Friday, March 6, 2015

The Twins are 1!! (Catch up part 2)

I don't know how I was so lucky to be blessed with twins!!  Two babies to dote on and Love is so much fun.  I can't believe how much faster time goes with two babies though.  Time has flown by since they were born.  These two are starting to interact with each other so much and it is so much fun that they always have a friend (or enemy).  We love them so much!!!
Because Leah had RSV the week of their birthday we had a pretty small celebration instead of the big party I was planning, but it was still a fun time.

Leah is a sassy little wiggle worm that can't sit still for more than 1 minute.  I have been wrestling her at diaper changes for at least 3 months.  Her stats at her birthday: Weight: 14 lbs 4 oz (0.27%) Height: 26.5 inches (0.44%) Head: 18.1 inches (79%) She started taking steps the week of their birthday, but she officially began walking on her birthday.  She says: Hi, uh-oh, dadda, and momma. She waves, gives kisses and blows kisses.  She has 2 teeth and shows them to us often with a smile or a laugh.  She climbs out of her high chair every time she is put in it.  She LOVES to eat table food and still doesn't love her high calorie formula. She loves water from her sippy cup though.

 Noah is a little more mellow than Leah.  He smiles ALL the time.  He is my most chilled out child.  His stats at his birthday: Weight: 17 lbs 10 oz (4.43%)  Height: 27 inches Head: 17.7 inches (20.3%).  Noah is not walking because he is a little bit too scared.  He will walk along furniture and while holding your hand, but if he has nothing to hold on to he drops to the ground in a hurry.  He says: Ha (hi), dadda (all the time) and momma.  He waves, gives slobbery kisses and blows kisses.  He has 6 teeth.  He loves to smile and laugh and he LOVES to be with his dad as soon as Trev gets home from work.  He LOVES table food and is just starting to take a bottle.  He will drink water and milk from the sippy cup.  He still nurses 3 or 4 times a day.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Catch up Part 1 (Christmas)

Wow, I feel like with very mobile babies it is impossible to get anything done!
Let's play catch up.  Starting with Christmas.
We had a fun Christmas, small and simple and it was a great year.
This year we let the boys pick out toys for each other and that was a lot of fun!
We spent the morning at home with the kids opening presents and letting them play.  We later went to the Gardner's house for dinner and to enjoy some time with them.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas...

At the beginning of the month we went to our ward Christmas party.  The boys were SO excited to see Santa and then Kelson ended up being too scared to sit on his lap.  He did sit by Mrs. Clause though :)  Caleb asked for a Cow and a Pig- yes real ones not pretend ones! haha

On Saturday night we went into town and let the boys pick out gifts for each other.  Caleb and me went to pick out gifts for dad and Kelson, while Kelson and Trev went to pick out gifts for me and Caleb.  It was an adventure!!  
The boys are really getting excited for Santa to come bring presents... In fact, just the other night Caleb said in his bedtime prayers "bless that Santa will come here."  It was pretty cute.

We got a tree last Thursday and it has been sitting in the house un-decorated until we finally did that last night.  Trevor is out of town so my mom came up and helped tend the babies while me and the boys decorated the tree.  I think the tree turned out perfect!!

Thanks to Shanley for the idea of making our own ornaments... they really added to the tree!

10 Months

Just some stats...

Noah weighs 14 lbs 15 oz
Noah has 2 new teeth and is teething.  Noah is crawling and he is fast.  In size 6-9 month clothes.  He has started waving "bye bye"
 Leah weighs 12 lbs 5 oz
Leah is teething and she is scooting and starting to crawl.  She has been sleeping less this last month.  usually wakes up at least 1 time per night.  In 3-6 month clothes.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Family Pictures

I just had to post some of these, cause I thought they turned out so good.
I love my family!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

I must be doing something right

Sometimes being a mom is the hardest job...  So many times I feel inadequate or like I should be doing better.  Having twins is no picnic and having preemies is a whole other story.  Lately I have been stuck in the "what if" mode. I keep wondering if I had done things different before now if things would be different, but I can't change the past so I keep trying not to dwell on the past.  As moms we worry more and love more!  We want the very best for our children and we worry A LOT because of all the LOVE!!  Lately I find that the twins weights are always on my mind.  The babies turned 9 months old on the 4th of November and at their appointment we found out that Leah is starting to fall off the growth curve.  I KNOW she is small and people tell me ALL the time (as if i don't know)... "she is so tiny"  "there is no way they are really that age" "they look unnatural sitting/crawling cause they are so small."  I know that when people say these things they aren't trying to be mean or hurtful, but every time someone does it just reminds me of the worry that is already in the back of my mind.  It makes me wonder if I had given formula sooner, if I had only nursed one baby, if I had been invited to NICU grad-checks after discharge- would things be different??  Are they small and not growing good because of me??  Could I have made a difference sooner??  Sometimes I feel inadequate...
Then I look at the sweet smiles, I watch them sit, play, eat and I hear their laughs, and I KNOW I must be doing something right.  They are still doing well developmentally and I can't change the past, but I can make the future the best that I can.  I can have faith that if I try my hardest and believe they will grow if it is God's will, they will- just not on my time table.  I love being a mom even if it is the hardest job.  It is definitely one of the most rewarding!

Leah: 11 lbs 10 oz (0.02%), 24 1/4 inches long (0.05%)  Wearing 0-3 & 3-6 clothes. 2 teeth, loves solids but hates to drink a bottle, army crawls/scoots fast.
Noah: 14 lbs (0.18%), 25 3/4 inches long (0.15%)  wearing 3-6 & 6 month clothes. 2 teeth, loves to nurse and eat solids, army crawls/scoots,

Sunday, November 2, 2014


Happy Halloween from Clark Kent, Peanut Butter & Jelly, and a horse!  

Caleb loved that he got to dress up for his preschool party (but he was NOT about to wear his "church pants")  He made a cute superman/Clark Kent.  Kelson got to dress up for Kindergarten party too.  We went and watched him in the costume parade at school.  He made a very cute horse.  And the babies didn't realize it was a holiday, but they got dressed up anyway  in their peanut butter and jelly outfits.  They were pretty cute!