Monday, February 20, 2012
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Savage Tides of Kalamar - Session 13 - "Who's going to clean up this mess?"
Biirthday and Valentine's Day and Kid Stuff have cut into my time recently so here's another blast from the past...
October 25, 2008
Dorian Windseeker, High Elf Ranger/Rogue
Katan, Half-Hobgoblin Paladin
Arianne, Grey Elf Cleric of The Lantern
Quillathe, Grey Elf Paladin of The Lantern (deceased) Liamae, Human Sorceress
Tylock, Human Fighter
Michella, Human Wizard
Solveliss, High Elf Sorcerer
(Party levelled up, most are 4th now)
Our Heroes begin in the basement of the Vanderboren mansion, catching their breath after a hard fight. Searching the area they discover that Liamae, the prisoner, had not managed to kill herself but was instead attempting to fake her own death and had succeeded a little too well, putting herlself into unconsciousness. The party revivied her, Tylock, and Arianne with some spells and healing potions, but nothing could be done for Quillathe. After a few moments of silence, they headed upstairs, leaving the body of their companion behind.
Moving quickly, the warriors moved up to he ground floor, then up additional flights of stairs. Encountering no one, they continued a rapid search of the house.
On the 3rd floor, the group discovered what appeared to be Lavinia’s room, where a fight had taken place, as indicated by the dead bullyug still in the room. Next door they discovered an undisturbed room they suspected might belong to Vanthus. Finally, investigating the last room, they heard noises inside. Readying weapons, Dorian kicked in the door.
Inside was a disturbing scene – Lavinia, the housekeeper halfling, and 2 more members of the “A-team” were tied to chairs in the middle of the room. All of them appeared unconscious and at least one them was injured. A large, heavily muscled and tatooed half-orc was rolling off the large bed in one corner, scimitar at the ready. A huge, bloated frog-man was seated in a chair opposite the door and was already casting a spell of some kind.
Dorian moved to free the hostages, Katan charged the frog-man while the wizards began shooting at the same target. Katan was briefly double-teamed by the half-orc and the frog priest, while a Fiendish Wolverine materialized among the group at the entrance and scattered the magic-users.
Dorian discovered that the housekeeper was dead, throat cut. he moved to free Lavinia who appeared to be awake but pulled back when he realized her chair was trapped. The Half-Orc pulled out of the fight with Katan and ordered the group to hold as he held his blade to Lavinia’s throat.
Aggressive negotiations ensued when the party tried to convince Drevoraz that His captain, Harliss Javell, had sent the party to stop him. Eventually he was convinced and made a deal with the party – let him leave unharmed and the group could do what they wanted. The Bullywug shaman in the room lost it at this point and began attacking the party. Drevoraz held out of this fight while the band quickly dispatched the crazed frog-man. After this, the half orc left to find his captain and the party began freeing hostages.
Lavinia was alive and mostly unhurt, though she was now clearly done with her brother, Vanthus. She thanked the party for rescuing her, put them on a bigger retainer, then asked for some time to consider her options as she was planning to have them hunt down her brother for justice and not a little revenge.
During this aftermath, the group took the opportunity to recover and refit. Wounds were healed, diseases were cured, salvaged equipment was sold and new equipment was purchased. Some special items were even comissioned.
In the middle of these operations, a message arrived from Brother Egil in Freeport. He requested the party’s aid in solving another problem, as it appeared the evil they encountered previously had returned and was plaging his temple and the city once again. Our heroes finished outfitting and hopped aboard a ship to Freeport on Pelsday, the 2nd of Sowing, Year of the King 1044, almost a month after thay had left that city. Trading stories with the crew along the way, they were unaware of the danger they were about to face…
October 25, 2008
Dorian Windseeker, High Elf Ranger/Rogue
Katan, Half-Hobgoblin Paladin
Arianne, Grey Elf Cleric of The Lantern
Quillathe, Grey Elf Paladin of The Lantern (deceased) Liamae, Human Sorceress
Tylock, Human Fighter
Michella, Human Wizard
Solveliss, High Elf Sorcerer
(Party levelled up, most are 4th now)
Our Heroes begin in the basement of the Vanderboren mansion, catching their breath after a hard fight. Searching the area they discover that Liamae, the prisoner, had not managed to kill herself but was instead attempting to fake her own death and had succeeded a little too well, putting herlself into unconsciousness. The party revivied her, Tylock, and Arianne with some spells and healing potions, but nothing could be done for Quillathe. After a few moments of silence, they headed upstairs, leaving the body of their companion behind.
Moving quickly, the warriors moved up to he ground floor, then up additional flights of stairs. Encountering no one, they continued a rapid search of the house.
On the 3rd floor, the group discovered what appeared to be Lavinia’s room, where a fight had taken place, as indicated by the dead bullyug still in the room. Next door they discovered an undisturbed room they suspected might belong to Vanthus. Finally, investigating the last room, they heard noises inside. Readying weapons, Dorian kicked in the door.
Inside was a disturbing scene – Lavinia, the housekeeper halfling, and 2 more members of the “A-team” were tied to chairs in the middle of the room. All of them appeared unconscious and at least one them was injured. A large, heavily muscled and tatooed half-orc was rolling off the large bed in one corner, scimitar at the ready. A huge, bloated frog-man was seated in a chair opposite the door and was already casting a spell of some kind.
Dorian moved to free the hostages, Katan charged the frog-man while the wizards began shooting at the same target. Katan was briefly double-teamed by the half-orc and the frog priest, while a Fiendish Wolverine materialized among the group at the entrance and scattered the magic-users.
Dorian discovered that the housekeeper was dead, throat cut. he moved to free Lavinia who appeared to be awake but pulled back when he realized her chair was trapped. The Half-Orc pulled out of the fight with Katan and ordered the group to hold as he held his blade to Lavinia’s throat.
Aggressive negotiations ensued when the party tried to convince Drevoraz that His captain, Harliss Javell, had sent the party to stop him. Eventually he was convinced and made a deal with the party – let him leave unharmed and the group could do what they wanted. The Bullywug shaman in the room lost it at this point and began attacking the party. Drevoraz held out of this fight while the band quickly dispatched the crazed frog-man. After this, the half orc left to find his captain and the party began freeing hostages.
Lavinia was alive and mostly unhurt, though she was now clearly done with her brother, Vanthus. She thanked the party for rescuing her, put them on a bigger retainer, then asked for some time to consider her options as she was planning to have them hunt down her brother for justice and not a little revenge.
During this aftermath, the group took the opportunity to recover and refit. Wounds were healed, diseases were cured, salvaged equipment was sold and new equipment was purchased. Some special items were even comissioned.
In the middle of these operations, a message arrived from Brother Egil in Freeport. He requested the party’s aid in solving another problem, as it appeared the evil they encountered previously had returned and was plaging his temple and the city once again. Our heroes finished outfitting and hopped aboard a ship to Freeport on Pelsday, the 2nd of Sowing, Year of the King 1044, almost a month after thay had left that city. Trading stories with the crew along the way, they were unaware of the danger they were about to face…
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Dawn of Defiance - Session 2
In a small retcon it was determined that Jed Striker and Ril Stendar had taken off earlier to scout out the storage bay where Maya's package was located. This was because one of my players was out and another one changed characters. Emerging from the shadows at the back of the cargo bay was one Dith, trandoshan soldier, who had been asking Switch about job opportunities when the party entered.
Noticing the stranger and with Switch vouching for him (though he didn't know the lizard at all) the party decided that some extra muscle couldn't hurt and invied him along. About this time the distinctive sound of gamorrean guards being gunned down blasted through the bay and a posse of low-life thugs walked in. Behind the thugs was one Ganga Lor.
A rival "crime lord" to Switch, he had picked this particular time for a showdown with the crimedroid and it took only a few words for the blaster bolts to start flying and for the less-armored and less brave to start diving for cover.
The trandoshan and the Jedi of course pull melee weapons and wade into the fight while the rest of the team provides supporting fire from behind crates and cargo pallets. Dusan's saber works the expected magic and cutting foes down to size while Dith's vibroaxe ups the game to an "R" rating as he performs even more violent size alterations without the neatness of instant cauterization. While this carnage is going on Talor gets a chance to use a grenade on one cluster of goons and discovers they too are quite effective and probably rated R as well.
In short order the fight is over. Most of the party is fine except for Ardana who sports a nasty blaster burn and might possible have passed out during the fight when it happend. On the bright side, everyone knows how force points work now.
Switch thanks the group, rewards them with credits and some additional information, and curses his own clearly-bought-off guards. Emboldened by their success the heroes head out to secure Maya's cargo from Blue Deck.
There's a nice combination of recon, tactical thinking, and roleplaying at this point as you might expect. Knowledge, persuasion, stealth, gather info, and the twi'lek's non-force based mind control powers ...
...are focused on the main corridor outside the docking bay, one snivelling weasel of an informant, and a small group of docking bay cargo handlers, chased out of the bay by a squad of stormtroopers. Among the information, rumors, and comm numbers collected is the location of a small side entrance to the bay used by the regular workers.
All goes well at first as the group pokes around, carefully noting the location of the stormtroopers and sneaking in behind various pieces of cover near the door. Then someone blows a stealth check - badly - and the fight is on.
The Jedi cuts down one trooper then leaps over to the glorified hover-forklift being used to pull the cargo pod out of a rack and slices the trooper driving it in half. The imperial officer in charge tries to form some kind of organized response but he is gunned down as soon as he shows his face to the waiting Talor. Ardana takes another nasty shot and the trandoshian vibro-axes another hapless stormtrooper before the fight is over.
Inspecting the package it is revealed to be a human frozen in carbonite ... hum, who would have seen that coming. Thinking swiftly the team locks out the doors at the computer console and frantically radios Maya with an update. She tells them to wait and the heroes are greeted with the sight of a Baudo-class star yacht sliding into the bay. The ramp drops and a human woman shouts "let's get that on board and get out of here" so they do and then they do. It's Sirona Okeefee, captain of the Banshee, and she and her pilot droid Crash are the ride today, departing for Alderaan RIGHT NOW! They jump to light speed and ... end scene.
Landing uneventfully on Alderaan they unload their cargo and then end up meeting with Senator Bail Organa who thanks them, asks them for a favor, and gives them some money and a vaguely-defined expense account. Freely spending the Senator's credits, the team prepares for a simple extraction from an imperial prison facility - next stop Felucia!
DM Notes: this was a good session with some player and character shuffling, both wrapping up part 1 of the adventure and setting the stage for part 2 and the rest of the campaign. Combat is fairly deadly to low level - low Dex - low Con - low Reflex & hit point characters. Fortunately they do get 5 force points each.
Also: Half of the names in this adventure are fine, but the other half are terrible, just terrible, not Star-Warsian at all. So I'm going to have fun with them. More on that later.
Noticing the stranger and with Switch vouching for him (though he didn't know the lizard at all) the party decided that some extra muscle couldn't hurt and invied him along. About this time the distinctive sound of gamorrean guards being gunned down blasted through the bay and a posse of low-life thugs walked in. Behind the thugs was one Ganga Lor.
A rival "crime lord" to Switch, he had picked this particular time for a showdown with the crimedroid and it took only a few words for the blaster bolts to start flying and for the less-armored and less brave to start diving for cover.
The trandoshan and the Jedi of course pull melee weapons and wade into the fight while the rest of the team provides supporting fire from behind crates and cargo pallets. Dusan's saber works the expected magic and cutting foes down to size while Dith's vibroaxe ups the game to an "R" rating as he performs even more violent size alterations without the neatness of instant cauterization. While this carnage is going on Talor gets a chance to use a grenade on one cluster of goons and discovers they too are quite effective and probably rated R as well.
In short order the fight is over. Most of the party is fine except for Ardana who sports a nasty blaster burn and might possible have passed out during the fight when it happend. On the bright side, everyone knows how force points work now.
Switch thanks the group, rewards them with credits and some additional information, and curses his own clearly-bought-off guards. Emboldened by their success the heroes head out to secure Maya's cargo from Blue Deck.
There's a nice combination of recon, tactical thinking, and roleplaying at this point as you might expect. Knowledge, persuasion, stealth, gather info, and the twi'lek's non-force based mind control powers ...
![]() |
It would probably work on me too |
All goes well at first as the group pokes around, carefully noting the location of the stormtroopers and sneaking in behind various pieces of cover near the door. Then someone blows a stealth check - badly - and the fight is on.
The Jedi cuts down one trooper then leaps over to the glorified hover-forklift being used to pull the cargo pod out of a rack and slices the trooper driving it in half. The imperial officer in charge tries to form some kind of organized response but he is gunned down as soon as he shows his face to the waiting Talor. Ardana takes another nasty shot and the trandoshian vibro-axes another hapless stormtrooper before the fight is over.
Inspecting the package it is revealed to be a human frozen in carbonite ... hum, who would have seen that coming. Thinking swiftly the team locks out the doors at the computer console and frantically radios Maya with an update. She tells them to wait and the heroes are greeted with the sight of a Baudo-class star yacht sliding into the bay. The ramp drops and a human woman shouts "let's get that on board and get out of here" so they do and then they do. It's Sirona Okeefee, captain of the Banshee, and she and her pilot droid Crash are the ride today, departing for Alderaan RIGHT NOW! They jump to light speed and ... end scene.
Landing uneventfully on Alderaan they unload their cargo and then end up meeting with Senator Bail Organa who thanks them, asks them for a favor, and gives them some money and a vaguely-defined expense account. Freely spending the Senator's credits, the team prepares for a simple extraction from an imperial prison facility - next stop Felucia!
DM Notes: this was a good session with some player and character shuffling, both wrapping up part 1 of the adventure and setting the stage for part 2 and the rest of the campaign. Combat is fairly deadly to low level - low Dex - low Con - low Reflex & hit point characters. Fortunately they do get 5 force points each.
Also: Half of the names in this adventure are fine, but the other half are terrible, just terrible, not Star-Warsian at all. So I'm going to have fun with them. More on that later.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Friday, February 10, 2012
Overreaction Friday
Look, there's more news about D&D Next so it must be time for Overreaction Friday! Let's get going:
Item 1:
"On the other hand, the Forgotten Realms setting
is a place where thousands of stories and adventures
can play out. True, the Realms has seen its share of
world-shaking events, and there are linchpin characters
the likes of Drizzt Do’Urden and Elminster,
but for whatever reason, none of that impinges on my
ability as a DM to conjure up new adventure ideas set
in the Realms. Furthermore, FR players rarely feel
as though their characters live in the shadows of legends.
The Realms always seems to make room for the
next great story, the next great hero, no matter how
many articles and novels and game supplements we
Mmm-hmmm. Good luck convincing the enraged FR fans after the mess that was "hey we jumped the timeline ahead 80 years and changed up the map and the races and threw in a worldwide disaster called the Spellplague". I'm OK with it personally - I think a clean break and a fresh start was a fine move - but I suspect my opinion is the minority. A lot of the comments on the article seem to support this. The good thing is that the Realms look to be the default setting for Next so it should get a lot of attention. Thank goodness, we might not have enough data on the Faerun just yet.
Item 2:
"It would be wrong to say that there is no inherent D&D style that carries across the nearly forty-year lifespan of the game. What you really end up with, in this approach, is a game that ends up looking—not coincidentally—like original D&D. Not entirely, of course, and not precisely, but close. It's a game that captures the feel of OD&D."
I'm a pretty big Monte Cook fan but who cares about this? I'm going to guess that 90% of current D&D players have never played OD&D and aren't interested in doing so. D&D has not been a simple game since at least 1999 (and many would pick a date prior to that) so going for that style of play doesn't seem like a great idea to me. When the majority of your current fans (and Pathfinder players) like a crunchy rules system, wouldn't you target them first? I suppose if enouh of the "modules" for the modular approach are available at launch then this might still work, but upon reading this it seems like a radical change from the 3E/Patchfinder take on things, as much so as 4E was, just in a different direction. How much business are they thinking they will get from lapsed players from the 80's and the OSR? No one was pining for OD&D in the 80's or 90's - I'm not sure anyone really is now.
Again, I'll say I'm interested in how this grand unified theory of D&D turns out, but the goal of pleasing fans of every edition seems extremely difficult to me. It should be interesting. In the meantime I'll keep running and playing various editions and when the new one emerges maybe we will add it to the rotation.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Savage Tides of Kalamar - Session 12: Frogs in the House
Since I'm having trrouble getting my session reports together this week, here's one from a few years ago
October 04, 2008 00:00
Dorian Windseeker, High Elf Ranger/Rogue
Katan, Half-Hobgoblin Paladin
Arianne, Grey Elf Cleric of The Lantern
Quillathe, Grey Elf Paladin of The Lantern
Tylock Human Fighter
Michella Human Wizard
Our heroes begin in a sea cave in Kraken’s Cove discussing the situation with Harliss Javell, one of the few remaining survivors of a pirate band that was affected by some terrible disease. Having come to her aid, the party has gained her trust and she informs them that her first mate Dravoraz has gone to Sasserine. He is seeking revenge on the family of Vanthus Vanderboren for causing the trouble that nearly wiped them out. She quickly writes a note to Dravoraz that asks him to stop attacking the Vanderborens and rendezvous with her at another location. Harliss mentions she intends to commandeer the only unburned ship in the cove and try to contact other member of the Crimson Fleet. After farewells are exchanged, the party heads for their boat.
Dorian stops off to investigate an unexplored side passage and discovers a few items in what looks like the (now-dead) leader’s room, including a very nice hat.
The party returns to Sasserine hours later with Dorian and Tylock still suffering from their infected bites. The city is in the midst of a major celebration, the Wormfall Festival. The streets are jammed with revelers, complicating travel immensely. A brush with a drunken gnome was swiftly avoided, a runaway parade wagon was dispatched, and things were going well until a group of stilt-walking entertainers turned out to be thugs bent on harming the party for unknown reasons. A short bloody combat began in the streets that sent the crowd fleeing in all directions. The heroes came through in good shape and found that their fight had cleared the way to the Vanderboren estate.
Entering the grounds nothing seemed amiss so the party dispensed with any attempts at stealth. The group ran straight up to the front door, kicked it in, and confronted a trio of frog-like humanoids, clearly warriors, who were occupying the entryway. Battle ensued. Making short work of the creatues (later determined to be “Bullywugs”) the team spread out on the first two floors of the mansion. Lavinia’s office was found to be unoccupied but a trophy room had another threesome of the frog-men who seemed interested in a giant stuffed frog. Another pair were found in an upstairs laundry. There were few clues and little seeming activity in the house until half of the group ventured downstairs to the basement…
At the bottom of the stairs, Quillathe, Dorian, and Tylock saw a human woman wearing a sheet with silverware stuck through it being forced to dance and dodge while a strange-looking creature attempted to bite her. Farther back in the room were 3 more of the frog-men and a hulking frog-man wearing a crown who was clearly in charge. He noticed the intruders, raised his greatclub, shouted “Chunkus – get ‘em”, and a vicious fight erupted in the corner of the basement.
Dorian and Quillathe moved to engage while Tylock went for help. Quillathe went in first and distracted Chunkus long enough for the wounded human to escape through another door. Unfortunately she was the first to find out that Chunkus was a Rust Monster, the party’s first encounter with that type of beast, and he was soon happily munching away on the remains of her armor. She attempted to manuver around behind the hostiles while Dorian took them on from the front two-weapon style, dropping several of the frog king’s bodyguards, and he eventually changed over to paired wooden clubs to deal with the rust-beast.
The other half of the adventuring band soon joined the melee. Michella the wizard had some tough decisions to makeon how to intervene as she was the first one down the stairs. She quickly moved aside and let the heavy hitters step into the fray. Tylock and Katan moved in to help surround Chunkus and the king as Arianne took position at the foot of the stairs and Michella gave supporting missile fire. Chunkus was finally slain after dissolving Tylock’s and Quillathe’s armor. Quillathe was in trouble after losing her armor and was crushed by a mighty swing from the Bullywug King’s greatclub. Not long after, Arianne also met a gruesome fate as she was slammed into the wall by the massive weapon. The rest of the party, enraged, then rallied and slew the frog-man lord with series of brutal hits.
Pausing to survey the scene, the discovered that the human prisoner had committed suicide after locking herself in a closet. Apparently the sounds of carnage were too much for her after the ordeal she had suffered. Katan vaguely remembered seeing her before, possibly a memeber of the “A-team” that was also working for Lavinia.
The troop had defeated the Bullywug King but they had suffered a terrible cost. Quillathe was dead while Arianne and Tylock were both unconscious and bleeding out.
October 04, 2008 00:00
Dorian Windseeker, High Elf Ranger/Rogue
Katan, Half-Hobgoblin Paladin
Arianne, Grey Elf Cleric of The Lantern
Quillathe, Grey Elf Paladin of The Lantern
Tylock Human Fighter
Michella Human Wizard
Our heroes begin in a sea cave in Kraken’s Cove discussing the situation with Harliss Javell, one of the few remaining survivors of a pirate band that was affected by some terrible disease. Having come to her aid, the party has gained her trust and she informs them that her first mate Dravoraz has gone to Sasserine. He is seeking revenge on the family of Vanthus Vanderboren for causing the trouble that nearly wiped them out. She quickly writes a note to Dravoraz that asks him to stop attacking the Vanderborens and rendezvous with her at another location. Harliss mentions she intends to commandeer the only unburned ship in the cove and try to contact other member of the Crimson Fleet. After farewells are exchanged, the party heads for their boat.
Dorian stops off to investigate an unexplored side passage and discovers a few items in what looks like the (now-dead) leader’s room, including a very nice hat.
The party returns to Sasserine hours later with Dorian and Tylock still suffering from their infected bites. The city is in the midst of a major celebration, the Wormfall Festival. The streets are jammed with revelers, complicating travel immensely. A brush with a drunken gnome was swiftly avoided, a runaway parade wagon was dispatched, and things were going well until a group of stilt-walking entertainers turned out to be thugs bent on harming the party for unknown reasons. A short bloody combat began in the streets that sent the crowd fleeing in all directions. The heroes came through in good shape and found that their fight had cleared the way to the Vanderboren estate.
Entering the grounds nothing seemed amiss so the party dispensed with any attempts at stealth. The group ran straight up to the front door, kicked it in, and confronted a trio of frog-like humanoids, clearly warriors, who were occupying the entryway. Battle ensued. Making short work of the creatues (later determined to be “Bullywugs”) the team spread out on the first two floors of the mansion. Lavinia’s office was found to be unoccupied but a trophy room had another threesome of the frog-men who seemed interested in a giant stuffed frog. Another pair were found in an upstairs laundry. There were few clues and little seeming activity in the house until half of the group ventured downstairs to the basement…
At the bottom of the stairs, Quillathe, Dorian, and Tylock saw a human woman wearing a sheet with silverware stuck through it being forced to dance and dodge while a strange-looking creature attempted to bite her. Farther back in the room were 3 more of the frog-men and a hulking frog-man wearing a crown who was clearly in charge. He noticed the intruders, raised his greatclub, shouted “Chunkus – get ‘em”, and a vicious fight erupted in the corner of the basement.
Dorian and Quillathe moved to engage while Tylock went for help. Quillathe went in first and distracted Chunkus long enough for the wounded human to escape through another door. Unfortunately she was the first to find out that Chunkus was a Rust Monster, the party’s first encounter with that type of beast, and he was soon happily munching away on the remains of her armor. She attempted to manuver around behind the hostiles while Dorian took them on from the front two-weapon style, dropping several of the frog king’s bodyguards, and he eventually changed over to paired wooden clubs to deal with the rust-beast.
The other half of the adventuring band soon joined the melee. Michella the wizard had some tough decisions to makeon how to intervene as she was the first one down the stairs. She quickly moved aside and let the heavy hitters step into the fray. Tylock and Katan moved in to help surround Chunkus and the king as Arianne took position at the foot of the stairs and Michella gave supporting missile fire. Chunkus was finally slain after dissolving Tylock’s and Quillathe’s armor. Quillathe was in trouble after losing her armor and was crushed by a mighty swing from the Bullywug King’s greatclub. Not long after, Arianne also met a gruesome fate as she was slammed into the wall by the massive weapon. The rest of the party, enraged, then rallied and slew the frog-man lord with series of brutal hits.
Pausing to survey the scene, the discovered that the human prisoner had committed suicide after locking herself in a closet. Apparently the sounds of carnage were too much for her after the ordeal she had suffered. Katan vaguely remembered seeing her before, possibly a memeber of the “A-team” that was also working for Lavinia.
The troop had defeated the Bullywug King but they had suffered a terrible cost. Quillathe was dead while Arianne and Tylock were both unconscious and bleeding out.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Kinda took today off ...
... and it is Star Wars week here as we lead up to the super-awesome re-release of Episode I in 3D, so here's my entry for today...
Monday, February 6, 2012
Not a Bad Weekend
Saturday night was some birthday stuff followed by a bad decision on my part to introduce the apprentices to 3rd Edition. After 3 hours of working on characters they were finally ready and my tolerance was shot. I like Basic/Expert D&D for speed of play, and I like 4th Edition now for the richness of play, and I'm not sure I have much left for 3E, at least not when it comes to teaching character generation to 3 kids at once. Since we do have the characters I may give an actual adventure a whirl but sheesh, that was a beating.
The one good thing that came out of it was that I spent some time digging through my pile of Scarred Lands material and discovered my old notes and hexmaps and just all of those paper documents you accrue in a long campaign. It really brought back how much I put into that one and it also reminded me how much that world is worth the effort. It didn; make me want to break out 3E all that bad though.
So Sunday we played another session of the Temple of Elemental Evil 4E campaign. I'll have a write-up later but it went well. They're close to finishing up the Moathouse now so soon we'll be able to move on to Nulb and then finally the Temple itself.
Then I watched the Super Bowl - not a bad weekend. More on the specifics of some of this stuff later in the week.
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