Thursday, May 27, 2010

Had to post this pic of Kylie, makes me smile :)


Ok so I have admitted this before, "I am horrible at updating this blog!!" I am so horrible at it that I feel guilty even having one if I am not going to treat it right..hahaha So anyways, a lot has happened in the last couple of months. First off I love my family....I happen to have the best family in the world! I have learned to love and hate a 7 letter word. CANCER it sucks! My brother was diagnosed with it last month and it has been such a scare to us all especially my brother and his family...but at the same time it has allowed me and my family to remember what is really important in this life. It's hard to think of losing someone I love so I am committed to making myself better. It has really put things into perspective for me. We just have to live the best life and hopefully everything will fall into place for us. Another great piece of news in my life is after 5 months of being unemployed I got a job!!! YAY!!! It is not the best job as far as hourly fact that part SUCKS but hey it's a job....and I have free flight benefits for myself, Kylie, my parents, and since I'm single I can pick 1 person to have the same benefits as myself. I happen to have a brother back east so this will be awesome to be able to see him and his awesome family more. Kylie loves, lives, breathes DANCE so I have posted a recent dance she was in...she is in the right end and I stopped because another mom went right in front of me so I didn't want to record her back the whole enjoy. My little Kylie is quite the dancer I love watching her and her team. They won 1st place in all 3 of their dances at Lagoon. Go MCD proud of my little princess :O)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

New Year, New Resolutions??

Ok so I know everyone makes the resolution to get healthy and lose weight. I have been really lazy lately when it comes to taking care of myself so I signed up for a half marathon in January thinking that would get me in gear. The months kept going and finally Jan 1st hit and I still hadn't trained for the with only 3 wks to train I decided to do the 5k instead. The whole time I was running I was so mad that I hadn't trained. I was mostly disappointed that my 5k finish time was 50 min....YUCK! This was enough motivation for me to really get started and this time I mean business! The last 2 weeks I have worked out 6 days a week, I am eating healthier, and here's the best part.....I am down 9lbs. YAY! I went running today and did 4 miles in an hour so I am not at my goal of 10min miles but I will gladly take 15min miles for now.

As far as Kylie goes, she is off track and I am actually enjoying being home with her and being able to do "stay at home mom" things with her. She is still my little dancing diva. She loves it. If I can't find Kylie she is surely downstairs with music on making up a new dance to teach the cousins for Sunday. I signed her up for a mini cheerleading camp and then she performed at the Highschool basketball halftime. Now she is really wanting to get into cheer. Who would've thought that I would have a girly girl. She thinks that she should be wearing powder, eyeshadow, lipstick, and mascara. I told her I can handle a little eyeshadow but I have BANNED the mascara. I am just not ready for her to be into that right now. She is only 11! It's strange but the kids these days are learning the things I learned about in highschool. How sad is our world becoming!

I am still job hunting but not finding a fit. It is rough right now. I am considering becoming an insurance agent with Farmers. I already have my Life/Health license so I would just need to study for the Property/Casualty and get that license. We shall see what happens.