A BOY and a GIRL!!!
We had our 4th ultrasound today......I seriously feel like I am at the dr.'s office every week....oh wait, I am. Okay, so today was our BIG appointment to find out the sex of the babies and to make sure that everything is going as planned. Today seemed to be the longest day because I was so excited to find out. I had a dream last night that we were having 2 girls and when Travis found out, he started to cry. The thought of him having, a wife, two daughters and two chihuahua's, just stresses him out. It was actually kind of funny though because the dr. first looked at Twin A and saw that it was a GIRL,(which note from the previous blog I was right), I looked at Travis's face and of course he was so happy, but in his head, I knew he was a bit nervous. She measured perfect (of course) and then he went to Twin B, who he immediately saw it was a BOY! Travis's face completely lit up and it felt complete. A boy and a girl. It couldn't be more perfect! He also measured perfectly. The girl is a little bit bigger than the boy, which in the last ultrasound, it was the boy that was bigger, so it's nice to see she's growing and already beating him up-she was punching him in the ultrasound. It was hilarious bc during the last ultrasound, it was the opposite, he was kicking her.
The dr. measured everything, their stomachs, hearts, femurs, brains, etc. and he said that they look very good!! What a relief! He also said that they are big for babies, even if they were a singleton, they'd be on the bigger side, which makes me scared bc I already feel huge and I can't imagine them being any bigger. They already are 7 inches long and weight about 9 ounces. The size of a mango. I always refer to them as a fruit. Last week they were the size of a large orange.
We got some cute pictures, which I know that they will love when they are older. They are definately a boy and a girl. The pictures are very obvious! And no dad- you can't blow these pictures up to a 11 X 17. My last ultrasound picture, my dad took it to Kinko's and got it blown up to a 11 X 17. He keeps it in his office as his "First" picture of his grandkids. He's so cute!!!
This day was just too perfect! I immediately left and went and bought a couple of outfits for them. I couldn't resist. I am already half way done with the pregnancy and can't believe how fast time has gone by. However, i do wish it'd go by faster because i don't particularly like being pregnant. You have absolutely NO control over your body, it is now controlled by the babies, but I might as well get used to it, because life will soon be controlled by them when they are born.
Anyways, this is just so perfect-too perfect for words. I truely believe that everything happens for a reason. You go through tough times in life and if you survive and learn from your mistakes and misfortune, in the end you will be truely rewarded!!! From now on, I want to be the best person I can be because I want to continue going down this path I am currently on. This is a big year for Travis and I. We are going to be parents to two incredibly perfect babies and have a lot of change in our lives, but most importantly we are doing it together and I love him with all my heart:)
Lily and Lucy have no idea what is coming........
Miss everyone!!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
We are having..........
Posted by Unknown at 9:00 PM 1 comments
Monday, September 24, 2007
Week 15 ultrasound pics.

Travis has been hunting a lot. I told him it's his last year to go, bc next year, he's not going!!! I have been visiting my parents a lot when he's been away and just relaxing, since there won't be much of that in 4 months. My mom and I are going out to purchase the cribs and we will start decorating the nursery next month. I am so excited!

Posted by Unknown at 7:24 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 14, 2007
Next Utlrasound!!
My next ultrasound to find out the sex of the babies is on the 25th!!! I can't wait!
I'll keep you posted!!!!
Posted by Unknown at 7:27 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
17 Weeks......
Well, I am finally in the 2nd trimester and feeling great! All the nausea and fatigue are long gone, thank god!! Some days I feel like this is going really fast and then there are other days when I feel like I have been pregnant forever!
I have had a few dr. appts and everything is going really well!! I am growing (as you can see by the pics below) and my dr. told me that I am the size of a 20 week single pregnant women. My uterus is measuring right below my belly button, where if I were only having 1 baby, it'd be a few inches below, but they are just taking up all the room. They babies are already 4.5 inches long....I can't believe it! They grow so fast. I also gained 5 pounds, which is good because I didn't gain much in the beginning due to morning sickness. It's all in my belly, thank god!! I have come to the point where I can no longer fit into my jeans, which is quite depressing and I have grown to be very fond of gaucho pants!
I had an ultrasound at 16 weeks also. I have to say, that they are the CUTEST babies ever! I can already see their profiles and they have such cute little noses. Twin B is measuring a week bigger than Twin A, which is common in twins. Twin B was very active during the ultrasound, kicking the other baby as it was trying to sleep and was sticking it's tougue out. It was quite amazing to see all the action on the screen. It was Travis's first ultrasound and he loved it!! They have strong little heart beats and you can see their brains and stomachs. Unfortunately that couldn't tell the sex yet, however I have another ultrasound in 2 weeks and we'll find out then.
No cravings so far!! I just happen to like everything! I am trying to eat healthy and I am still going to the gym. I am trying to keep my muscle as much as possible because it makes the third trimester more easy and also with labor. Plus, I have to be able to fit into my pants again afterwards!
I should start feeling them move any day now. I think I have felt them a few times, but it's so light, I can't tell yet.
This so far has been such a great experience. I just can't tell you enough how excited I am to meet these little twinies and hold them. Travis also has been absolutely amazing during the past few months. I really tend to play up the "I'm Pregnant with 2 babies" card quite frequently and he's been super good at helping me. He just loves my growing belly and is very interested in going to the dr. appts and ultrasounds. He's so cute!!
It's hunting season now, my favorite time of year, so Travis has been busy with scouting and hunting. I told him next year, he'll only be able to go 1 weekend, so he's been super busy about it this year. So, I have been enjoying relaxing weekends at home with the puppies. I really have been enjoying my alone time, it's weird how you change.
Well, I'll keep you all posted in the next few weeks...........my belly grows on a daily basis, so I'll be putting lots of pics up!!
Love and miss you all!! Katie
Posted by Unknown at 12:36 PM 0 comments