That's all I have to say is Yep it's True!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Ethan's First Day
Ethan started preschool finally! I have been very excited for this day to come! Even Alivia was excited for him to go. We got all dressed and ready to go, then went and got Landon and Carter. Christy and I drove them to Ms. Nicole's house. Ethan jumped out of the car and was ready to go. I walked him down to his classroom and hung up his backpack. He sat in his chai
r and started to color. Then he looked at me and asked "Are you staying with me mom?" and I said "No I will be right back to pick you up" then he started to cry. To get him to stop, I found a pirate coloring book. He was excited when I picked him up. Hopefully tomorrow won
't be worse. Now I just have to figure out what to do while he is gone. Hmmm maybe read a book, scrapbook, catch up of Lost. So many possibilities! It has been so quite at my house I don't know what to do with myself! Thank heaven for school!
Posted by Shelley at 11:51 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Liv's First Day
Here are a few pics of Liv's first day of first grade! She was very nervous to go. So nervous she made herself sick in the morning. She can thank her dad for inheriting the nerves. I walked her into her class and sat her at her desk so she knew where to go. The next few days I had to walk her to the back of the school where the entire school lines up. She was pretty intimidated by all the big kids. She has been enjoying school lunch for the most part. Or at least I think she is, who knows she could not be eating any of it. Ethan starts preschool next week and he got into a special speech class called Talking Time. We are very excited about that. Other than that, we have been busy packing and trying to find a new house. We will update when we know more about t
he house situation. We did put in an offer and now are just waiting to hear back from the bank. Hopefully all will go well and we can close quickly. Our buyers want to close sooner than expected, but we need to make sure we have a place to live before we push the date up. I didn't realize how much stuff we have accumulated in 6 years at this house. Well maybe I do, but didn't want to admit it. Oh well.
Posted by Shelley at 6:56 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 7, 2009
Well we officially accepted an offer on our home yesterday! We are scared, excited, and a little sad. We have lived here for 6 years and have decided we need to expand. We are hoping to stay in Saratoga or maybe Eagle Mtn. It is just central since I work in Murray and Trent works in Orem. The hard part is leaving the friends/neighbors. Hopefully they won't forget us and come visit from time to time. Now the search begins to find a new, bigger home. I sure hope our marriage survives this hurdle because we all know how different our opinions are!! Wish us luck!
Posted by Shelley at 5:04 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Our Summer so far. . .
Well we haven't been up to too much this summer. We bought a new swimming pool for the kids so everyone could fit in it. They have loved it so far, but sometimes still prefer the slip and slide. We went to the cabin one day just for fun with the friends: Dusty and Tiff, and Kelly and Christy. Even though we weren't there very long, we still had a great time. We made kabobs that were really tasty! One day I took the kids to the park and it was funny to see the big wheel parade going down the street. Lucky for me, the fun of the park didn't last long and they decided we should go home. On Father's Day weekend, we went to the cabin again. Trent decided to try out his new repelling skills and repel down the mountain side. It was pretty fun to watch. I wish I would have done it, but I was wearing white pants and flip flops. Ethan is obsessed with pirates and wanted it to be his birthday so he could have a pirate cake. Since his birthday isn't until November, I decided I would make him his own pirate cake. Definately not a pro and making cakes! We went to farm country at Thanksgiving Point the other day with the Johnsons and Tolboes. The kids had a great time until Ethan needed a drink. Being my child, he didn't want water he wanted a drink from the "drink store". So far summer has been really fun!
Posted by Shelley at 7:15 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
What we have been up to
This spring we have been a little busy. Not too busy though. We went to the zoo, had Liv's kindergarten graduation, and went to the lodge a few times. We are looking forward to a lazy summer!
Posted by Shelley at 10:39 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Mother's Day Weekend
We decided on the spur of the moment to go to the lodge for the night. So we packed up Friday afternoon and went down. It was nice and relaxing to just hang out. We went for a long four wheeler ride on Saturday and then came home. For Mother's Day, I had to teach my primary class which was kind of a bummer. Then I came home and got to enjoy a nice migraine. So I slept for about three hours! At least I didn't have to cook or deal with the kids. My mother's day present (by my request) is to have my garden area tilled and weeded so I can plant my garden.
Posted by Shelley at 3:03 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Woot Woot!
This is Christy and I at our Salt Lake City Marathon 5K on April 18th. Go us!!! Before and after shots. We are so awesome aren't we!?!
Posted by Shelley at 11:40 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Easter Weekend
This year for Easter, we decided to go to St George. Trent's parents have a condo down there that we get every 8 weeks and it just so happened to fall on Easter weekend. We couldn't pass up the chance to go down. So we left on Wednesday afternoon/evening. When we got there it was about 9pm and both kids were hungry. We had brought some food from home, so Ethan had pancakes and Alivia had Ramen noodles. (The things we do for our kids!) We spent the next two days going swimming and hiking around. We found this great new restaurant called Pirate Island and for anyone who knows my son, he was in heaven. Ryan and Teri came down Friday night with Lauren and we had a great time with them celebrating Easter. Saturday Trent and Ryan went golfing while Teri and I went shopping. Sunday we woke up and had an Easter egg hunt for the kids. Then we cleaned up and came home. Unfortunately, I got called in to work that night so that was a bummer and I was really tired. We had a great weekend while it lasted though!
Posted by Shelley at 3:52 PM 1 comments
Friday, April 3, 2009
So much Fun!
So this week has been so much FUN! Not really. Alivia got sick on Tuesday evening while I was at the Blue October concert. Trent called me from his mom's and said she had thrown up 3 times. I said ok, try to get home. Then he called and said she threw up 2 more times. So I had to leave the concert early (I only got to see the opening band) and come home. She then threw up until 4am. The next day she only threw up once and the following night once. I took her to the doctor yesterday and he said it was probably rotovirus. I had my mom take Ethan yesterday so I could take care of Liv. Then she called and said Ethan was throwing up. So last night was a great night of throwing up. Today they seem to be doing better. Hopefully the worst is behind us!
Posted by Shelley at 1:21 PM 1 comments
Friday, February 27, 2009
My Little Splurge
Posted by Shelley at 10:43 AM 3 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Valentines Present
Here is my wonderful Valentines Present. Not really. I was doing our taxes on TurboTax and complaining about how Trent never helps with any of that stuff. I finally got frustrated because he wouldn't even come downstairs to go over the taxes. So I told him that it was only fair if I did the taxes, I got the refund. I couldn't believe he actually agreed with me. After e-filing our taxes, he ordered me my new baby! SWEET! I just wish it would come sooner! I am so excited. With Trent working at home now, I can't go check my email as often as I like, so now I can be upstairs and check my email all day!
Posted by Shelley at 9:19 PM 2 comments
Sunday, February 8, 2009
So, some weird thoughts for today. Why do things always come in threes? On my mom's side we have had three people pass away. My grandma in November, my mom's cousin just a couple weeks ago, and then my mom's aunt just last week. Wow, my poor mom. Anyway, then I get to work today and we have 3 sets of triplets! THREE!!! WOW. And then I wonder, how do people come up with the names they pick for their children. Some are great and creative and then some you just think "hmmm".
As far as an update on our family. Trent began working at home last week. We are both unsure if we like it or not. He gets to see my "secret life" at home and see what I really do all day. He also feels a little like a hermit, never leaving home. However, he is a lot more productive at home. He also gets done with work sooner. So we get to see him a lot. As far as me, I am still working in the NICU. I hate having a job, but I do love my job itself. Being a nurse has its perks too, I basically work one day a week and then pick up a shift here and there. The night shifts are what kill me. Liv is liking Kindergarten so far. She is learning many new words and loves math. Ethan has started speech therapy with the school district. We go every Wednesday at 3 and then pick up Liv at 3:30. His speech is slowly improving. Eating is improving at a snail's pace. It's all about baby steps. We went to California in January and are hopefully going to DC in April. That's our life in a nutshell for now.
Posted by Shelley at 1:49 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 30, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Disneyland 2009!
So for Christmas we gave the kids a trip to Disneyland. We flew out on Wednesday night, picked up our car, and went straight to the hotel. We were all exhausted so we went to sleep. The next morning we woke up bright and early. We went to IHOP to eat breakfast, then decided we had enough time we could walk to Disneyland. When we got there, we figured out the price at the gate was not the same price as online. So thanks to my wonderful best friend Christy, we got in for the online price. We called her and she hurried and bought them and we picked them up at will call. The rest of the day we spent wandering around Disneyland. The second day my parents flew in and came with us to California Adventure. We spent half the day there, then went back to Disneyland. My parents took the kids to a show in California Adventure while Trent and I rode the Roller Coaster. Then they took the kids on all the kid rides, while Trent and I utilized the fastpasses and went on Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, Big Thunder, and Indiana Jones. When I was a kid, we went to Disneyland and while on the Alice in Wonderland ride, we had to evacuate the ride due to a fire. It was rather unnerving to have someone come up to your car in the pitch black part of the ride. Anyway, I kept joking about this the whole time we were there. Then when Trent and I went on Splash Mountain, we went down the giant hill and then went in the part with the Ferry boat. Then the ride stopped. I could not believe it was happening again. I said "If we have to evacuate, I am jinxed". Well we DID have to evacuate and ended up going through the bowels of splash mountain. How can this happen to the same person twice in their life? By day three, we were all so tired, we only spent half the day in Disney. Ethan's favorite ride was the Matterhorn and Alivia's favorite ride was the Tea Cups. We then went and found a Long John Silvers to eat dinner. My mom and Dad drove to San Diego to stay, and we ended up going to Newport Beach to eat our dinner. We then crashed at the hotel. The next day we drove down to Camp Pendelton where my parents were staying. They had a cottage right on the beach. We spent the whole day out on the beach. I think the kids liked this even more than Disneyland! We had a great trip but are glad to be home in our own comfy beds!
Posted by Shelley at 1:14 PM 5 comments