My life is so laid back that I have eagerly been awaiting the release of this movie and when I woke up I was so excited! It was the BEST movie ever! I want to go back and see it again and again and again. Loved, loved, loved it!
We finally put the babies in seperate cribs last night. They slept really well! We thought it might be time because they have been waking each other up a lot when they've been sleeping together. It was kinda sad....they are getting too big, too fast!! They have their 4 month appointment on Wednesday. I am excited to find out what they will weigh. He's growing like a weed, her, not so much. I have been having to buy him so many new clothes bc he's constantly growing out of them. Presley, however, is still in newborn.....such a little peanut.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Sex and the City!!
Posted by Unknown at 10:24 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Body for Life
So, Travis and I are starting Body for Life today. It's going to be for 12 weeks, so I'll keep you all updated.
Posted by Unknown at 5:30 PM 0 comments
15 weeks old today!
Posted by Unknown at 5:23 PM 1 comments
Jenny's Wedding!
Posted by Unknown at 5:07 PM 1 comments
Friday, May 23, 2008
1st Camping Trip!
Since I married such an outdoor's man, I have to camp and I have to learn to love it because we'll be doing a lot of it. Next week we are going to buy a camper, so it can be actually doable with babies. We need heat, a place for the swings, a shower for mom and Lily and Lucy need a bed! Yesterday we went up in the hills, which is only a 30 miles from our house, so it's actually quite close, Travis stayed the night and me and the babies went for the afternoon. It was my first night by myself with the babies all night at the house....I was kind of scared, but they were little angels. I put them down at about 11 and they slept until 6am, then up for their bottle/diaper change, then back down until 9:30am!!! Yea, mommy got lots of sleep and daddy probably froze to death!!! Next week are buying a camper!
Posted by Unknown at 11:47 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
14 weeks today!
Every week that goes by, it still amazes me how much these little babies change on a daily basis and that their MINE!! It's still boggles my mind that I have 2 babies. 1 year ago we had just gotten back from Mexico and were thinking about starting a family. Then, BOOM, a few weeks later I was pregnant and a few weeks after that, I was pregnant with twins. Instant change! It's crazy how much your life can change in a year. Now, I am a mother, I have a son and a daughter, I am lucky enough to stay at home and not work (yea!) and Travis owns his own business. I knew 2007 was going to be a good year, however 2008 seems to be so much better!!!
Cash is getting so strong!! I swear, he'll be walking soon! (not really) Little Presley is rolling over more and more during tummy time and just loves TV! She also sings in the car. Her favorite is John Mayer. We'll be driving and listening to the CD and she'll just be singing away. It's so cute!
So now Travis is 100% on his own building homes. At first it was a scary thought, however he's already getting jobs and has done an amazing job! I am so proud of him. Although, this whole working from home thing is really annoying. He's turned our living room/computer room into his office and it looks like a bomb has exploded. He is very messy! I just have to deal with it until he gets his office.
This weekend is Memorial Day weekend. We are going to my oldest friend's wedding, Jenny, over in Seattle. Grandma will babysit the little rugrats, while Travis and I have our 1st night out without the babies. We are planning to maybe go camping on Sunday (?), but I told Travis he'll need to buy me a camper before I venture into the mountains with babies. Perferably something fairly new and with a shower.
It was about 90 degrees out this weekend over here in Ellensburg. All I have to say is, thank GOD for air conditioning!!! I love it! I tried to keep the babies inside, since it was so hot. They can't wear sunscreen until they are 6 months, so I was so scared to take them outside during the day, but Travis got out the patio furntiure out and the evenings were so nice!! We didn't do a whole lot this weekend. Travis met with clients all day on Saturday, so I stayed home with the babies. On Sunday we went to Costco and went to visit with the Hansen's. Krestin is pregnant with her 4th boy!!!! She's such an amazing mom and has the 3 most adorable little boys! I love visiting with them, because their boys are absolutely hilarious!!
Anyways, I am kind of bored right now, so that is why the blog is so long. I haven't uploaded the new pics that I have taken of Cash and Presley in their new jumper. They are a little too small for it, but I know once they fit, they'll LOVE it!!
I just love love love my little ones!!! Everyday I just love being a mom, even if I don't leave the house for a few days and I live in sweats....who said motherhood was glamorous!! I have also been a slave to my treadmill. I fit into all my pants, however they don't necessarily fit like they did before:( Oh well, I just have to remember that I just had twins 3 months ago. Soon enough!
Okay, I better go, Barfoot Contessa's on. I love the food network.
Posted by Unknown at 1:47 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 19, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
To my dearest Ali......
Posted by Unknown at 8:04 PM 0 comments
Friday morning..........
It's Friday morning and the weather is just beautiful! Yesterday it was 83 degrees with NO wind and today it's going to be the same, if not hotter! Travis and I are sitting outside, drinking our Starbucks, he's reading the newspaper, while I blog!!
He said I can go and do whatever I want today.......of course it's because he wants to golf Suncadia at 3:30. When he told me that.....I thought he was just being sweet!
My dad and Maureen came over yesterday to see the babies. They hadn't seen them for a few weeks and were so surprised at how much they grew! We went to the Valley Cafe for dinner last night and both babies were little angels!
I am so thankful for having such a wonderful family! I can honestly say right now that I am 100% completely content with my life!
Posted by Unknown at 8:58 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 12, 2008
3 Months old today!
The babies are exactly 3 months old today!! Every week I say the same thing, "I can't believe how fast they grow!", but I really mean it!! They are growing like little weeds!!
Yesterday was my first Mother's Day!! It was so exciting waking up. I was more excited for Mother's Day than my birthday. Cash and Presley bought me a cute picture frame and a candle and gave me a sweet little card! In the card, Daddy granted me a movie and dinner with friends, while he stays home....ya right???!!! My sister, Alayna, spent the weekend with us also, so her and I went to a movie. I have wanted to go to a movie for so long, so daddy stayed home with babies, while we went to the movies. We went and saw What Happens in Vegas, and surprisingly it was really funny and I loved it, or maybe I just loved being at the movies, a pastime that I miss a lot!
Other than that, I am just sitting here enjoying a lovely glass of wine (thank you heather) and watching my favorite show, Gossip Girl!!!! Little Presley is sitting on my lap blogging with me, she loves it:)
Posted by Unknown at 8:18 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Heather's Visit:)

Posted by Unknown at 9:42 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Great Grandma Elsie
Posted by Unknown at 6:38 PM 0 comments
12 weeks old!
This week I can't believe the babies are already 12 weeks old. Monday it'll be 3 months. Time just flies by!!!
The past few weeks have been filled with milestones!! 2 nights in a row, Sunday and Monday, they both slept through the night!!! They went to bed at 10pm and slept until 5:30am! That is huge! Although, Tuesday night, it quickly changed back to getting up at 2am:( My friend Courtney said not to get used to it, so of course, I didn't!
Cash is now rolling over on a regular basis during his tummy time! It's so cute to watch him. He just loves it. I think he'll be the first to crawl, walk, etc. He's so strong! I just love watching him:) Presley 1/2 way rolled over. She can hold up her head really good and loves to talk! She just coos and coos! I love it:)
This week is also my first Mother's Day.....which I can't wait for! Being a mom so far is the best thing I have ever done!
Posted by Unknown at 10:32 AM 0 comments