
tub time.

Tub time is happy time for all my kids lately. Kit kicks her legs and lets out a little squeal every time I put her in the water. Owen and Lewis could play for hours in the tub, and sometimes they do. I love listening to them chat and play in the bath at the end of each day. Lewis especially LOVES it and never wants to get out. Lewis has been sick with a sinus infection for so long! for about 2 whole months he was under the weather and out of sorts. The bath was always his place of comfort and would ask "me can take a baf???" about three times a day. He always felt so good and happy in the water. 

They love putting food coloring in the water.


8 happy years

Treavor and I celebrated our 8th anniversary and we were so lucky to be able to get away for a couple days with the help of Gram. 

We spent Friday Skiing. Something I never thought I'd be interested in doing. I don't know what got into me, but I tried it and I LOVED it! Treavor was the perfect teacher. It was such a gorgeous day and I was overwhelmed with the beauty of the towering mountains  covered in glittery power. I couldn't stop thinking about this earth and the variety of all of God's magnificent creations. Of course, I see these mountains all the time, but it hit me in a new and appreciating way. As I was gliding down the hill all by myself I had a new appreciation that these masterpiece formations or for us and for ME. Such a blessing to live in a beautiful world. 

After Skiing we spent the night downtown. This getaway came at the perfect time. Right when I needed a break. A little shopping, relaxing, walking, dining out and having some quality time with Treavor was just what I needed to feel recharged and rejuvenated. 

There aren't really words to express how happy Treavor has made me. Getting married 8 years ago, was a huge scary decision that I was scared out of my mind about. It has proved to be the very best decision I have ever made. Treavor is the sweetest man who I love with all my heart. 



Our darling Kitty girl is 4 months old. 
She is such a sweet easy baby, who almost always goes with the flow. 
She has a happy, squealy voice, a soft fuzzy head and a twinkle in her eye.
She loves her brothers, blankies, Marley, and her bottle (kicking and breathing hard when it's coming her way)
She is sensitive and delicate and makes my mouth water every day.