Monday, March 30, 2009
Monkey Boy
Posted by Unknown at 9:16 AM 0 comments
Children's Museum.

Posted by Unknown at 8:53 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 23, 2009

Why restuarants seat families and have a table cloth on the table, I have no idea?? It's getting more and more difficult to take the kids to restaurants. Presley is a little angel and Cash is a monster. At this stage right now, Presley is soooooo much easier. She just sits and plays and Cash just terriorizes the house and is a whiner. I am sure they'll reverse rolls as Presley gets older!
Posted by Unknown at 8:36 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
There are a few things about having children that you don't find out until after their born. One being, that during pregnancy, you have such lucious and shiny locks, then after you have the baby it all falls out!! I am so sick of my 2 inch long bangs and the other 2-3 inch hairs sticking up all over.......I am seriously thinking of pulling a Britney and shaving my head.
Posted by Unknown at 8:48 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 16, 2009
Posted by Unknown at 1:53 PM 2 comments
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Love Sac.

Thank goodness for microfiber....Cashy man eating a cracker.

This photo was taken a few minutes ago. So, while I chase the kids around, Daddy watches NatGeo with the doggies. I think Lily and Lucy are thinking we bought them a giant dog bed. This was a wonderful purchase and in a bout 20 minute when the kids go down...I'll be on there watching Friday Night Lights!! heaven....
Posted by Unknown at 10:27 AM 2 comments
Friday, March 13, 2009
Sweet Girl.

Presley is obsessed with her Snack Trap. She loves to eat the snacks, but she also loves to feed the dogs. They surround her and she's so sweet at sharing. For those of you who know Lily....this is rare. Lily is not a very nice doggy, but she's slowly warming up to the babies, especially when the twins have food!
Posted by Unknown at 10:39 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
One Year Stats.
Today was their 1 year checkup...I know a month late, but we have a popular Dr.
Cash: 23.5 pounds and 31 inches tall!!! 50% for both.
Presley: 22.2 pounds and 28 inches tall!! 20/25%.
They both got shots, MMR and the chicken pox shot. They screamed for a few seconds, then returned back to their normal selves.
Daddy came with us today. I still can't do dr. appts by's hard!! I think i am just as exhausted after the appt as the kids are, chasing them all over. It's exhausting when children become mobile, just an FYI to any parents out there whose children still have tummy time and you can stick them on their blanket and they don't move yet.
It was day 2 of training for my marathon. Yesterday I got a gym membership for the first time in many many months. I was pathetic....using 5-8lb weights and I am soooooooo sore today. I did do my run today, which I think made me feel better. We went to dinner with some friends on Friday night and were reminiscing 90's R&B music...remember SWV, Jade, Keith Sweat,, I downloaded some new songs on my itunes, which helps get through a run.
***Anyone who watches Survivor (I love it this season)?? Taj is a former member of SWV. Love it! ......I get so weak in the knees, I can hardly speak, I loose all control blah blah blah....
Posted by Unknown at 8:43 PM 1 comments
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Now that I am 30....
I need to start checking things off my list. 1st up.
My friend Matt and I are going to do this. I am excited!! Training starts April 4th!
Posted by Unknown at 11:50 AM 2 comments
The big 3-0!
Notice my super cute new bday present. He bought me lots of goodies. Yea.
Posted by Unknown at 11:41 AM 2 comments
Her New Obsession!

Posted by Unknown at 11:34 AM 2 comments
Monday, March 2, 2009
Sorry, I've been a little bad at blogging lately. My life is nonstop from when i wake up until I got to bed, so it's been hard to find the time.
Presley Marie is WALKING! I am so proud of my little angel...she's such a perfect little walker. She started about a week ago when we were over at the Bomben's house. She's been perfecting it ever since and has gotten really good! She also got 4 teeth last week, so I have been a little tired due to NO sleep. She was a little trooper and now has 4 teeth on top and 3 on the bottom.
Cash is my little whiner. He whines ALL the time and I think I have gotten to be really good at tuning him out. He's into EVERYTHING! I pretty much spend the day cleaning up and running after him. That is why it's 2pm and I've yet to shower and I am still in pajamas....ahhhh the glamourous life of parenthood!
I turn the big 3-0 on Saturday........I am a little hesitant to venture into my 30's, however I feel like I am in a really good place in my life. I have a few more things up my sleeve I would like to accomplish in the next few years, but I feel good to where I am right now. I have a wonderful husband and 2 perfect, healthy, beautifil little babies. I don't want to have a big party to celebrate, I want to relax. Travis and I are spending the weekend up at Suncadia Lodge. It should be a great birthday.
I booked our first trip today away from the babies. Travis and I are heading to Palm Springs in May for 4 nights to get away. I'll be sunning at the pool, as Travis is hitting the golf course. I am excited and it can't happen any sooner. We are also heading to Minnesota next month to visit family. I am not nervous for the flight, my Dad, Maureen, Austin, Julie, Travis and I are all going together and we'll all be sitting in a row, so we can pass the babies around.
That's about it. Just trying to get stuff house is constantly a disaster and I feel like all I do is laundry and cleaning the kitchen. My children are destroyers.......
Posted by Unknown at 2:02 PM 1 comments