Monday, April 18, 2011


Kaitlyn started playing for HC Storm soccer during the fall of 2010 and we have loved every minute of it! She has great coaches and such a fun group of girls to play with. What a cutie!!
This game was freezing and everyone was huddled around the heater trying to stay warm. The best part of this team is she gets to be on it with her cousin Breanna(sitting on the chair with her)
I don't know why this picture won't turn but it is too cute!
This was after the last game. They went undefeated and in one game(the only game I missed) Kaitlyn scored 4 goals!! Way to go girls!

Halloween 2010

Josh had a field trip to the pumpkin patch Brynlee loves animals
Some of Josh's class
Carving pumpkins...Bryn was a big help!

Watson's invited us over for dinner and then all the kids went trick or treating together. It was raining and cold, but that didn't seem to bother them at all. Keigan, Adam and Hunter at someones house.
Our little witch!!

Peter Pan
BYU football player
Kaitlyn was supposed to be a Witch that matched Bryns outfit, but when we went to put it on we couldn't find it anywhere so we ran over to Anika's and borrowed her last years costume. We still haven't found it yet...
Some of the cousins up trick or treating at grandpa and grandmas house.
The girls out braving the rain.
Thanks Watsons for letting us invade your house and making Halloween fun for everyone!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Trafalga Fun

Josh, Adam, Brinley, and Kaitlyn

Brynlee had fun playing on the slide and yelling HI to everyone!

We went to trafalga with the Reid and Harris families. We had a great time and it actually wasn't very crowded that day.

Friday, March 11, 2011

My grandpa Wood died in September. I always love this part of a funeral it makes me cry every time. We miss you grandpa!
My moms family

After the funeral we went to my parents for lunch.... these are my cute cousins I grew up with. So many memories we had at grandmas together. I don't know how my grandma put up with all us giggly girls.
Kaitlyn loved having all these girls to play with...I wish they lived closer

Josh even found some friends to get dirty with....they pulled this wagon all over the yard and it is pretty heavy.

Climbing trees is Adams favorite thing to do! I wish Katie's little boy lived closer to Adam they would have so much fun together.

My dad will love this but I had to put in a picture of him all dressed up because it doesn't happen very often:)

First day of school 2010

Kaitlyn is in fourth grade
Adam is in first lunch here we come!

So cute!!


We had a lot of fun at trafalga over the summer


Kaitlyn loves taking pictures!
My cute kiddos on the train. What is a zoo trip without the train ride!

And of course the gorilla pictures...I remember when Kate was the baby gorilla and now look at her. Kind of funny that you can use these to see how your kids have grown over the years!

We had a great day!!