Sunday, April 10, 2011


Greetings Loved Ones,

It's a lovely, albeit hot, Spring day in Memphis Tennessee. I thought I would let you in on what's happening here.
Well, last Thursday Robert took Charlotte to dinner at J.Alexanders and then they went to a little park in our neighborhood. It was twilight and the lovely lamp posts had just come on. They took a seat on a bench and held hands. It was a perfect Southern Spring night, just a little breeze and things were just starting to bloom. I'm sure he gathered all his courage and knelt on one knee pulled a box out of his pocket and said, "Charlotte, will you marry me?" She tells me that she grabbed him and said yes before he could even open the box. It was just the two of them, which I have come around to loving. Would I rather have a video? Yes, but this is so sweet and personal and something they will share privately forever. Most importantly she is so very happy. I love him for that.
So now to the business at hand. We went to see The Pink Palace last week as a venue and she fell in love (as did I) It is just lovely and very old fashioned and has been her favorite museum since she was a baby. I can see her and her new husband walking down the grand staircase while being announced as Mr. and Mrs. Robert Riding. There are elements of a museum that are combined with the dancing (like a shrunken head) but that just makes it all the more fun. In order to get this when she wants to get married we have changed it to a Friday instead of a Saturday. I just hope that won't throw people off it being a work day and all. I'm hoping the draw will be the beautiful and unusual surroundings and the bride of course. We went to a reception yesterday and the turn out was very sad. To be fair, it was a second reception for the groom. Please let me explain. Mormons often times have two or three receptions depending on where family is located. LOTS of folks that leave Utah for jobs and such often have a reception where they live and also back in Utah so Grandma and Uncle Earl can come without schlepping halfway across the country. But my girl is homegrown and while her affianced is from Utah he has made his roots here. His Grandparents are coming here. So there will just be one.
We haven't signed the contract yet on the Pink Palace. Dave would like us to complete our trip to Birmingham (UAB) tomorrow and get the 2nd opinion from the specialist first. Just so we can put that behind us. I wasn't nervous at all but as the time approaches I am kind of dreading it. Not so much what the Dr. will say but the trip itself. Usually a trip to B'ham is a pleasant trip but tomorrow will not be. I wish it were a fun shopping trip for wedding things or a trip to visit friends and family instead of what it is. Wish us luck.
We have hired the photographer and yesterday we went and outfitted 6 men in new black suits. They all looked so very handsome (especially MY man) ;) Charlotte's dress came in from Latter Day Bride and is already at the seamstress for alterations. I have my suit, Annie has a possible 3 dresses that she can wear. The only problem is the boys. For some reason they don't make nice suits for boys. What's up with that? I realize that most kids grow too fast to justify purchasing a suit but my boys don't and David wears his every single Sunday. It's very irritating. All of them are cheap polyester and can only be found in the ghetto or Wal-Mart. Arggggg. Oh well, what of that. We have a DJ in mind and have already contacted him as well as a caterer. So things are moving along quite nicely.
If you get this e-mail I hope you know you are very much wanted to attend but we certainly understand the expense of traveling to Memphis. We would love to see everyone that can make it. Dave likes to tease me and say it will be the social event of the season. I don't know about that but I do know I want it to be wonderful for the bride and the groom. Yesterday when we were trying on shoes the groom didn't really like them so we didn't get them. Period. We have time to find a comfortable pair of shoes for goodness sake. My OCD be damned.
Time to sign off and get ready to go to B'ham.
All my love, Tracey

Monday, April 4, 2011

"Nothing's haaappppeennning!."

Greetings loved ones,

My title is a line from "A Little Mermaid". It's what the seagull Scuttle says when he is waiting on the prince to kiss Ariel so she can get her voice back and they can live happily ever after. It's how I've felt for about a month while we wait on the ring to be presented. Charlotte's boyfriend wants the proposal to be perfect and while I love that about him the practical mother who has to plan a reception by July 16 is just about to have a meltdown. It isn't really a secret anymore so I would just like to get on with it. I don't want to rush it because I know this time with her is precious but photographers get booked as to venues (which is a WHOLE other topic)and caterers. I want it all settled so I CAN enjoy what little time I have left with her as well as out of town family and guests. I suppose all the years I have planned events at church was just a training ground for this moment. Make no mistake this is the Olympics of parties. I want it to be magical for her, like a fairytale. All little girls dream of their wedding day, I know I did. While Charlotte is not near as high maintenance as I am I know her and she is excited. When I ask her, "Are you excited baby?" I get that precious grin from when she was 4 or 5 and she says, "YES!" Like when we were about to go see Santa or to the zoo or to Disney. My favorite part is watching them together. It's so romantic and it reminds me of when Dave and I were their age. Can't wait to see him, to kiss him, to plan our lives together. Ah, young love.
We are planning as if it's public news. Dave, Charlotte and I are going to meet the photographer in the morning. I will then go see a couple of venues. We have the cultural hall at church reserved but Dave thinks we should cover all our bases plus I love the package deal. My dream venue would be a lovely site WITH a wonderful caterer. Be still my heart. We could use the gym but it is disgusting and is in terrible need of a paint job and would take 2 days to decorate, something I would rather not do. So the quest is on. Heartwood hall is booked, as is The Esplanade and Hunt Phelan Inn, Le Pavilion isn't but I fear it is too small and The Cadre building has yet to call me back. (That's where I really want to have it) We shall see. Wish us luck. Well it's time to do homework and get dinner ready.
All my love, Tracey