Travis and I before the C-Section

The day before the Birth

Aren't I beautiful?? Mommy with the babies:)

Two peas in a pod.

Cash Vince Gibson
The twins are finally here! They are 2 of the most precious babies I have ever seen and I am not just saying that because they are mine.....they are absolutely adorable!!
Presley Marie Gibson 6.2lbs
Cash Vince Gibson 7.3 lbs
Big babies! I can't believe that they were in my belly. I had 13.5 lbs of baby!! It's just so crazy to imagine that.
I am still in the hospital and I will be able to go home either tonight or tomorrow morning however we are wanting to stay another night because the nurses take care of the babies while Dad and Mom get some sleep.
So far, they have very good. They are learning to eat, which has been hard, however they make more and more progress everyday. They sleep a lot also, which is nice bc it gives me time to take naps.
I just started eating solid food todays. I have been on Jello and chicken broth diet for the past few days. I enjoyed my first Starbucks latte this morning. And I took my first shower-woohoo!!
The c-section went quite well. I was so surprised at how brave I was. It seriously was the weirdest experience I have ever had. The surgery only took an hour.
Presley had to spend a while hooked up to oxygen bc she had a hard time breathing on her own. I finally got to see her at 6pm. But, Travis stayed right by her side the entire time, while I was recovering with Cash.
They are the most perfect babies ever!! I can't believe that Travis and I created these little munchkins:) I just love them more than anything in the entire world!!
We've been lucky to have a lot of visitors, everyone is so excited to see the new little additons to our family.
Anyways, I'll write more, I could go on and on for hours.
Travis has strained his neck because he's been staring down at babies. It's kinda funny:)