Sunday, April 17, 2011

Alivia's 8th Birthday

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Ethan's Fifth Birthday

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First Day Of School

Both kids started school on Aug 25th. Alivia is now in second grade and her teacher is Miss Maurin. She was pretty excited and nervous to go back to school, but was happy about it when I picked her up in the afternoon. Ethan was super excited to go to preschool. He is attending Learning Dynamics with Landon and Carter. He asked me every day for a week if it was time for school. Thank goodness Aug 25th came quickly. He had no problems saying goodbye to mom when I dropped him off.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Summer So Far. . .

We haven't done much this summer but be lazy and take care of Baby Kate. The kids have been keeping busy with their own imaginations! We had a birthday party for Elle who is Alivia's stuffed elephant. We went to the zoo one afternoon when the weather was actually cool. The kids took swimming lessons with Melissa and learned to use their goggles. And pretty much that's it so far. Kate has been a hard baby with reflux and such. She doesn't sleep unless I hold her upright so my recliner is now my best friend. Having three is hard, but not as hard as I thought it would be. Liv is a great helper especially in the car. We have a family reunion, more swim lessons, and more fireworks in the near future as well as our 10 year anniversary.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Katelyn Marie Devey

This is little Katelyn Marie born on May 29th 2010 at 1:45pm. She weighed 7 lbs 5 oz and was 19.5 inches long. It started at 4:45am with my water breaking at home. We got to the hospital at about 5:30am and decided we would try to labor instead of doing the c-section we had planned on. We are so glad we did since she ended up not being 9 lbs like we thought she was! The labor went really quickly and I only had to push through 2 contractions and she was out. I was so surprised at how easy it was compared to Ethan's delivery. When she was born I remember saying "Well that was a piece of cake!" She is very healthy except for a little jaundice and we are happy to have her here and part of our family. Enjoy the slideshow!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Alivia Rose Devey

I can't believe my little girl is now 7 years old! Wow how time really does fly. I remember the day she was born and how little I thought she was. When she was 6 months old we moved into our new house. This is where she learned to crawl, walk, talk, and everything else. We have loved having her in our family and the wonderful spirit she brings to our home. She is such a great helper to her mom and a wonderful big sister. She is bossy and stubborn and usually gets what she wants, but who can blame her? It's genetics! She is doing well in school and loves to do artsy things. She is very left-brained and loves doing puzzles and figuring things out. She is not into dolls or barbies, but would rather draw or color. Her favorite things to do now are play Mario, jump on the tramp, and play pretend with Ethan. For her birthday we went swimming at the Legacy Center then came back home and had lunch, ate cake, and opened presents. She had a great day. We love you Alivia and are glad you are a part of our family!