
The fair

 a dirty, stinky, hot, sticky, sweaty , happy place. 

Owen's 8th birthday


 Owen had a birthday party with some friends at grandma and grandpa's pool. 
It was a huge success! 
and made me so happy to watch him happily play with all these sweet, vibrant, spunky kids. 

Silver lake with friends

Sliver Lake with family.

Block Party

This ward and neighborhood has always seemed like a pretty happy place to live, but just lately I have had such a love for the people we are surrounded by. I learn often from their love, service, selflessness, hard work, and priorities. They are genuine, humble and devoted, salt of the earth people who have helped shape me and our family.


Where Owen almost chipped one in off the green, with his long legs and good stance (!) and lewis played hard, extroverted harder and talked pa-aw's ear off.  
Life is so good when Layton's in town.

Sweet Sansoms

The Sansom family took us to their beautiful cabin also known as little boy heaven. 
It was so fresh and rejuvenating.
There's just no place that clears my mind and makes me so grateful for this magnificent earth like the mountains. It helps me put life into perspective, feel Christ's love and remember how blessed I am. 
Kit was doted on by all of the big girls and we all loved every moment.