Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Rough Weekend

On Friday, Reese tried to get Brooklyn off my bed, and we are not sure what exactly happened, but we suspect that she hit her leg on the cradle. I ran in and grabbed Brooklyn who was screaming in pain. So I went over her body and she was super tender with her left leg. To skip a lot of details, after spending the majority of the day at the hospital and my pediatricians office we headed down to Primary childrens, where we had more x-rays, along with many other tests to be sure that she didn't hurt anything else. the outcome was a broken femur. So sad. It broke my heart. I couldn't tell you the last time I cried that long, seriously all day, I couldn't pull myself together. A month old baby in such pain was horrible. We are grateful to family who could help out. Anyway, she is on the mend, and the ped orthopedic said that babies heal in miraculous time, and to expect a 2-3 week process. So we follow up next week, lets hope everything continues to go well. Also a side note for all of you with winter babies. Her Vitamin D level was really low, perhaps contributing to brittle bones. Vitamin D comes from sunlight, or supplement, it is the one thing that breast milk lacks. So we bought those enfamil poly vi soll vitamins, and hopefully they help.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Boys wrestling

I had to post a couple pix of the boys wrestling. They are determined to give lots of sports a shot before deciding on 1 or 2. So this fall was wrestling. It was great fun to watch. Both the kids as well as other kids parents, talk about intense. If the boys decide wrestling is still in the running next fall, Trent and I will have to up our game on super intensity parents, we're talkin' sit ups and push ups before matches, yelling at the kids to throw the other kid on the mat. We only learned to yell spin, get up, roll over, and hold him this year. It is a foreign world to us. But it's been a lot of fun to learn more about wrestling with the boys. Cheers to learning, growing and laughing together!

Random Pictures

A few random pix of us.


Porters Fall Program

Bowling in Midway for New Years

American West Fall Festival


I know I haven't posted in a while so a little catch up. We had a great Christmas a little low key with the new one and my c section recovery. It was fun to be with family as always, that is my favorite thing about holidays. The magic of Christmas is always a joy to see in your kids eyes. We are very blessed and grateful for year we just finished and look forward to a new year full of adventure.

Photo shoot

Little Brooklyn is already getting too big for our liking. At her 2 wk. appoiintment she had already gained 8 1/2 oz. Over birth weight. She is a sweetheart and loved every day by all. 'Loved', includes being smotheredwith kisses, hauled around the house by siblings not all that much bigger than her, and constantly being argued over who gets to hold her next. We sure love her!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Brooklyn is here

Brooklyn Mary Cragun
8 lb. 2 oz.
19 1/2 inches long
December 15th, 2009
8:11 am

Seriously, isn't she darling. We just love her. I only get to hold her basically when I am feeding her. The kids are constantly asking either 'where is the baby?' (cause I have hidden her so she can get a minute of sleep), or 'can I hold her?' She is definitely loved.
Everything went as planned with the delivery. She was a c-section, and everything went great. Cache was also a c-section and where I don't deliver at our local hospital, we decided the risk would be best managed as another c-section. We arrived at the hospital at 6:00 am, went through all the paperwork, yada, yada, and then got all my IV's in, and headed into the OR. We were lucky to have basically the same team in the OR that was there with Cache. Same assisting Physician, anesthesiologist, and nurses. The only different person was the babies nurse, and he was great too.
There are really 2 big differences between a 'regular' delivery and c-section. The first being the epidural hurts worse. You have no pain to camouflage the needle pain. But he did a great job and got me all ready. I like how the anesthesiologist stays with me. For a couple reasons, He can add all sorts of tricks to my IV to fix any ailment I may feel. Modern Medicine is amazing. Also because when Trent leaves with the baby, he is the main one I talk to, since the docs are busy putting me back together, not to mention the sheet between us. The second difference between the 2 deliveries is that there really isn't much pain, and it is a little anticlimactic. Pretty much you go in, get the epidural, and it is smooth sailing, joke telling, funny story sharing, holiday plans, etc... until the first cry. The 'Its a girl', was fun. I was so glad Reese got a sister. Then I saw her for a minute before they go to clean her up, and I just get to lay there for a while more. I was joking that that was my best weigh loss program ever.
Recovery has been great. Trent ran the house for the following few weeks. He was amazing, laundry done, rooms clean, vacuuming, dishes, it was great. The holidays were great too, we were a little more low key. Also, the arrival of the baby made me get 'things' done early, so that was nice too. I want to do that every year, but who knows if that will actually happen.
Anyway, so here we are, functioning, and healing, and getting back to life in the everyday. Brooklyn has been such a blessing and we all love her like crazy!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Bring on the baby!

The final days have arrived, and I am so ready. I am excited to find out if we get another little girl or boy. I will get the news out soon; until then, heres to a healthy baby!