Friday, May 30, 2014

Thanks Universe

Well, it turns out that the Universe was indeed reading yesterday and decided to throw me some distractions in the form of sales. Early in the day I sold a pair of ankle corsets and late in the evening I sold a necklace that needs to be custom made. So I just wanted to start today's post out with a thanks to the Universe for it's help. those two events and after the family morning at the school event, I did get my newest bracelet and barefoot sandals ready to list. I did only manage to get the sandals in the shop though. I suppose that means I have something fresh to list today as well.

So today, I have a custom piece to work on, a pair of ankle corsets to get remade, a bracelet to list in the shop and following all of that I have a pendant to make and list from the new motif and a few other ideas to work out with it as well. I think that should keep me pretty busy over the weekend and ensure that I have at least one new photo to show you on Monday. I'm still up for more distractions in the form of sales though, as always.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Motif Grows

For once I can say that I was pretty busy tatting yesterday. No, I didn't get any orders in, I just actually worked on the new motif pieces like I said I would. I started with the bracelet as I was fairly sure I already knew how I was going to do that one. I figured I'd just link up three motifs and add some hooks to one side. Well, that's mostly what I did, but then the three circles stood out in such as way that they most assuredly would curl up on the wearer all the time. We can't have that. So I went and added an outside edging on each side to stabilize the piece. It's not yet pressed in the picture, but I'm happy with how it came out.

Rather than get that piece ready for the shop I went straight to the next piece. A pair of barefoot sandals. This one took a little more brain power to work out. The original motif needed another round to be a good size and I managed to do the outer rows with split chains. I really do need to practice those some more. It was finished up with various sizes of the motif. I got the first one done in time to share it, but it took most of the rest of the day to get its twin made up.

I have another busy family day, with an 'end of year' ceremony for the kids in the early afternoon, but I'm hoping to get some time to get these pieces up in the shop. I'm also going to list the single motif as a pendant and there's also a chance for a slave bracelet or maybe even a necklace. It all depends on how the pieces decide to work, but I do so love to beat a theme to death before I let it go. I would also love to be distracted by a sale or two, you know just in case the Universe is reading this right now.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Small Ideas

I feel like a broken record stating that yesterday was another busy one, just not for tatting. I really didn't stop moving until well after lunch. There were all sorts of errands and laundry and well, just tasks coming out my ears.

Once I did sit down for a while, I nearly fell asleep. This is a big deal because I simply do not nap. I can't seem to do it at all, with the exception of a long car ride, day sleep is nearly impossible. Anyway, after resting for a spell, I did pull out the lace. I was trying to come up with a 'big' idea, but nothing was gelling, so I scaled it down to a small idea.

Really, I just started tatting with a loose idea in my head and this is what formed. It's got some woven chains and I even pulled out a split chain right before the outer row. I seems the perfect size to make a cuff bracelet with. I'll just add two more motives to the sides and it should be just the right size. When I posted it on the Facebook, it was suggested that it could also be a pendant or the beginning of a pair of barefoot sandals.

Since I have no extra tasks lined up for today, I suppose we're going to find out if all that is true. I'll just try as many ideas as I have time for and see what sticks. If nothing else, at least they'll be something to look at on the blog tomorrow. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Almost Over

Well, it was another long day, but not a particularly busy one. We went out to see the new X-Men movie early, which we quite enjoyed. Then it was off to buy a hat. I know, odd right? I felt the need to own one for sun protection purposes, but I need a black one that wasn't a giant floppy sun hat which is harder to find than expected. The adventure ended with a hat surprisingly much like I imagined and for $2 on clearance. It was a good shopping trip.

Then it was home for the rest of the afternoon, save for a walk in the evening. Of course all I managed to get finished tatting wise, was a cat ear headband. Well I did also paint a handful of headbands black to get them ready for ears as well. That was it though. I did little else with my day.

The rest of the week is going to be just about chaos though. Today we have a doctor's appointment followed by some errands with also getting schooling done. While I think Wednesday is pretty clear of extraneous activities, Thursday is the end of year ceremony in the afternoon even though schooling is not over until next Wednesday. So really this week and next will be full of 'wrapping up' nonsense and tests for the kids and it's all just a giant stress out for me. Right now, I'm just taking some nice deep breaths to get ready to go with the flow and hoping for some tatting tasks to head my way to keep me working and grounded. I can do this.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Weekend Recap back to Monday. Well, it certainly was a busy, busy weekend. While I did manage to remake a couple of things on Friday, that was pretty much the end of my tatting adventure for the weekend. These keys were the last thing I managed to create. It was yet another,' oops, now how did I do that again?' tatting day. I even toyed with the idea of writing out the pattern once I had gotten one done, but talked myself out of it, as I often do.

Saturday was all birthday adventuring for my now decade old daughter. There was the zoo, then the toy store, and it was all capped off by a lovely Indian dinner and ice cream. I don't think I had time to think, let alone tat anything.

Sunday was worse because it was seemingly all cleaning. I cleaned up before the party, then decorated. Of course then the chaos of eight cousins, and the rest of the family ripped through the house. That was followed by more cleaning and then collapsing on the couch for the last few hours of the day doing absolutely nothing.

Since today is a holiday, everyone is home for the day. We've got a movie outing planned and then it's relaxing and maybe tatting for me. Well, at least that's my plan. You never know how the day is going to go when the rest of the family is free from work and school. I only have one piece left in my queue to remake, so personally I'm hoping some of that Memorial day shopping spirit spills over into my shop. Here's to it then.