Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Cragun time

Its impossible to try to catch up on everything, so I am going to just highlight a few things from fall, through this 'so called' winter thus far. In no particular order...
There is a redneck waterslide near our house that we rented as a ward, and the kids love it. Its like a giant slip and slide with carpet remnants underneath it to smooth it out a bit. It is actually steeper than it looks. Very fun!
We spent some time with my grandparents this fall in St. George, and we were able to spend several days in Zions. We did almost all of the hiking trails off of the main bus line, and a few on the far side of the tunnel. It was a great long weekend. I think the kids were spent,by the time we made it home for a new week of school. But they did great and love the outdoors.
Halloween! It is a great time of year. Most of you know I favor the holiday for more than ghouls and goblins. I am one of them. Our Piratey clan had a great year collecting booty from the neighbors and swaggerin' around the neighborhood.
Kael had and unfortunate accident. He was using his buck knife and from what we can gather it wasn't locked, adn it closed on his finger. It wasn't pretty, but we walked across the street to a very generous neighbor who checked it out, and we decided to head to his office to stitch it up, tendon and all. Kael was terrified, and of course we were both in tears. He sliced 40% of the tendon, and all the way to the joint. But in the end, the hand surgeon agreed that we would probably be okay with the stitches and wearing the splint for 2 weeks, and for safety sake to the joint, a good round of antibiotics. It healed beautifully!
Porter loves a good challenge. His school was competing between classes as to who could collect the most food for the food bank, and Porter took it to heart. Each day after school he would grab the wagon and go to a new part of the neighborhood and start collecting. He spent hours and hours in the freezing cold walking around our neighborhood. It paid off in the end, Porters class won the competition. Porter himself collected over 200 items. Way to go bud!

Brooklyn turned 2! She is so much fun. She loves to dance, which is hysterical to watch, she goes all out. She loves make up and is constantly adorned in what looks like clown make up. She is sassy, and spoiled and cute as can be. What else do I need to say, besides, she is the baby.
Reese was a super star in her school program. I think our favorite song was 'Toe-knee chest nut (head), nose, eye love you, toe, knee, nose... It is hillarious. She enjoys the stage and performed wonderfully.

I had to throw this in since it is my nemesis. It backs up and then I have a super laundry day. Whose to say Im not conquering mountains? The play is just so much more fun than the work. This is not a one time event, I'm just throwin' that out there. ;)
We splurged this year and took the kids on a helicopter tour of the valley. It was beautiful, and they loved every minute of it. It was Dec. 23rd, so the kids were getting a sneak peak of what Santa was going to be seeing of our home town.
Following the helicopter ride, we had a great steak dinner. Followed up by some flamming bananas foster. It was a great night.
The only down fall of the night came after we got home. 2 kids asleep, and rocking brooklyn, monitoring her fever I had just given her meds for her 104 deg. fever, she had a febralic seizure. It was terrifying. She just went limp, and was completely non responsive. We didn't identify it at the time, so we sped to the ER and hung out there for an hour or so. She finally came around. The doctors wanted to do a chest x ray and urinalysis, and identify the cause of the fever, but I had told them that It has been going around my house, and I chose to just watch her. The scariest part was not knowing which direction it was going. I didn't know if she would stop breathing, or code on me, and I wanted to be at the hospital, just in case. I am a CPR instructor, but for some reason it is just nice to know there is back up and more high tech tools if it leads to that. In the end they just released us, and she was fine. Her fever remained high for the following 3 days, never coming all the way down without a cool bath, but eventually it just dissipated, and she was good to go, but it made for a little stress over the x-mas holiday. All in all it turned out okay, and we are so grateful!
First glance at christmas morning. We had a great day.
The kids were fulfilled with their presents, legos, treasure chest, race car set, make up, dolls, jewlery boxes, new bedding, and more. We got a family wii, and several games, the kids were thrilled and played just dance 3 first thing. Trent spoiled me with lots of new dresses, shoes, and perfume. What more could a girl want? Trent got, shoes, and clothes, and a picture I framed for him of his dads hiking pictures and phrases he used to use all the time. It was a hit.
We spent the morning at home, and then went to grandma C. house, and ate lunch and more presents, and then out to G and G N. house for more food, more presents, more wonderful family, and up to the condo, to spend the entire christmas week, away, enjoying being together, Lord of the rings marathon, games, swimming, x box, puzzles, and great company. It was a fantastic year.

Cache turned 4. He is a ball of energy, emotion, and fight. He is sweet as candy, tough as a bull, and can drive me crazy with his whine. But he is cute as a button, with lashes that only a girl should be blessed with. We love him so much. He makes us laugh and is tenderhearted, and looks after his siblings, especially his younger sister.

Its great to be back. I enjoy the blogging world, and the great family and friends it keeps me close to. May the Lord bless each of you and your families this new year!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Summer is happening

Okay, I know, no excuses, SLACKER. I finally downloaded my camera when my 2 GB card was full. Where does time go? Summer is definitely a sloppy time for us. I feel like we move as though through mud, and the kids are usually dirty from, food, hiking, playing, and whatever else it is they do. With no real schedule we are lazy with our time, and yet busy all the time. Somehow the house stays somewhat managed as I have crash days and pull out the 'responsible mom', and then the next day it is chaos again, but at least I know for one day it was clean, not necessarily picked up, but clean. Fun, crazy, busy, relaxing, all the events of summer. We made a bucket list that has been fun, we have a good start on it, but need to get moving if we are going to conquer it. Alright a few recent pix.

We have been doing some shooting up the canyon, and the boys love it. Whats not to love about blowing things up?

Porter was baptised. It was a great day. Grandpa gave a great talk, and we are very blessed to have so much support from family. Nearly everyone was able to make it up for Porters big day.
Nothin cools off a hot day like the slip and slide. Even Brooklyn loved it. She was literally gently tossed down the slide and came up grinning everytime. It was great fun!

We managed to hit the library at the university and check out Old Ephraim's skull, then we headed up the canyon to check out this monument. This Bear was 9 ft. 11 in. tall, smart, and fast. This rock is the same height, the kids were amazed at how big he was. This adventure was not for the faint of heart. We thought it would be a bit shorter than it ended up being. it is about 20 miles into the canyon and then 9 miles up winding dirt roads of poorly marked terrain, you basically just have to hope you are going in the right direction. We saw a moose too. Which is always a treat. I love to watch them lope along.
A little train time. Mom took us on the train this weekend. The kids loved it, and it was a beautiful ride. About midway through the trip, they have bandits board the train looking for the money box. It was hillarious to watch Cache, all concerned, and kept saying 'why are they doing this', all the while holding both hands in the air, clutching 2 oreo cookies.

No promises, but I just wanted to shout out to everyone that we are alive and well, and that we didn't forget about the blog world. Out, till next time.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

This is happening

Yes, we are alive. Just a quick update, and soon to be a better blogger. We had a great summer. It went all to fast. I never enjoy back to school. I have never really been a schedule person anyway, so it isn't easy for any of us. Summer was full of trips to the zoo, Midway, parks, swimming, soccer, baseball, dancing, and much much more. This picture is of the kids first triathlon. Porter did the whole thing on his own, swim 50 meters, run .5 mile, and bike 1 mile. Then Kael, Reese and Cache were a team. Kael swam, reese biked, and Cache ran. It was so darn cute. I was so proud of them. Porter took 1st, and the team kids took 3rd. But the 2 teams in front of them were all older kids. The 5,4, and 2 year old were ranked with the 12 plus year olds. They were so cute and tough. I know this will surprise you all, but I got choked up watching them cross the finish line. Anyway, fun stuff!
So the latest update is we had our first pet, and garter snake porter caught at school, and he didn't eat all week, and his skin started coming off, and I am not sure what that means, except free the nasty thing. So after a few tears, he was released back where he was found with assurance of a better life. :)
We went to the broadway play Lion King, and had a fabulous time. The kids all loved it, and so did all of the adults of course. M and D Provide us with some wonderful opportunities!
We are looking forward to a warm vacation to Disney world mid october. M and D are taking all of us for a fab fam fun trip. (say that 3 times fast).
Well, look forward to me being around a little more. Trent got me my own mac, so now I can blog when I want to. Cheers!

Monday, March 22, 2010

A lost cause...

Tis the age. Porter lost his front two teeth, and is looking more and more piratey! He is growing up too quick.

Blessing Day

Brooklyn had a great blessing day. The day before we cleaned the house, shined our shoes, did the ironing, and got all ready for the big day. We even went shopping, and bought her beautiful dress, and blanket. Then we went to a great Steak house for yummy dinner, to celebrate. Then home to set up, and finish cleaning. We finally went to bed at about 2:30 a.m., and I couldn't tell you where time went. Then we had a wonderful day with family and yummy food and a great blessing for Brooklyn from her daddy. It was a really special day. She is such a sweetheart!

Skiing with grandma

This is Porter and Kaels 3rd year skiing. I can't believe we started them at 2 and 3. They have really loved it. Reese started this year, and she is a natural. Cache is so ready too, but he will have to wait till next year. We decided that being potty trained before learning to ski is a mandatory thing, oh, and talking. Neither of which Cache has much desire to attain as of yet. Also next year I won't be pregnant or nursing and should be more help in ski schoolin'. Trent and mom took the kids to Basin, they had a great time. The boys have talked about it for weeks now. Its quite a different resort compared to the nearby Beaver Mountain. Great times!!

At what age do you lose fashion control?

So I have decided that I have lost any sort of clothing control at about age 2.
This realization came as I began to look at recent pictures. Reese especially is, well,
lets just say fashionably artistic, with tips from her good friend Fancy Nancy.

Ready for a bike ride! How bout those athletic shoes!

Ready for a walk

oh well, one day she won't dress in tutu's and boas, so I guess I just let it be.