Sunday, May 19, 2013

It is finished

Hey y'all!

Whaaaazzzzzzzzz up? I know, I know, it's been two years since last I posted. I hope it still remembers my peeps addresses. Well, today I was released from my calling at church. It would have been 5 years in September. That's a long time. It's a weird feeling to be released from Relief Society President. It's like your daughter marrying a good man. You know she'll be loved, but you know you'll miss caring for her.  When I was called I was nervous and felt completely inept. I didn't know the young girls names and there was just sooo much to keep up with. Five years later, I could do it in my sleep. I knew about a month or two ago when I looked across the chapel and saw my replacement. The Spirit whispered, "She's your new Relief Society President." I was like, "Wait. What? Ohhhhh, okay. Times up."  I like the new president. She couldn't be less like me if she tried. She is quiet, reserved and has a very gentle spirit. Her counselors are just like her. All four of them are the cream of the crop and heavy hitters. I'm very excited to see what they do. My sisters deserve them. I will miss terribly the weekly association of my counselors and my secretary. I will miss having the authority to run to a sisters side to comfort her. I will not miss knowing everyone's back story or how one sister doesn't care for another sister. I learned so much about myself in this calling. I learned to love everyone, no matter where they are on the road of life. I learned that EVERYONE has had pain in their life and has suffered something.  I learned that a righteous group of women can move mountains. I learned to never judge a book by it's cover and that I am stronger than I thought I was. I was sad to learn that I am intimidating. (Me? Really?) I learned to trust the Lord more, to listen to The Spirit more and to love and forgive more. I tried desperately to teach my children that service was a joy and not a burden. I tried to teach them that no matter how much I loved my calling, they always came first (I wonder if they believe that one). Like old blue eyes, regrets, I have a few. I regret the lost sheep that I couldn't reach. I regret not being more aggressive in seeking them out. But on the whole, I really did love them and really did try to be the Lord's handmaiden. I tried to plan with a purpose and follow the handbook. Mostly I just did what comes naturally and care for my sisters, like a mother would. And now I'm not sure how to turn it off. Luckily, there is prayer. One can always pray for others. It's bitter sweet. I'm so thankful for the opportunity to have served and hope our new president will find joy in this most wonderful (and tiring) of callings. I hope y'all have a wonderful Sunday.
                                                              Forever your girl,