Sunday, January 11, 2015

Miss Lola

Oh Miss Lola. Where do I even begin? This girl is one of a kind. The kind that words don't even begin to describe. On one hand she is sweet, delightful, full of life and enchanting, And on the other, stubborn, strong-willed, crazy, sassy and opinionated. Above all, she is totally and completely awesome. She has us laughing and shaking our heads all day long. My mom says all the time that she's never met anyone like her and it's true. She demands attention and has a way to make an entire room eat out of her hand. She is going far in this life and will do anything she sets her mind to. However, those characteristics that are going to serve her so well are the ones that can make being her parent frustrating at times. I find myself wanting to scream while at the same time being in awe at her strong sense of self. She puts a constant smile on our faces and adds more joy (and frustration) to our family. 

Some random tid bits about Lola at (almost) 3:

-She never stops moving. I mean never. We have to force her to take a nap and go to bed at night (she literally has a child lock on the inside of her door) otherwise she would go all day and night.

-She is fearless. So opposite of her brother. Caution and hesitation don't even cross her mind.

-She gets hurt more than any child I've seen. Falls, trips, bonks, bangs, etc. BUT, she is also extremely tough and 9 times out of 10 she hops up with a "I'm ok!"

-Loves her dolls and sleeps with at least 3 of them every night (and each one has to have a blanky).

-Says "Sorry" at least 20 times a day. Usually in the middle of doing something naughty with no intention of stopping whatever it is she's doing. She gets the meaning of the word, we just need to work on the sincerity. ;)

-When she's upset, she tells you: "Lola, what's wrong?" Inbetween sobs "I'm upset!" or "I'm crying!".

-She gives the best running hugs. 

-Is in the heat of the "No" stage. The funny (and completely infuriating) thing is that it doesn't occur to her that she shouldn't be saying no to us.

-HATES to be wet. She screams when she gets wet and will strip down the second an item of clothing gets the tiniest spill.

New Year Bonfire

Ali texted me early New Year's Day and said that they were going to go up the canyon and do a bonfire with Mike and Jo's Christmas tree. I have to be honest, while the company sounded great, the idea of being cold nearly caused me to decline. However, when the location was changed to pretty much our backyard, I decided be a big girl and go for the kids. Beck didn't want to go (I think he was afraid he'd miss his cousin sleep over) and Trav was busy cooking a delicious prime rib, so it was just Lola and I. It ended up being a blast and Lola had the time of her life. Her and Henry chased each other in the snow, made snow angels, and had little snowball fights. Ali and Mike brought hot dogs to roast and even smores! Next time I won't be so hesitant and embrace the adventure. :) 

Christmas magic

Christmas this year was magical. The kids are at such fun ages to enjoy everything Christmas has to offer. Their excitement was contagious and I couldn't wait for Christmas morning! I knew they were going to be thrilled with the gifts we got them so I was almost more excited than they were for Christmas morning to come. True to form, the week of Christmas was crazy and we had something every night. This year though, instead of letting the craziness stress me out, I tried to embrace it and realize that there was no where else I'd rather be then with our families. 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Thanksgiving in Deer Valley

This year my parents took everyone up to Deer Valley for Thanksgiving. We spent 3 days relaxing and playing. There was lots of lego building, game playing, book reading, rocket launching and pie eating (first time doing pie night!).The kids were in heaven with unlimited access to Mammy and Papa and all their aunts and uncles. I even talked Travis into doing a little Black Friday shopping with me where we got an early start on our Christmas shopping. We sure have a lot to be grateful for!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Much to be thankful for

What? A Thanksgiving post not even a week after? Look at me go.

I have loved reading all of the "thankful" posts all over social media this month. If I were that on top of things, I would have participated too :) I could go on and on with all that I am grateful for. I'm going to leave it at 3 things- my family, my health, and my faith. 

We started off Thanksgiving day by running the Human Race with my family. My parents were gracious enough to let the kids sleep over so we could get up early and run the 10k and then they pushed the stroller in the 5k. They're pretty much the greatest. We ran it with some of Trav's family last year and I hope it continues to be a tradition. Not only is it a great cause, but it sure helps to off set the pigging out that comes later!

I realized I wanted family pictures a little too late in the season (once again, I'm so on top of things. Ha.) So I wanted to at least attempt some form of a picture of the four of us. I had my dad snap a few right as we arrived before the feast began and I am pleasantly surprised with the results! And there wasn't even any complaining (thanks honey!). Here's one below, but my favorite I'm using for our Christmas card :)


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Making a comeback

At least for now :)

It's no surprise that the ol' bloggy blog has taken a back seat. Work has been extremely busy the past couple months and I can't remember the last time I felt "on top" of anything really. So the blog was easily the first thing to let drop. However, I feel the need to journal somehow and what's the point of having hundreds and hundreds of pictures if I don't do anything with them??

I'm not making any promises on consistency. Chances are, these spurts of blog vomit followed by silence, will be the norm. But, I'm going to at least document the big stuff.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween happenings

Gosh. Halloween (really any holiday) was much more fun having a little buddy who got so into it this year. He talked about how he was going to "be a cowboy" for weeks (after a little persuasion from us- easiest costume ever thanks to a couple sisters lending their items) and asked everyday "Is it Halloween today??" Trick-or-treating was a dream come true for this candy-loving soul. Lola did wonder woman proud and I couldn't get enough of her chunky thighs in tights. 

I sure love living through my kids and getting to enjoy childhood experiences (and excitement) again. 

We had our annual Halloween bash at the Turners the Sunday before Halloween. As always, Randal and Shirley went all out to make it a fun celebration for all. We attempted a picture with all the kids....yeah, you can see for yourself how well that worked out for us.