Getting ready to go to school!
Proud Mama
I STILL can't believe I gave birth to all these children. I can't believe I am that old.
Backpacks on....ready to go. BFF
Proud Daddy.
Little Country Preschool.

I can't even begin to explain the excitement I had for the twins to begin school. First off, I LOVE back to school season. Growing up, I always looked forward to a new school season and now luckily I get to live vicariously through the twinnies. Secondly, I get a break, Tues and Thurs from 9-11. Those mornings are so hectic. I need to start getting ready at 7am to get everyone fed/dressed and out the door by 8:40am. It's quite the ordeal. I am so proud of the twins. They love school and enjoy going every time. They love it when I pick them up and they show me their little projects. It's amazing. Also, I get 4 hours a week with just Violet. 1 baby! We run errands or go running. Anyways, life is getting back to normal. I am kinda happy to see summer gone. I like having a routine. Kelsey, our beloved babysitter, is back to her normal schedule (OMG, did I miss her this summer) She comes in a few days a week, so I can meet with my trainer, go to the gym and have some "me" time.