Novella1. Tenbrook of Mars—McLaughlin, Dean
2. The Spacetime Pool—Asaro, Catherine
3. Brittney’s Labyrinth—Lovett, Richard A.
Only four novellas were published last year. My favorite was very clear, and also I had no trouble at all deciding which one to drop out of the top three. But the order of second and third was hard to decide as both are good stories, but extremely different ones. Lovett’s story is pretty good hard sf, Asaro’s story is pretty good romantic fantasy with some science fictional trappings - but very interesting trappings which are based on mathematics. I think The Spacetime Pool was written on a bit better style, and there seemed to be a bit of unjustified hatred against it on the forums of Analog, so I gave it the second place :-).
Novellette:Many more candidates, and much harder decision. These are my favorites, which were on final round:
The Man in the Mirror • novelette by Geoffrey A. Landis
The Natural World • novelette by Don D'Ammassa
Amor Vincit Omnia—DeLancy, Craig
The Night of the RFIDs—Lerner, Edward M.
Consequences of the Mutiny—Lambert, Ronald R.
Demand Ecology • novelette by Craig DeLancey
Shotgun Seat • novelette by Paul Carlson
Greenwich Nasty Time • novelette by Carl Frederick
There were a few I almost hated, but probably it is best not to mention them.
Choosing the best three wasn’t easy. This is an order mainly based on a feeling:
1. Greenwich Nasty Time • novelette by Carl Frederick
2. Amor Vincit Omnia—DeLancy, Craig
3. The Night of the RFIDs—Lerner, Edward M.
Short stories:Also hard category to decide.
A New Generation • shortstory by Jerry Oltion
Low Life • shortstory by Mia Molvray
A Deadly Intent • shortstory by Richard A. Lovett and Mark Niemann-Ross
The Anthropic Precipice—Oltion, Jerry
The Fourth Thing • shortstory by Stephen L. Burns
Invasion of the Pattern Snatchers • shortstory by David W. Goldman
Starship Down By Tracy Canfield
And my votes go to:
1. Invasion of the Pattern Snatchers • shortstory by David W. Goldman
2. The Fourth Thing • shortstory by Stephen L. Burns
3. A New Generation • shortstory by Jerry Oltion
Cover: 1.September
I have voting rights for Hugo-nominations, and these are Analog stories which will get a nominating vote from me:
1. Tenbrook of Mars—McLaughlin, Dean
2. The Spacetime Pool—Asaro, Catherine
Greenwich Nasty Time • novelette by Carl Frederick
Amor Vincit Omnia—DeLancy, Craig
Short story
The Fourth Thing • shortstory by Stephen L. Burns
Invasion of the Pattern Snatchers • shortstory by David W. Goldman
And in Novel category:
Tracking By David Palmer, of course.