Thursday, February 19, 2009

Daddy Surprised us for Vday!

I will take some pics of the lovely Tiffany's gift that got for me... I've been drooling over it for months now..Thad arrived on friday night and man was he tired! He'd been given like 5 shots and he was really feeling all of them. So he slept in valentines morning while mom and I went shopping. We ate like Kings~ LOL We ate lobster and steak with tons of appetizers~ It was Yummo!
Then on sunday we took a trip up to seattle as u can see we hit up Pikes Market again but this time we ate at the pub! Woooooooooooahhhhh! That place was excellent!! The Fish and chips was to die for. I've eaten alot of fried fish growing up catholic.. Every friday night a good fish fry~ Beer batterd of course! But this place really took the cake. It was fresh and soo good. Mom and I got a taster of the beers . Thad got a big beer and a burger of course~ We had a great lunch and then went onto the choclate place again! THe place where the girls got the choc=covered marshmellows last-time. THis time we got carmel apples and choc covered oreo's . Thad got choc covered cherry's.. It was all very yummy but damn! IT was $16 for the little things we got. Glad we dont do it very often! =) We are saving the Space needle for when Poppy comes to visit! Thad left monday morning.. we are still missing him like crazy. Grammy left yesterday and we miss her too.. Luckily the O'grady's are here visiting to keep us busy for a couple days.

Playing in the snow with Grammy!!! And cocoa came out too~

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Saturday Drive Around~

Grammy , the girls, Cocoa and I packed up in the car with snacks gallore . We set out to see the water.. Which we saw tons a beautiful houses and private waterfront spots..So i put in my GPS Tourist Destionations and found Boston Harbor. So we took a few pitstops along the way..Saw Tons of birds , cows, Geese,Horses, two donkey's, and lots of dogs. When we got to the pier we overheard everyone talking about "bark, Bark" and how he's right off the pier ready for food. I had to see what they were all talking about.. It was a harbor seal!! we fed him and talked to him for at least 30 mins. The girls were just beside themselves. Hawaii has Monk seals but they are always so lazy and just basking in the sun. This harbor seal was very active!! And soo socialable! MOre and More i am so in love with Washington state!! =) Soo good to be home~

The Tooth Fairy Came!!

Kearney is one strong little girl! In hawaii she had two cavities in between her 2 molars on each side..Long story short the dentist in hawaii filled them but damaged the nerve. Here in washington she had her tooth pulled because it was really causeing alot of pain. So she got $5 from the tooth fairy! Kearney never cried or even flinched when they pulled her tooth. THey gave her "happy gas" as her dentist calls it. I asked what she wanted to do with her money save it? She said " no momma, Lets go to the dollar store" ... So we did. She bought some jewelry, paint-able piggy bank, a purse, and notebook . Yesterday i took the girls to see Marley and Me. Awsome movie !! It was sad and the dog dies in the end. I thought it would be a great movie for the girls . Since Mr.herring passed away Both girls have been questioning death alot. This was a great movie to understand the circle of life. We all cried , Grammy , Kearney , Kearney's friend, and well Aubrey didnt ..So most of us did~
Today i am going to pack of the Pilot and head to Tolmie State Park. Its a Park that has a beach . Cocoa is going to join us ! I will take pictures .. I am praying it will be a beautiful day!