would be a good PowerPoint presentation for me to do? I have about a week or so to figure this out.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Life curve ball

We got home from are trip at the end of July & I was going to write about it when I got home on here. I had all the notes typed up on my husband's laptop, but wasn't meant to be.

About 2 weeks after being home I started not sleeping well witch led to me loosing complete control of my body after a week & not able to walk. I went to the doctor a week after loosing sleep, & they found an infection when taking the minimal testing. This happened right when my bother in-law Mark was in town, so I am glad that he could help my husband. I am still taking a pill for sleep, but we are trying to ween me off.

Thank you for the friends I have & family that put me on the prayer role. On fast Sunday you are welcome to do what you can.

Here is a link you can use if you want to be friends on our Redbox amount. We won't be using it a lot, but we still thought it was good to get an account & see what we think of it. There is 1or 2 things we have found out. It's better to look for the movie online, so that you can reserve it or go to the right Redbox. Each box has its own selection. We also saw that reporting damaged things was harder to do, but when you tell them they will reword you with free rentals.

Bye for now.

Monday, July 2, 2012

June & school

I wanted to write sooner, but the blog stopped working on Internet Explorer for the writing portion. That meant I was pushed to my backup browser, or get the Google browser. I also had the monitor go white on me.

Here is how school & my birthday went in the last little while.

I met a new friend at school, & his name is Jared. He got a job about 3 weeks ago, so I am happy for him. We had been working together on some of my assignments. Thanks Jared for all your help & being a good friend. We plan to keep our friendship going, so we can keep helping each other out.

I had a B on my first test and I will have my next test next week if I keep up my hours.

My birthday was 4 weeks ago. It is hard to celebrate a birthday that lands on a Sunday. On Monday I went with my friend Nicolle to a yogurt place. Then I went to dinner with my family at Shari's. We had a cake on Tuesday, & I got jellybeans from the Relief Society Presidency. I thought my birthday party was over last Friday the 15th, but I got anther gift.

Here is some pictures of some of the gifts.This what we had before I could buy a cake. Then I didn't take a picture of it after all.

I gave my husband a $ amount so he could buy me a gift. He found this Josh Groban CD. He don't like Josh, so I was thinking he would get something else. Now I am only missing one CD & movie soundtracks like the Polar Express.

My visiting teachers came by with a candle & a box that had candy. There was also a jar of strawberry jam.
Here are the jellybeans.

Has anyone let someone barrow their girls camp sweatshirt? I am so nervous. I don't normally let people barrow my cloths. They are doing something at camp to celebrate the decades. I hope the girls liked to see all the different sweatshirts that were made so far.

Happy 4th of July this week.